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News Nuggets" is Copyright c 2001 By Ray ThomasWE'VE BECOME AN "ARMED CAMP": I haven't seen what it's like at the bus station yet, but at Amtrak, there are lots more cops standing around looking important, and security officers are demanding "picture ID (like that can't be faked)", asking about who packed the luggage and if it was ever left alone. Periodically, someone is pulled out of line to be searched. Presumably they have a "list" of people to look for, as do airlines. They're not searching everybody yet, but I believe it's only a matter of time as the national paranoia increases. Looks like bin Laden's plan is working. Pretty soon there'll be roadblocks on highways where they have the power to search you and your car at will, and without a warrant being necessary (wait a minute: they have that already). The "war against terrorism" has the power to grow way beyond the "war on drugs" as a means to take away our civil rights because they have the "patriotism factor." Before, that did not apply, and many people weren't even backers or supporters of the "drug war," being drug users themselves. But nobody wants to be known as a "traitor. With the "patriotism factor," people who criticize their Gestapo tactics will be painted as "traitors," just as those who objected to drug war excesses were called other things. But the "traitor" label sticks a lot easier because of the hysteria. Be ready. Soon if you criticize their excesses in any way, you'll get to wear that label. I'm sure I already do in some quarters. Don't buy it. (Source: NBC's "Today" Show, 9/26/2001) [092801-1] WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? The children who were killed and the children who were orphaned. And what about the children of single parent families? Will CPS take them over? There's a lot of money to be made for the child protectors by taking custody of that many children and putting them up for adoption. Further, there isn't nearly so much paperwork involved in taking over the children of a dead single parent. They can get their $6,000 adoption fee from the feds a lot quicker this way -- and the trauma for these kids guarantees they will be "special needs" children, which is why I didn't even mention the $4,500 "regular" adoption fee the feds pay. I've seen pictures of at least three beautiful small children who are now dead, having been either in the buildings or in one or more of the aircraft. I know that there are a lot more. Why doesn't anybody talk about them? They have to number in the hundreds, maybe even thousands. I'd like to see a comprehensive list of the almost 7,000 people dead and missing, presumed dead, with the ages of the victims listed. I'd like to know how many children Osama bin Laden's murderers killed. This "War" will probably not be over by the time the children who were orphaned grow up. You want to talk about creating hatred? If bin Laden hasn't been dealt with by then, I'm sure any number of them will be willing and able to help out. (No source, just my opinion) [092801-2] MAKING WTC INTO "UNBUILDINGS": It's amazing. Hollywierd is trying to erase completely any memory of the World Trade Center. They're recalling movies that have been out for a long time and erasing scenes that include pictures of the buildings. They're recalling and reshooting scenes in any number of television shows to remove pictures and any kind of reference to the WTC. They're costing themselves millions of dollars to do this, and why? Are they afraid seeing pictures of the intact WTC will make us feel bad? Why wasn't that thought of as the news services played the pictures of the airplanes hitting the buildings and of the buildings collapsing with the bodies falling to the ground, over and over again for weeks? Why are they trying to remove these buildings from our minds? I can't figure them out. They're almost as hard to figure out as bureaucrats, whose thinking processes remain a mystery to most of us human beings. (No source, just my opinion) [092801-3] RUDY OVERSTEPS HIMSELF: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It appears that Rudy Giuliani has succumbed to the temptation to start telling people what to do beyond his power to do so. He is now forcing people to "Car pool" in order to drive into downtown New York City. He is also searching people's cars without permission or warrant. He's doing it because he can. A declaration of emergency has given him extraordinary powers which he is now using to the hilt. What if a citizen needs to drive into downtown and can't get anybody else to go with him? Or if he works there and can't get where he works by public transportation? Or just doesn't want to? Where does Rudy get off searching his car and forcing him to have somebody else in the car? What purpose does it serve other than to make Rudy feel good? Sure, there's a lot of traffic. But there's always a lot of traffic in New York City. That excuse doesn't cut it. And warrantless searches? Yes, there is a possibility of terrorists bringing bombs and such into the city. But searching the cars of everyone isn't going to find the bombs because the terrorists can easily get around that. Meanwhile, innocent citizens suffer. Oh well, it makes Rudy feel good. (Source: CNN Headline News, 9/26/2001) [092801-4] SO THEY TRASHED THE U. S. EMBASSY IN AFGHANISTAN: So what? I ask again: where were the cops? I saw the television pictures of the mob that did it and I didn't see a single cop, something you'd expect to see if a large mob had formed and was destroying and firing a building. Where were they? No doubt they were leading the mob, but not wearing their uniforms. The Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, pretends to instruct the United States people to "use your sense" rather than blindly follow the president. Somebody ought to tell him that he should have "used his sense" and not sponsored terrorists for all those years. That he shouldn't have sheltered them, financed them, and given them a "safe harbor" where they could relax after their murderous forays. Now those chickens have come home to roost and he's afraid. Afraid that the United States, fed up with his perfidy, has him and all his friends and officials targeted along with bin Laden. I personally think it would be a good thing if the Taliban and all its bigwigs were eliminated. Note I didn't say "Muslim" friends. Just the Taliban because they are the ones who murder at will, rape, sexually abuse children, abuse women because they're women, and generally "run wild" all over their country making people miserable. I think we can get the job done and maybe in the process send a message to other countries that give "aid and comfort" to murderous savages. (Source: Rocky Mountain News, /2001) [092801-5] RAY'S SHORTS: These are very short items, but on important subjects: Jesse's back! "The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Monday that he is working to start a 'clergy-to-clergy' dialogue with Taliban leaders in Afghanistan, and has telephoned Bush administration officials to offer his help in averting the deaths of innocent Afghan people if the United States takes military action against those responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks." I wonder where he's been? Maybe finding a replacement for his "lady love?" He's a little late to get in on the publicity on this. (Newsday, 9/25/01) Like we care: On CNN tonight, I saw an Afghan carrying a sign (in English) that said: "We're coming, America!" Really. That really frightened me. Maybe I ought to go and find a hole to hide in. Oh, I forgot. That's what Osama's doing. I'm glad I saw that. I needed a good laugh. (CNN Headline News) Total power: Did you know that the Environmental bureaucracy (ESA) can arbitrarily declare any species "endangered, at will? Without consulting with anyone or explaining their reasoning. And it becomes law. People can be imprisoned for violating their regulations. How much longer are we going to allow them to run roughshod over us? How many more people will they kill before we rein them in? (My Opinion) Cheap shot: A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show recently said: "Libertarians are only interested in the freedom to smoke pot." This, of course, shows his ignorance of all things Libertarian. Rush replied: "You might have a point there," showing his own ignorance on the subject. (Rush Limbaugh Show, 9/14/01) [092801-6
So many guns to buy. So little money.