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"Refuting Gun Myths"
Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
"Refuting Gun Myths"
by Michael Bragg
A Mr. Jeff Chwieroth recently posted on the Liberty For All Message Board a number of dubious statistics and his opinion that "all US citizens should be forced to surrender their firearms." and that "It is time for the government to take back control over its subjects!" I shall endeavor to answer and refute the characteristically illogical talking points propagandized by the left and for the reader's sake, his comments are included in Italics and Bold type with my replies in normal type. I have also included web links to my sources although none were provided by Mr. Chwieroth.
Every day in the United States, 11 children are killed by gun violence. - National Center for Health Statistics '97
Let's see. Although I DID go to government school, I believe 11 x 365 = 4015 "children" killed per year. Why did you not also mention the 1010 children who DROWNED in 1999? Do you also support draining all swimming pools and/or ponds, lakes, streams and oceans? How about big mud puddles? Maybe the Bush/Ashcroft regime can add a new cabinet level department for "bathtub policing"! The same agency you cite has different statistics for 1999 for "children" of the ages of 0-14 that seem to contradict your assertions:
Cause Count %
Accident 5080 15%
Assault (Homicide) 808 02%
Disease 24285 74%
All Other 3055 09%
Total 33228 100%
Cause Count %
Automobiles 2068 56%
Drowning 1010 22%
Pedestrian 675 15%
Bicycle 201 4%
Firearm 142 3%
Total 4636 100%
Source: Gun Facts
Why did you not mention the number of children killed in car accidents? Do we ban cars too, or are we only banning the things YOU don't like? The point is that children die unfortunate deaths from many causes every day. Taking away law abiding citizen's right to keep and bear arms would not put a stop childhood death. You also failed to give us an age range for the "children" in the study, but if I were a gambling man, I would probably bet that most of the "children" in your study were between the ages of 14 and 17 (or even older) and probably involved in drug gangs or gang related activity. While ending the "drug war" would not end the voluntary association of those who choose to consort with others in this manner (as well as many other types of fraternization), it would once and for all put an end to the illegal profit - and therefore the crime - inherent in the illicit drug trade.
In my, and many, many others opinion, this would severely reduce the deaths you cite. I, like you, abhor the death of innocence and seek the same reduction of it you seek. However, I am not willing to compromise the life of my, or my brothers children, by eliminating their ability to defend them in their own homes.
More than 80% of the medical costs for treatment of firearm-related injury is paid by taxpayers. - Journal of Trauma
Again, you conveniently left out much important data in this statistic, but one has to assume that if a person has no health insurance it is because they refuse to WORK and either pay for it themselves, or acquire the skills necessary to market themselves to a company who offers benefits. Also, your statistic below concerning suicide is very revealing for the one above as well. Insurance companies will not pay for suicide or self inflicted injuries and no one can blame them. If self inflicted, or suicide related injuries make up more than half of firearm related deaths and injuries, when you throw in inner city gang bangers who are constantly shooting each other, it is not hard to get to the 80% you cite above. Again, the solution goes back to ending the drug war. I know this does not settle well in the Marxist push by the left for "National Health Care," but socialized medicine would be an absolute disaster that would make Medicare and Social Security (Social-IST IN-Security) look like a piggy bank.
59% of students in grades six through twelve know where to get a gun if they want one, and two thirds of these students say they can acquire a firearm within 24 hours. - Harvard School of Public Health
And your point is??? When I was in school it would have been no different for me. My father had several guns including a rifle and a shotgun. We used to hunt from time to time and I was taught at an early age to RESPECT - NOT FEAR - guns. At the tender age of 11, I won a 15-pound turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun at a local event we called a "Turkey Shoot." Now, I'm sure you detest that thought, but it did not warp my "fragile wittle mind." In fact, I learned many valuable lessons from it and the proceeds from the event went to provide funding for a local Volunteer 911 Rescue Squad. Boy, remember the days when we did not need government to provide our every need and we actually provided things for ourselves? It seems like another world compared to the entitlement propaganda taught in our government indoctrination centers today.
