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Movie review

Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
My wife and I saw Lincoln Lawyer today. Both of us give it two thumbs up.


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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    went and saw "Children of Men" tonite. Much hyped and positively reviewed, the movie was a let-down to say the least. Good premise and promising story line (all of humanity is unable to conceive and have children anymore) the capable acting of Clive Owen and Michael Caine and cast was vastly overshadowed by the blatant political overtones and anti-Bush/America "subtext."

    First of all, the setting is a near apocalyptic near future London where the big concern of all involved is the control of "illegal immigration" and the "fugees" (a contraction of refugee.) Illegal immigrants are rounded up en masse and sent to prison camps that look stunningly like the Nazi concentration camps. Against this backdrop there is a terrorist group (that doesn't bomb anymore after the Liverpool incident but the govt. still plants bombs and blames it on them to create fear and hatred amongst the populace) that goes by the name "Fishes." Who the hell knows what this means or where they got it, but these courageous revolutionaries fight for "the dignity of all immigrants in Britian" or some such nonsense.

    The department in charge of controlling and arresting the fugee population and illegal immigrants is called. . . wait for it. . . HOMELAND SECURITY. How original!!! Portrayed as heartless and automaton like soldiers (complete with fatigues, helmets, battle vehicles and assault rifles) they routinely bully and brutalize the fugee population in the prison camps and serve as convenient villians. They set up check points and ask for your passports (papers) and keep the population in control and under thumb. Throughout the movie are littered Big Brother-esque posters and govt. propaganda ads warning of the dangers of feeding, clothing, employing and aiding illegals. Timely social commentary!!!

    Michael Caine's character is loveable and gentle. He is married to a former journalist who is either crazy or catatonic or both (we are never told why, of course.) Like I said, she was a photojournalist and early on we are treated to a long lingering camera sweep of a montage of her work; surprise, surprise, she was press in Iraq during the war there and among the highlights of the visuals are "don't attack Iraq," and "Out of Iraq Now" stickers. Lastly is the headline "MI5 DENIES HAVING ROLE IN TORTURING PHOTO JOURNALIST." Subtle.

    Another character talks of her parents "being in New York when it happened." The "it" they are referring to is conveniently left unexplained, but I wonder if they could possibly be referring to 9/11? Of course not. Impossible.

    All in all, this movie was not worth it. Don't go see it. Thumbs down.
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    Airman First Class Catpealer's movie review.

    Davinchi code: Crap, read the book, much better. Its like they gave everyone in the movie a copie and that's what they were reading thier lines form. Again, Crap.

    Alone in the Dark: WHo knew Christian Slater was in this one? Hoping it was based on the video game (I remember it, do you?) It wasn't. Crap again.

    Land of the Dead: Zombie flick. I was prity much drunk for this one, but I' sure it was crap. Didn't watch most of it, and I didn't miss anything. I give it three craps up (I don't know, just go with it).
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    Up. Went and watched it with the family tonight. Entertaining, sad and funny at times. Good movie that everyone can enjoy imho. Probably not going to be a popular movie for the majority of you, but if you have a family it will be a good time.
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    Well Bev was in town picking up her stuff this weekend. Decided to go out for a farewell evening on the town. I had given her a gift cert for a local theatre at one point and we decided to put it to use instead of wasting it.

    Do you like James Bond?, Old comic book super heros? Green Hornet? Buck Rogers?

    If you answered yes to any of the above, you need to go see Sky Captain. Think P-40 airplane tricked out as well as any of Bonds Aston Martins. With this movie Hollywood has rediscovered that you don't need gratuitous sex to have romance, You don't need blood and gore violence in every scene to have a struggle of good and evil. And every fourth word out of a characters mouth doesn't have to be an F bomb or other foulness. It was a good time and still was able to put you on the edge of your seat without those things. At one point the audience even broke out in applause. That was something I've never seen before.

    I also think the method of filming says something for the actors ability in this movie. All the acting was mostly done on stage in front of a blue screen and everything else put in by computer animation. And for the most part it seems real. Or at least as real as movies made on the old 1930's and 40's soundsets looked.



    "... there is much truth in the Italian saying, 'Make yourselves sheep, and the wolves will eat you.'" -- Benjamin Franklin
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    101stguy101stguy Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    What movie was this?
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 101stguy
    What movie was this?
    UP the new disney movie
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    drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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    fishkiller41fishkiller41 Member Posts: 50,608
    edited November -1
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    MFIMFI Member Posts: 7,899 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Taking my 9 year old tonight.. Looks like a fun movie.. She'll love it !
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