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Have You Filed Your Global Taxes, Yet?

tidemantideman Member Posts: 1,099 ✭✭✭✭
edited March 2002 in General Discussion
So, You don't believe we are headed towards a "New World Order"? Read the following: One government, one ruler, one law, one society. It scares the hell out of me!
"Don't shoot to stop 'em, Shoot to Destroy 'em!"


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    LowriderLowrider Member Posts: 6,587
    edited November -1
    "Tobin Tax??" "Named after the Yale professor who proposed it???"We gotta do something about the U.N.! Also gotta do something about all these communist professors at all the liberal colleges and universities.
    Lord Lowrider the LoquaciousMember:Secret Select Society of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets She was only a fisherman's daughter,But when she saw my rod she reeled.
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    steve45steve45 Member Posts: 2,940 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Once again we come up with the one world government nonsense. Ive never seen anybody spouting this crap that didnt get it from some ultra right wing bu___hit factory. But if by some twist of fate it is true you should be thrilled. It will be something like this that will turn me from a law abiding taxpayer into an active protester. I would go to prison before Id pay a nickel to support this.
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    S&W ManS&W Man Member Posts: 208 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Seve45 - you need to pay more attention to the news. The last three presidents we have had have all commented on the "One World Government" or "New World Oder", whichever you want to call it. There has also been guite a lot in the press lately about the proposed "UN" tax. This has also been published about in UN litature for the past 15 years. Thank God our current president has voiced negative comments about this proposed tax, Clinton was for it. Many of our legislators have also come out against such an idea lately. But, mark my words, there is an effort for it in the liberal community.
    The second admendment GUARANTEES the other nine and the Constitution!
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    steve45steve45 Member Posts: 2,940 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I read the Phoenix paper and watch the evening news and have never seen it. When ever it comes up on this forum it is from some right-wing rag with no more credibility than the Star or Enquirer. If anybody sees this in a legit magazine or newspaper and could get me a date or issue number so I could read it I would appreciate it. Ill also admit Im wrong. It goes completly against the grain of why a politican covets his office (ego, power, money) And most of the people who elected him would be against it also. A nice new fat level of bureaucracy to pay. What is the supposed advantage? It makes no sense from any angle.
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