In a ten-year span, 1988 to 1997, 633 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed by firearms in America. A handgun was the murder weapon in 78% (492 victims) of the fatal incidents. Over the same period of time, rifles killed 106 officers and shotguns killed 35 officers. 253 law enforcement officers were slain while equipped with body armor. - U.S. Department of Justice
The Fall 1995 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology stated that "11% of police shootings kill an innocent person, and that only about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person." Which is safer? I also wonder if the FBI, BATF, CIA, DEA or any other alphabet soup agencies were included in this statistic? How about the "special" agents killed while illegally raiding Randy Weaver's home and murdering his wife and son? Were they included? How about the innocent children and women murdered at Waco? I wonder how many agents or officers were killed during 3AM "no knock" raids at suspected drug related homes? The point I am making is that "law enforcement" has gotten way out of control. We are one step away from martial law and there are some that believe we are already there. From unconstitutional roadblocks for checking your "papers please", to face scanning biometric cameras everywhere you turn, the police state is in fact here. The bureaucrats in charge have forced our law enforcement officers into an impossible to win situation. They simply cannot enforce the laws they are told to enforce. Their only recourse is to use para-military style operations in their raids and people are going to die. I do not like it because I have great respect for the thankless job our police do. I simply believe they have been given a task they cannot do and that is enforcing the prohibition on "controlled substances." Just as alcohol prohibition produced organized crime, modern day prohibition produces the same crime today.
In 1995, the death rate for African-American males ages 15 to 24 was 140 deaths per 100,000. During the same period of time, the death rate for all American males ages 15 to 24 was 47.6 deaths per 100,000. - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Yet another "red herring" used to promote the left's mantra of race victimization and class warfare. If one race of people commit a disproportionate amount of crime, then simple logic and reason (two things blatantly missing on the left) dictates that there will be more violence and death in that races' community. I wonder why they did not tell us that most of those deaths were caused by black on black violence? Is it perhaps to make whites feel guilty of, or somehow to blame, for these insidious acts? Perhaps the black community should look in the mirror before screaming racism. With 75% of all births being illegitimate in the black community is there a wonder why there is such despair?
From 1977 to 1996, the U.S. firearm industry produced 85,644,715 firearms, 39,024,786 handguns, 26,651,062 rifles and 19,969,867 shotguns in the United States. - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
As of 1994, 44 million Americans owned more than 192 million firearms, 65 million of which were handguns. Although there were enough guns to have provided every U.S. adult with one, only 25% of adults owned firearms. Seventy-four percent (74%) of gun owners possessed two or more firearms. - National Institute of Justice (May '97)
I fail to see your point in either of the two statistics above and unless I am mistaken, we have a thing in this country called "supply and demand." Perhaps this is not something you learned in your political science studies but it goes something like this: I want a product that I am willing to pay or either barter for. This is called demand. You have the ability to produce or manufacture the product or service I seek and are willing to do so for the price I am willing to pay for it. This is called supply. I do not care if someone owns 100 guns, if they want another one they add to the side called demand and the manufacturer therefore creates more supply to fill this demand. As I have said over and over, most gun owners never commit a crime with their weapons, although you would make the fact that they even possess one a criminal act. Very few of the guns used in the act of committing a crime were bought legally and properly registered under current law. The very nature of a criminal is to commit crime so do you really believe he or she will get their guns legally? Yeah right, I'm going to go through all the hoops you have to go through to get a gun just so I can knock off a 7-11? I don't think so. Or do you believe that as soon as I become a firearm owner, I will somehow be compelled to go out and shoot someone by some unseen evil handgun demon that unknown to me came along with the gun? Now, none of this is to say that if someone who legally acquires a firearm and then uses it to commit a crime should not be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They should, and I believe in severe punishment including hard labor. But, I think you would have us to believe that everyone who owns a gun is a potential criminal just waiting to make his move. If that is the case why do we not have millions killed each year instead of 15, 835?
Nationally, 35,957 people died from handguns in 1995. This includes 18,503 suicides, 15,835 homicides, 1,225 accidents and 394 deaths of undetermined cause.
