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Anti-Gun Lobbying Organizations (Updated List)

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited September 2002 in General Discussion
Anti-Gun Lobbying Organizations

REV. 792002

Anti-Gun Organizations
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (BCPGV)

Headquarters: 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 898-0792 Fax: (202) 371-9615
Communications Fax: (202) 682-4462

Regional Offices: 10951 W. Pico Boulevard, Suite 204
Los Angeles, CA 90064
(213) 446-0056 Fax: (310) 475-3147

268 Bush Street, Box 555
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 433-3535 Fax: (415) 433-3357

705 12th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 557-0100 Fax: (619) 233-6682

11 South LaSalle Street, Suite 2302
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 920-0504 Fax: (312) 920-0807

Staff: 32
Founding Chair: Nelson T. "Pete" Shields, III
Chair: Sarah Brady
President: Michael Barnes
Treasurer: Mark Ingram
Secretary: Lois Hess

Board of Directors:

David Birenbaum
Carl Bogus
John Corderman
Lee Fisher
John Hechinger
Larry Lowenstein
John Phillips
Helen Raiser
Maurice Rosenblatt
Jeanne Shields
Odile Stern
Edward O. Welles

Publication: Washington Report, quarterly
PAC: National Handgun Control Voter Education Fund
Membership: 250,000 dues-paying members. HCI claims 1,000,000+ members, but this includes contacts by interested parties by any means.

In 2001, Handgun Control, Inc. changed its name to Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The organization originated (1974) as the National Council to Control Handguns (NCCH), a group which lobbied for government restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms through support for restrictions on the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer, and civilian possession of handguns. The organization voiced a desire for an eventual handgun ban through gradual steps, but changed its name and espoused goals due to results of a survey. In 1991, then HCI amended its Articles of Incorporation to reflect its support of restrictions on rifles and shotguns as well.

BCPGV National Committee:

Lauren Bacall
Marjorie Benton
Ellen Burstyn
Julia Child
Jackie Cooper
Hume Cronyn
Joseph Curran
Stephan Dart
William Dorman
Gerald Dunfey
Kenneth Gibson
Rabbi Jos. B. Glaser
Betsy Gotbaum
Michael Gross
Elliot Jones Halberstam
Mariette Hartley
Richard Hatcher
Janet Gray Hayes
Andrew Heiskell
Hal Holbrook
Maynard Jackson
Albert Jenner, Jr.
Shirley Knight
Patricia Kennedy Lawford
Edward Levi
John Lindsay
Marsha Mason
Jane McMichael
Patrick Murphy
Paul Newman
George D. Newton, Jr.
Victor Palmeri
Gregory Peck
Russell Peterson
Sol Price
Milton Rector
Will Rogers, Jr.
James W. Rouse
Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler
Neil Simon
Rod Steiger
Dr. Emanuel Taney
Eli Wallach
Ruth Warrick
Francis Wheat
James Whitmore
Andy Williams

The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV) is a BCPGV "educational" spin-off that portrays firearms and their ownership as inherently dangerous. Straight Talk About Risks (S.T.A.R.), CPHV's politically-based anti-gun curriculum targets schoolchildren aged pre-K through 12th grade. The CPHV is located at 1400 K Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005.

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)

Headquarters: 100 Maryland Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 544-7190

President: Michael K. Beard
Co-Chairpersons: Ethel Kennedy, Coretta Scott King

National Sponsors:

Judy Collins
Monsignor John J. Egan
Walter E. Fauntroy
Dr. Dorothy Height
Comm. George Napper
Harry Nillson
Gregory Peck
Dr. Alvin F. Pouissant
Rabbi David Sapperstein

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), was originally formed in 1975 as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns (NCBH) "for the purposes of banning the importation, manufacture, sale, transfer, ownership and possession of handguns." In 1989, after expanding its efforts to include restrictions on all firearms, the group adopted its new name, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

The United Methodist Church was the principle founder of CSGV. CSGV's membership is comprised of individual supporters. Ex-CIA employee, Edward O. Welles, who also helped to form HCI, was an original NCBH board member and, reportedly, NCCH/HCI was an unreported member of the Coalition for several years.

