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fake patriotism

jdb123jdb123 Member Posts: 471 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
i am sick and tired of this fake patriotism during the olympics and after the attacks on WTC, nothing sickens me more than too watch some putz talk about the flag as if now he has a reason to "love" it. real patriots dont need a sporting event or tradgedy to get tears in their eyes when they hear "God bless the USA" or "some gave all". to many of these "patriots" love of country ends if it ever meant fighting for it. its also a joke to have a band like U2 be the "offical" band of the US after the WTC attacks these bunch of socialists would not go to war for the US but they sure dont mind the money they are making here, it makes me sick, i am young and i think not alot of people my age feel this way and but oh well.


  • ElbestaElbesta Member Posts: 334 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • jeenyesjeenyes Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • timberbeasttimberbeast Member Posts: 1,738 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Got nothing against patriotism, or against U2, for that matter, as entertainers, but tragedy sure seems to be profitable these days. They're making belt buckles? out of scrap from WTC now? When do they start auctioning unidentified bones at E-bay??
  • woodsrunnerwoodsrunner Member Posts: 5,378 ✭✭
    edited November -1
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I used to like U2 until I understood the political movements that they support. During live performances of their song "Bullet in a Blue Sky" they flashed pictures of Charleton Heston's face. They support socialist anti-American politics and would LOVE to see your guns go bye-bye.Patriotism (as defined by those that you describe): standing behind the flag and waving itPatriotism (as defined correctly): Standing beside the flag and defending it[This message has been edited by idsman75 (edited 02-11-2002).]
  • DarkStar11DarkStar11 Member Posts: 1,557 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Before they sold out to Warner Brothers, (pre "Rattle and Hum"), U2 was really good, but I doubt if even they knew what they believed in back then.
  • Evil ATFEvil ATF Member Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I know what you mean. It's nice to see more flag waiving, but, keep in mind that most of them were the type that would look down their nose at you when you had a flag on your rig on 9/10. Once Patriotism isn't the "in thing" anymore, they'll all revert back to their selfish ways.
  • thebutcherthebutcher Member Posts: 374 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Worse than all that is the fact that we are further curtailing the rights of our people in the name of patriotism. Law and Order "conservatives" have grossly expanded the power of the federal government more than liberals ever dreamed of. Wiretaps, exclusion of attorney client privelege, restricted free speech, seizure of voicemail, holding suspects without evidence or even charges, and it just goes on. That's okay, though, because they are furiously waving the flag while doing so, and anyone who disagrees is clearly a terrorist!
  • salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    "More than liberals ever dreamed of"?? So called "liberals" are just as guilty of right stomping, and even more so then so called "conservatives"- the libs just do it in less obvious places.
    Happiness is a warm gun
  • thebutcherthebutcher Member Posts: 374 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't doubt it Salzo, but any law and order type that calls himself a conservative is a hypocrite.
  • salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Aint that the truth. But I think the terms "liberal" and "conservative" have become so diluted, the actual definitions no longer apply. In the classic sense, using the old definitions, I would probably consider myself a "liberal". However, the liberals of yesteryear(pre FDR) and the so called liberals of today(aka communist) are a different breed alltogether.
    Happiness is a warm gun
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    Many of these types are junping on the band wagon. As soon as anther band wagon comes along, I am sure they will jump aboard that one also. They are just a band wagon type of people. No real loyalty just want to be with the in crowd. These types come and go.
  • turboturbo Member Posts: 820 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Not only that, but when it looks like they might have to defend their right to stand BEHIND the flag. They start looking for the door, to excuse themselves from doing their civil duties. They change their tune mighty quick.Like chaff being blown by the wind.Has anyone made a song out of this one, yet.
  • guns-n-painthorsesguns-n-painthorses Member Posts: 6,462 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well I guess I should jump in. First, I too am alittle pissed about all this flag waving stuff too. It's not the fact that more people are flying the American flag, it's the way they are treating the flag. I HATE the small cheap plastic flags folks are attaching to their car windows. Do you know how many of these things I have stopped and picked up out of the road ditch. I get real pissed when I see the American flag lying by the road like any other trash someone has thrown out. Use some sense, they won't stay on at 75 mph! Duh!! And as far as the belt buckles and other commeritive (sp?) stuff being made out of trade center metal, so what? Would you rather see it all shipped oversea's and made into crap that is sent back here and sold so cheap it put's American workers out of work? Let's face it, people have been making money off 9-11-01 since day one. I guess it's better to me to see the scrap used right here in th US, and if it is used to make belt buckles and coins or whatever, chances are these commertive items will not end up in a landfill like most of this imported crap will.Just my opinion, but it's a good one! Scott the scrap metal man! (hi Mudge!)
  • agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
    My $.02 worth is that Patriotism doesn't have a whole hell of a lot to do with a piece of cloth that you fly from your home, business or vehicle. It is the way you feel about, what you will do for, your country that makes you a real patriot. I served my country in the USMC from 1971-1976, does that make me more patriotic then someone who did not. I doubt it. I do not fly the flag at my home, work or on my vehicle, does that make me less patriotic than someone who does, I doubt it.
    edited November -1
    Im proud to be an American and feel there are many reasons to show your spirit. But what I do find humorous is a little store that is owned by foreigners who have the flag plastered all over the store. Gives me second thoughts.Kidd
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Some foreigners have more "patriotism" in their hearts than those whose ancestors have been on USA soil for hundreds of years. On a side note: I have been spending quite a bit of time on the reservation working with a guy who wants to join the Army. I am beginning to see how highly our Native American population regards our military. My heart was warmed today.
  • salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Aint that the truth Idsman 75. I always like to watch the Cuban element of Florida. Those "new americans" down there know what it is like to live under full blown communism(as opposed to the hidden communism in the US). When they see communisim rearing its ugly head in this country, it seems they are the ones who are screaming the loudest! They know freedom better than most of the 2nd 3rd 4th and so on generations of americans.
    Happiness is a warm gun
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