I feel I have already addressed this sufficiently. To add more would be redundant.
Firearms are used in about 70 percent of all homicides nationally.
Would you feel better if they were pushed out a window? I seem to remember Cain killed Abel with a ROCK. For as long as man has walked this planet he has been killing his fellow man with whatever weapon he could find. Governments spend TRILLIONS on research just to find a better way to kill their fellow man and you are worried about me having a .22? This is becoming laughable!
There are 223 million guns in the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
Each year since 1989, 3.5 million new guns have been introduced to the U.S. market, either through manufacture or import, according to the ATF. Only one-third of the guns in the United States are handguns, but they account for two-thirds of all crimes.
If you disagree that all US citizens should be forced to surrender their firearms, feel free to email me at , I can give you even more facts. I am a political scientist, and have studied gun violence for years. It is time for the government to take back control over its subjects!
I will address the last two collectively as well as address your closing statements. As I have already said, most crimes committed with guns are not committed by law-abiding citizens and in fact, there are thousands of crimes PREVENTED each year by responsible gun owners. And, although you would make the very possession of a gun a crime, most gun owners are not criminals as you want them to be labeled. Could you please tell me why anti 2nd Amendment folks such as yourself never cite the statistics concerning the thousands of times per year that someone successfully defends themselves, their business or their home from a would be assailant, robber or rapist? What would you use to combat an armed burglar breaking into your house to rob you or possibly rape your spouse? Would it be a telephone to call 911? Good luck, because by the time the cops get there you will be dead and your wife will have been brutally raped. The cops are too busy busting pot smokers at college fraternity parties and sick medical marijuana patients to trouble themselves with rape and petty larceny.
Obviously, The US Constitution and its history are not taught in political science courses, otherwise you would have known that we are NOT SUBJECTS! I am a sovereign INDIVIDUAL who resides in one of the several States comprising our Union. Only Kings and despots have "subjects." If this is what you have learned, or are teaching in our Universities, things are much worse that I previously feared. Were it not for the right to keep and bear arms, our country would not exist today, which seems to be what you desire. Tell me Mr. Chwieroth, what type of country do you envision for us? Would it be one of Marxist socialism, Hitler's fascism, or perhaps Pol Pot's brutal totalitarianism? Each of these great experts would agree wholeheartedly that gun control surely works! God help us.
Michael Bragg is a member of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina where he has a day gig in sales. He is an lifelong songwriter, musician, wanna-be webmaster or studio engineer in his spare time (which is always uncommon). He proudly serves The Libertarian Party of Forsyth County as Outreach Director and is Co-Founder, Columnist and Webmaster
for Liberty For All - Online Magazine.
He can be reached at
LFA Features
by R Lee Wrights
Answers to
a Reader :
"Refuting Gun
by Mike Bragg
Kubby Appeals to
Supreme Court
The New
is Subjective
by Dennis Hayes
Back Door
What is the
by Mike Bragg
Kit's Corner
Juanita Ramirez
Liberty's Voice
Spiders, Snakes,
Voters, and
Other Scary Things
by Della Croft
Of The People
and "freedoms"
by Ed Lewis
An Open Letter
to All Favoring
Gun Restrictions
Ari Armstrong
lies and coercion
are wearing thin
by Ed Lewis
Student Union
Holding the
Conspiracy Lines
by Cameron DeJong
Tuma's Toons
Government Logic"
"No Gun
Cockpit Ruling"
by Kevin Tuma
George Phillies
The N.C. Way
LNC Candidate
Part 1
by Sean Haugh
Crime and Again
Roderick T. Beaman
On Guns
by Jessi
How to Sell
by Michael Gilson
De Lemos
announces run
for LNC
12 Steps Program
For Organizing
A Libertarian
A Lack
of Distinction
by Stephen Burr
Sound off
Paradigm Shift
George Phillies
Serious Levity
Does the GW Stand
for Global Warming,
or Global Waffling?
Kevin Joseph Tull
for Liberty
Carl Milsted, Jr.
Copyright c Liberty For All 2002
Site Design and Maintenance by Your Page!