CSGV's policy-making membership is comprised of the following 44 national organizations:

American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association of Suicidology
American Ethical Union
Americans for Democratic Action
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
American Psychiatric Association
American Public Health Association
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
The Bible Holiness Movement, International
B'nai B'rith Women
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Child Welfare League
Church of the Brethren, Washington Office
Citizens For Safety
The Communitarian Network
The Council of The Great City Schools
The DISARM Education Fund
Fellowship Reconciliation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Jesuit Conference Office of Social Ministries
Jewish Community Center Association
Loretto Community
Mennonite Central Comm., DC Office
National Association of Social Workers
National Council of Jewish Women, Inc.
National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
National Urban League, Inc.
North American Federation of Temple Youth
Pan American Trauma Association
Presbyterian Church USA,
Social Justice and Peacemaking Ministry Unit
Union of American Hebrew Congregations,
Religious Action Center
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ, Office for Church and Society
United Federation of Teachers
United Methodist Church, Board of Church and Society
U.S. Conference of Mayors
U.S. Student Association
United Synagogues of America
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
Women's National Democratic Club
YWCA of the U.S.A.

The Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence (EFEHV)

Headquarters: Box 72
110 Maryland Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 544-7227

Director: Josh Horwitz

Incorporated in 1978 as an "educational" spin-off to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the EFEHV is supported by private donations and foundation grants. The fund distributes anti-gun research on handgun violence, firearms marketing and production, and firearms design.

The Violence Policy Center (VPC)

Headquarters: 1300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 783-4071

Executive Director: Josh Sugarmann
Of Counsel: Kristen Rand

The Violence Policy Center is the new name of the New Right Watch (NRW), a non-profit group that "researched" what it perceived as a new right-wing American political movement. NRW focused its attack on semi-automatic firearms with two releases: "Assault Weapons and Accessories in America" (1988), a joint effort with EFEHV, and "Assault Weapons: Analysis, New Research, and Legislation" (1989). Funding for New Right Watch was received from individual and foundation grants.

VPC is a non-profit national "educational" foundation that proposes firearms restrictions, including total handgun prohibition, as measures to reduce violence in America. VPC's Executive Director, Josh Sugarmann, formerly the Executive Director of the New Right Watch and, previously, with the National Coalition to Ban Handguns, authored a book attacking the NRA -- NRA: Money, Firepower, and Fear (1992). In 1997, VPC produced a report attacking NRA's Eddie Eagle program, calling it "Joe Camel with feathers". This attack was so scurrilous that many in the media denounced it. It stands as clear evidence that VPC is more interesed in attacking NRA than in finding any rational or effective solutions to violence in America.

CeaseFire, Inc.

Headquarters: 1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104
(212) 484-1616

Executive Director: Elizabeth Schmidt

CeaseFire, Inc. was formed in 1995 with a stated mission to "reshape the gun violence debate in America." Infused with money from Courtney Love, the widow of rock star Curt Cobain, who committed suicide, the organization signed on the numerous high- profile celebrities and business people listed below to their advisory panel. CeaseFire runs TV Public Service Announcements with celebrities and runs print advertising in major newspapers and magazines with the message that guns are dangerous and gun ownership is a threat to family and friends. Their stated goal is to promote "handgun-free homes and families" by claiming that gun ownership is a public health threat.

