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.40 S&W killing power? 13X survivor...

RamtinxxlRamtinxxl Member Posts: 9,480
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I met a fellow today who was shot THIRTEEN times (by police) with .40 S&W--and he appeared the picture of radiant health. Of course, he showed me the 13 scars, more or less--I didn't actually count them--on his arms, face, ear, legs and hip. Can't recall offhand if he took any in the "center of mass" but he has certainly recovered...and is awaiting trial on attempted first degree murder and other charges. Tattooed across his chest, just below his neck: "UNTOUCHABLE." Seems like a nice fellow--but he won't be dating MY daughters!!! [:0][:p]


  • shilowarshilowar Member Posts: 38,811 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well there is your answer....

    Hits to vital what most efficiently kills a person...

    Wound channel...both temporary and permanent is what caused longterm damage to organs...

    Assuming that they were superficial as long as blood loss is mitigated and medical treatment provided its not unreasonable to expect survival....recently an Officer in the area where I live shot an EDP, Emotionally Disturbed Person once in the chest and dropped him dead where he shot with a .40 Glock...its about shot placement.
  • shilowarshilowar Member Posts: 38,811 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Let me qualify that...with MOST pistol ammo shot placement is the key...

    You shoot someone with a high power rifle, especially at close range then its devastating, no matter where the wound occurs.

    A major US Ammo Manufacturer makes a 40 grain .223 power point LE round that they guarantee a thigh wound is a "non survivable" injury....non survivable because the wound channel exceeds 18" so a thigh wound is a guaranteed to be a severe injury to the femoral artery
  • BeeramidBeeramid Member Posts: 7,264 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Somebody needs remedial training.[}:)]
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,502 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If he really took 13 shots from any pistol, and lived, he is the luckiest man in the United States.
    I have seen plenty of people killed with a single shot from a .22
    That is no fluke, the .22 is one dangerous man-killer.
    I also have seen, and carried to the morgue, a man killed with a single shot from a .25. Now, that was one very unlucky man.

    Those cops better get back to the range.

    If the guy thinks he is untouchable, he has learned the wrong lesson.
    He is living in the "ignorance is bliss" school of life.
  • 1911 Gunslinger1911 Gunslinger Member Posts: 747 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I once worked with a guy who stiffed a drug dealer for several thousand dollars. He hid for a while but eventually let his guard down , one day as he got in his car to leave for work the dealer and an accomplice both emptied a 17 round magazine from their Glocks into his car, point blank. He was struck 22 times by 9mm hollow points and survived. Granted he almost died and spent many months recovering but still....22 9mm HP'S. I found out later that that 4 hit him in the chest, 2 in the abdomen, 1 in the throat, 1 grazed his head and the rest were in the arms, shoulders, hands, etc.

    That was about 7 or 8 years ago and that boy still has lots of complications from it[B)]
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I saw a guy who took a hit from a .22LR out of a long gun, point blank to the side of the head. It was a through and through wound, exiting straight across on the opposite side. He lived and has no noticeable disabilities.

    When it's your time it's your time. If it's not, it's not.

    Seen too may bizarre incidents - that went both ways - to feel any different.
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    quote:When it's your time it's your time. If it's not, it's not.

    Seen too may bizarre incidents - that went both ways - to feel any different.

    Seen some accidents that you would scratch your head and and say, how did someone die from that? You are right, when it's your time, there is no getting away from it.
  • wartigerwartiger Member Posts: 3,861
    edited November -1
    Shot placement. However, one thing to consider, were they HP or ball? I too have seen people shot with a .22lr and die. I personally know a guy who took a 7mm mag to the HEAD and survive. Took off a small portion of the left side of his head. Totally messed up, can't feed himself, but he survived. Another case I am aware of was when a guy shot himself in the mouth with a 30-06 and lived to call 911 himself. Bullet went clean through the back of his throat, out his neck and miss his spinal cord. Air pressure blew out his sinus cavity and ruptured both ear drums, but otherwise, full recovery.
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just a few weeks ago, nutjob/drunk/junkie in my area was complaining to family members about a persistent bad headache. They took him to the hospital where a CAT scan showed a bullet sitting up high against his skull. Exam revealed a several days old entrance wound up under his chin. He'd capped himself and forgot he did it until they informed him of what was discovered.

    Not sure what caliber, but was told it appeared to be some sort of handgun.

    It just wasn't his time yet.
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