"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
by Michael Bragg
A Mr. Jeff Chwieroth recently posted on the Liberty For All Message Board a number of dubious statistics and his opinion that "all US citizens should be forced to surrender their firearms." and that "It is time for the government to take back control over its subjects!" I shall endeavor to answer and refute the characteristically illogical talking points propagandized by the left and for the reader's sake, his comments are included in Italics and Bold type with my replies in normal type. I have also included web links to my sources although none were provided by Mr. Chwieroth.
Every day in the United States, 11 children are killed by gun violence. - National Center for Health Statistics '97
Let's see. Although I DID go to government school, I believe 11 x 365 = 4015 "children" killed per year. Why did you not also mention the 1010 children who DROWNED in 1999? Do you also support draining all swimming pools and/or ponds, lakes, streams and oceans? How about big mud puddles? Maybe the Bush/Ashcroft regime can add a new cabinet level department for "bathtub policing"! The same agency you cite has different statistics for 1999 for "children" of the ages of 0-14 that seem to contradict your assertions:
Cause Count %
Accident 5080 15%
Assault (Homicide) 808 02%
Disease 24285 74%
All Other 3055 09%
Total 33228 100%
Cause Count %
Automobiles 2068 56%
Drowning 1010 22%
Pedestrian 675 15%
Bicycle 201 4%
Firearm 142 3%
Total 4636 100%
Source: Gun Facts
Why did you not mention the number of children killed in car accidents? Do we ban cars too, or are we only banning the things YOU don't like? The point is that children die unfortunate deaths from many causes every day. Taking away law abiding citizen's right to keep and bear arms would not put a stop childhood death. You also failed to give us an age range for the "children" in the study, but if I were a gambling man, I would probably bet that most of the "children" in your study were between the ages of 14 and 17 (or even older) and probably involved in drug gangs or gang related activity. While ending the "drug war" would not end the voluntary association of those who choose to consort with others in this manner (as well as many other types of fraternization), it would once and for all put an end to the illegal profit - and therefore the crime - inherent in the illicit drug trade.
In my, and many, many others opinion, this would severely reduce the deaths you cite. I, like you, abhor the death of innocence and seek the same reduction of it you seek. However, I am not willing to compromise the life of my, or my brothers children, by eliminating their ability to defend them in their own homes.
More than 80% of the medical costs for treatment of firearm-related injury is paid by taxpayers. - Journal of Trauma
Again, you conveniently left out much important data in this statistic, but one has to assume that if a person has no health insurance it is because they refuse to WORK and either pay for it themselves, or acquire the skills necessary to market themselves to a company who offers benefits. Also, your statistic below concerning suicide is very revealing for the one above as well. Insurance companies will not pay for suicide or self inflicted injuries and no one can blame them. If self inflicted, or suicide related injuries make up more than half of firearm related deaths and injuries, when you throw in inner city gang bangers who are constantly shooting each other, it is not hard to get to the 80% you cite above. Again, the solution goes back to ending the drug war. I know this does not settle well in the Marxist push by the left for "National Health Care," but socialized medicine would be an absolute disaster that would make Medicare and Social Security (Social-IST IN-Security) look like a piggy bank.
59% of students in grades six through twelve know where to get a gun if they want one, and two thirds of these students say they can acquire a firearm within 24 hours. - Harvard School of Public Health
And your point is??? When I was in school it would have been no different for me. My father had several guns including a rifle and a shotgun. We used to hunt from time to time and I was taught at an early age to RESPECT - NOT FEAR - guns. At the tender age of 11, I won a 15-pound turkey with a 12-gauge shotgun at a local event we called a "Turkey Shoot." Now, I'm sure you detest that thought, but it did not warp my "fragile wittle mind." In fact, I learned many valuable lessons from it and the proceeds from the event went to provide funding for a local Volunteer 911 Rescue Squad. Boy, remember the days when we did not need government to provide our every need and we actually provided things for ourselves? It seems like another world compared to the entitlement propaganda taught in our government indoctrination centers today.