Advisory Panel Members
Reginald Brack, Chairman, Time, Inc.
Senator Bill Bradley, (D-NJ)
Stephen Brobeck, Exec. Dir. Consumer Federation of America
Doug Carlston, Chairman and CEO, Broderbund Software, Inc.
President Jimmy Carter
Senator John Chafee, (R-RI)
K. Kaufer Christoffel, M.D., M.P.H., Children's Mem. Hospital, Chicago
Walter Cronkite, Journalist
Barry Diller, Chairman, Silver King Communications
Michael Douglas, Actor
Millard Drexler, CEO, Gap. Inc.
Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children's Defense Fund
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Co.
Susan Estrich, Professor, The Law Center, The University of Southern California
Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA)
Mark Finucane, Former Chairman, National Association of Public Hospitals
Tom Freston, Chairman, MTV Networks
Kieth Geiger, Pres., Nat'l Education Association
Gerald Grinstein, Chairman, Burlington Northern
Alan G. Hassenfeld, Chairman, Pres. and CEO, Hasbro, Inc.
John F. Kennedy, Jr., Editor in Chief, GEORGE
Deborah Leff, Pres., The Joyce Foundation
H. Michael Lemmons, Exec. Dir., Congress of Nat'l Black Churches
Edward Malloy, Pres., University of Notre Dame
Paul Newman, Actor
Michael Ovitz, Pres., The Walt Disney Company
Ron Perlman, Pres., Revlon, Inc.
Mike Pertschuk, Co-Director, The Advocacy Institute
Roberta Copper Ramo, Pres. American Bar Association
Steve Rattner, General Partner, Lazard Freres & Co.
Matt Rodriguez, Superintendent, Chicago Police Department
Mark Rosenburg, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Nat'l Center for Injury
Prevention and Control
Dewey Stokes, Former Nat'l Pres., FOP
Howard Stringer, Chairman and CEO, TELE-TV
Stephen Teret, M.D., M.P.H., Director, John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research
James Todd, M. D., Executive Vice-Pres., AMA
Jann S. Wenner, Chairman, Wenner Media, Inc.
Lois Jean White, Pres.-Elect, Nat'l PTA
Jay Winston, Director, Center for Health Communications, Harvard University

Million Mom March Organization

Million Mom March National Office
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, CA 94110
tel: 415 821-8200
tel: 888-989-MOMS fax: 415-821-5811

Board of Directors
Mary Leigh Blek, Board President
Tom Vanden Berk, Chair
Tony Hernandez, Secretary
Beckie Brown
Donna Dees-Thomases
Katina Johnstone
K. Francis Lee, M.D
Catherine Murphy
Steve Young
Andrew McGuire, Executive Director

Million Mom March (MMM) is a national grassroots, chapter-based organization formed in 1999 as a reaction to the shooting at the jewish community center in suburban Los Angelos. Their stated goal is to win passage of "gun laws, including: (1)licensing of handgun owners, (2) registration of handguns, (3) creating consumer product safety standards for guns, (4) closing the "gun show loophole," and (5) limiting gun purchases to no more than one a month." They staged a march in Washington, D.C. On Mothers Day 2000 and have continued to build a national organization. The founder, Donna Dees-Thomases is a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Americans for Gun Safety

Arlington, Virginia
Phone (202) 775-0300
Founder: Andrew McKelvey
Executive Director: Jonathan Cowan

AGS was formed in June, 2000 and claims to be a centerist gun safety group. Its Executive Director, however, is the former Chief of staff to the aggressively anti-gun Andrew Cuomo at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

AGS is building a national group by affiliating with smaller state based groups and providing them with funding and an national network under which to operate.

Consumer Federation of America

1424 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-387-6121
Fax: 202-265-7989

Organized in 1968, the CFA is a federation of consumer groups from around the nation. It currently has 260 members all parts of the country (For a list see

CFA has now made the regulation of firearms a primary area of activity. They are the primary proponent of the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act which would give the U.S. Treasury Department broad authority to regulate guns, including the authority to ban them. CFA also operates a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) called the Consumer Federation of America Foundation.

HELP Network

Children's Memorial Hospital
2300 Children's Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60614
Phone (773) 880-3826
Fax (773) 880-6615

HELP Network was formed in 1993 and claims to be the "health voice in the national debate about handgun violence." HELP endorses reducing civilian access to handguns, and funds research to support that agenda.