In a ten-year span, 1988 to 1997, 633 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed by firearms in America. A handgun was the murder weapon in 78% (492 victims) of the fatal incidents. Over the same period of time, rifles killed 106 officers and shotguns killed 35 officers. 253 law enforcement officers were slain while equipped with body armor. - U.S. Department of Justice
The Fall 1995 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology stated that "11% of police shootings kill an innocent person, and that only about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person." Which is safer? I also wonder if the FBI, BATF, CIA, DEA or any other alphabet soup agencies were included in this statistic? How about the "special" agents killed while illegally raiding Randy Weaver's home and murdering his wife and son? Were they included? How about the innocent children and women murdered at Waco? I wonder how many agents or officers were killed during 3AM "no knock" raids at suspected drug related homes? The point I am making is that "law enforcement" has gotten way out of control. We are one step away from martial law and there are some that believe we are already there. From unconstitutional roadblocks for checking your "papers please", to face scanning biometric cameras everywhere you turn, the police state is in fact here. The bureaucrats in charge have forced our law enforcement officers into an impossible to win situation. They simply cannot enforce the laws they are told to enforce. Their only recourse is to use para-military style operations in their raids and people are going to die. I do not like it because I have great respect for the thankless job our police do. I simply believe they have been given a task they cannot do and that is enforcing the prohibition on "controlled substances." Just as alcohol prohibition produced organized crime, modern day prohibition produces the same crime today.
In 1995, the death rate for African-American males ages 15 to 24 was 140 deaths per 100,000. During the same period of time, the death rate for all American males ages 15 to 24 was 47.6 deaths per 100,000. - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Yet another "red herring" used to promote the left's mantra of race victimization and class warfare. If one race of people commit a disproportionate amount of crime, then simple logic and reason (two things blatantly missing on the left) dictates that there will be more violence and death in that races' community. I wonder why they did not tell us that most of those deaths were caused by black on black violence? Is it perhaps to make whites feel guilty of, or somehow to blame, for these insidious acts? Perhaps the black community should look in the mirror before screaming racism. With 75% of all births being illegitimate in the black community is there a wonder why there is such despair?
From 1977 to 1996, the U.S. firearm industry produced 85,644,715 firearms, 39,024,786 handguns, 26,651,062 rifles and 19,969,867 shotguns in the United States. - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
As of 1994, 44 million Americans owned more than 192 million firearms, 65 million of which were handguns. Although there were enough guns to have provided every U.S. adult with one, only 25% of adults owned firearms. Seventy-four percent (74%) of gun owners possessed two or more firearms. - National Institute of Justice (May '97)
I fail to see your point in either of the two statistics above and unless I am mistaken, we have a thing in this country called "supply and demand." Perhaps this is not something you learned in your political science studies but it goes something like this: I want a product that I am willing to pay or either barter for. This is called demand. You have the ability to produce or manufacture the product or service I seek and are willing to do so for the price I am willing to pay for it. This is called supply. I do not care if someone owns 100 guns, if they want another one they add to the side called demand and the manufacturer therefore creates more supply to fill this demand. As I have said over and over, most gun owners never commit a crime with their weapons, although you would make the fact that they even possess one a criminal act. Very few of the guns used in the act of committing a crime were bought legally and properly registered under current law. The very nature of a criminal is to commit crime so do you really believe he or she will get their guns legally? Yeah right, I'm going to go through all the hoops you have to go through to get a gun just so I can knock off a 7-11? I don't think so. Or do you believe that as soon as I become a firearm owner, I will somehow be compelled to go out and shoot someone by some unseen evil handgun demon that unknown to me came along with the gun? Now, none of this is to say that if someone who legally acquires a firearm and then uses it to commit a crime should not be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They should, and I believe in severe punishment including hard labor. But, I think you would have us to believe that everyone who owns a gun is a potential criminal just waiting to make his move. If that is the case why do we not have millions killed each year instead of 15, 835?
Nationally, 35,957 people died from handguns in 1995. This includes 18,503 suicides, 15,835 homicides, 1,225 accidents and 394 deaths of undetermined cause.
I feel I have already addressed this sufficiently. To add more would be redundant.
Firearms are used in about 70 percent of all homicides nationally.
Would you feel better if they were pushed out a window? I seem to remember Cain killed Abel with a ROCK. For as long as man has walked this planet he has been killing his fellow man with whatever weapon he could find. Governments spend TRILLIONS on research just to find a better way to kill their fellow man and you are worried about me having a .22? This is becoming laughable!
There are 223 million guns in the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
Each year since 1989, 3.5 million new guns have been introduced to the U.S. market, either through manufacture or import, according to the ATF. Only one-third of the guns in the United States are handguns, but they account for two-thirds of all crimes.
If you disagree that all US citizens should be forced to surrender their firearms, feel free to email me at , I can give you even more facts. I am a political scientist, and have studied gun violence for years. It is time for the government to take back control over its subjects!
I will address the last two collectively as well as address your closing statements. As I have already said, most crimes committed with guns are not committed by law-abiding citizens and in fact, there are thousands of crimes PREVENTED each year by responsible gun owners. And, although you would make the very possession of a gun a crime, most gun owners are not criminals as you want them to be labeled. Could you please tell me why anti 2nd Amendment folks such as yourself never cite the statistics concerning the thousands of times per year that someone successfully defends themselves, their business or their home from a would be assailant, robber or rapist? What would you use to combat an armed burglar breaking into your house to rob you or possibly rape your spouse? Would it be a telephone to call 911? Good luck, because by the time the cops get there you will be dead and your wife will have been brutally raped. The cops are too busy busting pot smokers at college fraternity parties and sick medical marijuana patients to trouble themselves with rape and petty larceny.
Obviously, The US Constitution and its history are not taught in political science courses, otherwise you would have known that we are NOT SUBJECTS! I am a sovereign INDIVIDUAL who resides in one of the several States comprising our Union. Only Kings and despots have "subjects." If this is what you have learned, or are teaching in our Universities, things are much worse that I previously feared. Were it not for the right to keep and bear arms, our country would not exist today, which seems to be what you desire. Tell me Mr. Chwieroth, what type of country do you envision for us? Would it be one of Marxist socialism, Hitler's fascism, or perhaps Pol Pot's brutal totalitarianism? Each of these great experts would agree wholeheartedly that gun control surely works! God help us.
Michael Bragg is a member of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina where he has a day gig in sales. He is an lifelong songwriter, musician, wanna-be webmaster or studio engineer in his spare time (which is always uncommon). He proudly serves The Libertarian Party of Forsyth County as Outreach Director and is Co-Founder, Columnist and Webmaster
for Liberty For All - Online Magazine.
He can be reached at
LFA Features
by R Lee Wrights
Answers to
a Reader :
"Refuting Gun
by Mike Bragg
Kubby Appeals to
Supreme Court
The New
is Subjective
by Dennis Hayes
Back Door
What is the
by Mike Bragg
Kit's Corner
Juanita Ramirez
Liberty's Voice
Spiders, Snakes,
Voters, and
Other Scary Things
by Della Croft
Of The People
and "freedoms"
by Ed Lewis
An Open Letter
to All Favoring
Gun Restrictions
Ari Armstrong
lies and coercion
are wearing thin
by Ed Lewis
Student Union
Holding the
Conspiracy Lines
by Cameron DeJong
Tuma's Toons
Government Logic"
"No Gun
Cockpit Ruling"
by Kevin Tuma
George Phillies
The N.C. Way
LNC Candidate
Part 1
by Sean Haugh
Crime and Again
Roderick T. Beaman
On Guns
by Jessi
How to Sell
by Michael Gilson
De Lemos
announces run
for LNC
12 Steps Program
For Organizing
A Libertarian
A Lack
of Distinction
by Stephen Burr
Sound off
Paradigm Shift
George Phillies
Serious Levity
Does the GW Stand
for Global Warming,
or Global Waffling?
Kevin Joseph Tull
for Liberty
Carl Milsted, Jr.
Copyright c Liberty For All 2002
Site Design and Maintenance by Your Page!
"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878