Join Together

441 Stuart Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Phone (617) 437-1500
Fax (617) 437-9394

Join Together was formed to serve as a national organizing link for national, state and local organizations to promote anti- violence prevention programs and to support passage of restrictive gun laws. In particular, Join Together supports the "public health" approach to criminal violence, seeking to treat crime as a disease and firearms as the cause.

The American Jewish Congress

15 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028
Phone (212) 360-1540
Fax (212) 249-3672
Jack Rosen, President
Phil Baum, Executive Director

Government Affairs:
2027 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone (202) 332-4001
Matthew Dorf, Director

The American Jewish Congress has long supported restrictive gun laws. However, they are now engaged in active Congressional lobbying for passage of legislation that infringes Second Amendment rights.

The Ford Foundation

320 East 43rd Street
New York, NY 10017
Phone (212)573-5000
Fax (212)599-4584

The Ford Foundation has provided financial grants to programs aimed at restricting gun ownership and regulating gun owners' rights.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

140 S. Dearborn St. Ste. 1100
Chicago, IL 60603-5285
Phone (312) 726-8000

The MacArthur Foundation is a primary source of financial support for groups and individuals promoting the anti-gun agenda.

The Joyce Foundation

135 South LaSalle Street, Suite 4010
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Phone (312) 782-2426
Fax (312) 782-4160

The Joyce Foundation is one of the leading sources of funding for anti-gun groups and individuals. Anti-gun academics receive grants to complete studies that invariably find a link between gun ownership and crime.

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation

300 Second Street, Suite 200
Los Altos, California 94022
Phone (650)948-7658

The Packard Foundation has provided significant financial support to the Million Mom March, now part of the Brady Campaign, and has funded anti-gun research.

Firearm Injury Center at Penn (FICAP)

3440 Market Street, First Floor
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-3335

FICAP, founded in 1997 at the University of Pennsylvania, conducts research on firearms as a "public health" problem. This research is designed to show that restrictions on firearms ownership are the solution to firearms injuries. FICAP is funded by the anti-gun Joyce Foundation (see above) and designs research projects to produce anti-gun research that is used to influence the media, policy makers and legislators.

Physicians for Social Responsibility

1101 14th Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone (202) 898-0150
Fax (202) 898-0172

Orginally formed to oppose nuclear weapons, PSR has widened their scope to include many other causes. On firearms it has endorsed international small arms disarmament. PSR has endoresd virtually every restrictive gun law which has been proposed including one-gun-a-month, ban on "junk" guns, and ammunition purchase restrictions.

California Wellness Foundation

6320 Canoga Ave., Suite 1700
Woodland Hills, California 91367-7111
Phone (818) 593-6600

Board of Directors

Earl G. Mink, Chair
Alice A. Lytle, J.D., Vice Chair
Gary L. Yates, President and CEO
Ezra C. Davidson, Jr., M.D.
Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D.
Stewart Kwoh, J.D.
Luz Vega Marquis
Barbara Marshall, R.N.
Douglas X. Patino, PH.D.
Peggy Saika

The California Wellness Foundation is a private foundation funded in February, 1992 by a substantial endowment from Health Net, one of California's largest health maintenance organizations. Through grants the Foundation funds research and public action targeted at "public health" issues. This includes grants for anti-gun research, community and governmental action, and policy advocacy. This foundation is one of the primary funding sources for state and local anti-gun causes.

National Black Police Association

3251 Mt. Pleasant Street, N.W. Second Floor
Washington, DC 20010-2103
Phone (202) 986-2070
Fax(202) 986-0410

The National Black Police Association is a nationwide organization of African American Police Associations. They have endorsed the prohibition on the manufacture of handguns and support strict restriction on their ownership and use.

National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives

MAURICE FOSTER, ESQ., Executive Director
4609 Pinecrest Office Park Drive, Suite F
Alexandria, Virginia 22312-1442
Phone (703) 658-1529
Fax (703) 658-9479

The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) was founded in September, 1976. NOBLE has passed a resolution supporting the goals and efforts of the Brady Campaign.

State Anti-Gun Organizations
The following organizations operate at the state level to promote the passage of anti-gun laws and ordinances. These groups are also very active in the area of initiatives and referendums in those states which allow these plebiscites.


Society Against Firearm Endangerment
David Reynolds
502 Montgomery Highway
Suite 202
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
F: 205-979-2750
P: 205-979-2999

Mothers Against Violence
Marilyn & Michael Jackson
605 40th Street
Fairfield, AL 35064
P: 205-785-6765


Handgun Control Activists
Geraldine Anderson
3617 W. Camino Real
Glendale, AZ 85310


Californians for Responsible Gun Laws
Kae McGuire
2140 Shattuck Ave.
Suite 1201
Berkley, CA 94704
P: 510-649-8946
F: 510-649-8970

Pacific Center for Violence Prevention
Andrew McGuire
Executive Director
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, CA 94110
P: 415-285-1793

Women Against Gun Violence
Susan Shaw
Ann Reiss Lane
P.O. Box 1501
Culver City, CA 90232-1501
P: 310-204-2348
F: 310-204-6643

Los Angeles Teens On Target/Youth Alive
Fidel Valenzuela
7601 Imperial Hwy.
JPI - Room # 31T-3135
Downey, CA 90242
P: 310-401-8166
F: 310-401-7201


Colorado Children's Campaign
Barbara O Brien
1600 Sherman
Denver, CO 80203
P: 303-839-1580

Physicians for Social Responsibility -- Colorado
Sam Cole
1738 Wynkoop St., Ste. 1
Denver, CO 80202
P: 303-298-8001
F: 303-293-2813


Connecticut Coalition Against Gun Violence
Sue McCalley
P.O. Box 523
Southport, CT 06490
P: 203-637-2694


Florida Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Steve Bourie
P.O. Box 644
Dania, FL 33004
P: 954-989-9374

MAD DADS of Greater Ocala
Patrick Hadley
P.O. Box 3704
Ocala, FL 34478
P: 904-629-3100


Georgians Against Gun Violence, Inc.
Ronald W. Horn--Board Chairman
P.O. Box 673732
Marietta, GA 30006-0063
P: 404-521-3605

Georgians United Against Gun Violence
Clinton M. Marsh
1401 Adams Dr., SW
Atlanta, GA 30311
P: 404-699-0708

Firearms Coalition
Patty May
450 Kaha St.
Kailua, HI 96734
P: 808-536-7733

Hawaii Firearms Control Coalition
Nadine Odera
P.O. Box 1245
Kaneoke, HI 96744
P: 808-235-4222


Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Dan Kotowski
175 Jackson St., Ste. A-1038
Chicago, IL 60604
P: 312-341-0939
F: 312-341-9770

Quad Citizens for Responsible Gun Laws
Teresa Mesich
P.O. Box 3084
Rock Island, IL 61204-3084
P: 309-788-7339

Rise High Projects
John May
Box 104
Chicago, IL 60613
P: 312-879-7920


Concerned Citizens About Gun Violence
David Mason
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
P: 317-940-9682

G.R.I.E.F. of Indiana
Patty Williams
2915 North Oakwood
Muncie, IN 47303
P: 765-282-2210
F: 765-747-3299


Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence
John Johnson
P.O. Box 2643
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
P: 319-364-7382


Kentuckian's Chapter for Handgun Control
Nancy Evans
306 Chelsea Road
Louisville, KY 40207
P: 502-894-9050

Kentucky Voice for Crime Victims
P.O. Box 14123
Louisville, KY 40212-1023
P: 502-367-0638

Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reverend Kathy Lancaster
Criminal Justice Office
100 Witherspoon St.
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
P: 502-569-5803


Louisiana Ceasefire
Richard Haymaker
254 Nelson Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
P: 504-766-6432
F: 504-769-3810


Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse
Nancy Fenton
3000 Chestnut Ave, Ste. 203
Baltimore, MD 21211
P: 410-889-1477
F: 410-889-1480


Americans for a Non-Violent Society
Morrison Bump
P.O. Box 497
Natick, MA 01760-0005
P: 508-785-0817

Citizens for Safety
Harlan Jones
95 Berkeley Street, Room 412
Boston, MA 02116
P: 617-542-7712

Dorchester Youth Collaborative
Lavall Brown
Executive Director
1514-A Dorchester Ave.
Dorchester, MA 02122
P: 617-288-1748

Stop Handgun Violence
Jennifer Fraser
29 Crafts Street, Ste. 300
Newton, MA 02135
P: 617-965-4636
F: 617-965-7308


Michigan Citizens for Handgun Control
Marj Levin
801 S Adams, Ste 104
Birmingham, MI 48009
P: 248-540-6868

Clementine Barfield
2441 W Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
P: 313-361-5200

Women Against Gun Violence
Jeannie Weiner
P.O. Box 2453
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
P: 248-661-2030


Citizens for a Safer Minnesota
Mary Lewis Grow
Ken Collins
1238 East Shryer Avenue
Maplewood, MN 55109
P: 612-483-1149

Lynne Westphal
5704 Kemrich Dr.
Edina, MN 55435
P: 612-941-8493


Ad Hoc Group Against Crime
Alvin Brooks
3330 Troost Ave
Kansas City, MO 64109
P: 816-531-0000
F: 816-753-6565

Coalition Against Concealed Guns
Sharon Polster
3692 Runnymeade St.
Charles, MO 63301
P: 314-946-2657

Missourians Against Handgun Violence
Steve Sorkin
9378 Olive, Ste. 120
St. Louis, MO 63132
P: 314-692-7452
F: 314-692-7454

Linda Spence
P.O. Box 10053
Kansas City, MO 64171
P: 816-855-1721
F: 816-234-3039


Nebraskans for Responsible Gun Ownership
Joan Vinke
16512 Frederick Circle
Omaha, NE 69130
P: 402-334-8944


Seacoast Advocates for Gun Control
Alex Hirlihy
55 Lang Road
Rye, NH 03870
P: 603-964-9079


Cease Fire New Jersey
Bryan Miller
15 East Redman Avenue
Haddonfield, NJ 08033

Joan Diefenbach
176 West State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608-1190
P: 609-396-9546

Jack Johnson
2000 Florence Avenue
Hazlet, NJ 07730
P: 908-264-1236
F: 908-264-9278

Ellen Saxon
199 Laurel Circle
Princeton, NJ 08540-2718
P: 609-924-8468


New Mexico Ceasefire
Sherry Tippett
922 Acequia Madre
Santa Fe, NM 87501
P: 505-982-4253


Fellowship of Reconciliation
David Schiling
Box 271
Nyack, NY 10960
P: 914-358-4601

Handgun Control of New York
Odile Stem
26 W 84th Street
New York, NY 10024
P: 212-873-3361
F: 212-687-1482

Mothers Against Violence
Aissatou Bey-Garcia
Harlem Hospital Center
Division of Plastic Surgery
506 Lenox Ave
New York, NY 10037

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence
Barbara E. Hohlt
322 Bleecker St., #E9
New York, NY 10014
Manhattan: 212-592-3400
Westchester: 914-337-6818
Long Island: 516-733-0029
F: 718-797-2825

Committee For The Silent March
Katina Johnstone
322 Bleecker St., #E9
New York, NY 10014
P: 516-247-9109


North Carolinians Against Gun Violence
Lisa Price
Executive Director
Marcia Owen
Assistant Director
P.O. Box 9204
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
P: 919-403-7665
F: 919-403-6585


Handgun Control Federation of Ohio
Eric Fingerhut
Steve Ferris
2775 S Moreland Blvd., #200
Cleveland, OH 44120
P: 216-561-3663
F: 216-561-1942
Janice Sturkey
Chris Redmond
716 Upson Street
Akron, OH 44305
P: 216-762-0670

Parents of Murdered Children
Nancy Rhue
100 E 8th Street, Room B-41
Cincinnati, OH 45202
P: 513-721-5683


Oregonians Against Gun Violence
Tuck Wilson
David DeMarkey
P.O. Box 82966
Portland, OR 97282
P: 503-233-1224 (Meeting Points)
P: 503-239-2111 (Tuck Wilson)
F: 503-233-0772


Pennsylvanians Against Handgun Violence
Daniel J. Siegel
Rebeca Williams
P.O. Box 495
Wynnewood, PA 19096
P: 610-446-0817
P: 888-444-PAHV


Citizens for a Safer South Carolina
Betsy Robinson
P.O. Box 1764
Beaufort, SC 29901
P: 803-521-1299

The Alliance for South Carolina s Children
Anton J. Gunn
P.O. Box 11644
Columbia, SC 29211
P: 803-343-5510


Tennesseeans for Responsible Gun Ownership
Eugene Kaiser
2504 Forest Glen Circle
Clarksville, TN 37043
P: 615-552-2202
H: 615-552-2178


Houston Area Violence Prevention
Dr. Joseph C. Kaye
Mid-Town Family Resource Center
3630 West Dallas St.
Houston, TX 77019
P: 713-630-6677

Physicians for a Violence Free Society
Ellen Tuliaferro
323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 95235-8579
P: 216-648-9214

Texans Against Gun Violence
Bruce Elfant
Travis County Courthouse
P.O. Box 1748
Austin, TX 78767
P: 512-473-9100
P: 512-371-3236
F: 512-473-9640

Leslie Bernard
701 Oxford
Houston, TX 77079
P: 713-861-2755

Texans Against Violence -- Houston
Dave Smith
13164 Memorial Drive, Box 160
Houston TX 77079
P: 713-827-8916

Texans Against Violence
Tom Plumbley
11001 Midway Rd
Dallas, TX 75229
P: 214-352-4841
H: 214-243-8674
F: 214-352-4581

Barbara Lindley
7657 Rowling Acres
Dallas, TX 75248

Cindy Wetherall
P.O. Box 797652
Dallas, TX 77057
P: 972-614-2557

Texas Crime Prevention Clearing House
Margy Chaikin
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711
P: 512-462-1886


Utahns Against Gun Violence
Bill Nash
476 E South Temple, Ste. 254
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
P: 801-328-4930


Vermonters Against Violence
Bonnie O Brien
200 Old Farm Road South
Burlington, VT 05403
P: 802-864-4677
F: 802-658-5002


Virginians Against Handgun Violence
Alice Mountjoy
P.O. Box 271
Norfolk, VA 23501
P: 757-623-7918
F: 757-622-3953

Melanie Costello
P.O. Box 29462
Richmond, VA 23242
P: 804-649-8752
F: 804-742-8259


Mothers Against Violence in America
Pamela Eakes
105 14th Avenue #2A
Seattle, WA 98122
P: 206-323-2303
F: 206-323-2132

Washington Cease Fire
Bruce Gryniewski
509 10th Ave East
P.O. Box 20246
Seattle, WA 98102
P: 206-322-7564
F: 206-324-7885


American Trauma Society
Jack M. Bergstein, M.D.
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
P: 414-257-5023
F: 414-454-5830

Citizens Against Handgun Violence
Sally Miley
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Madison, WI 53710
P: 608-266-4611

Mobilization for Survival
Verdall De Yarman
2943 North Bausman St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
P: 414-562-8014

"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
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