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Gun Control: The Second Amendment

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited March 2002 in General Discussion
Gun Control: The Second Amendment by Danny Brooks The Second Amendment to the Constitution plainly states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." However, to hear the left-wing media, guns are bad. Guns kill people. Only the police and the military should have guns. Guns need to be kept away from law-abiding citizens "for the sake of the children." Whenever some lunatic shoots a bunch of his coworkers, they blame the guns. Whenever sociopath teenagers kill their classmates, they blame the guns. Whenever a child finds a loaded gun and kills himself or someone else, they blame the guns. There are currently more than 20,000 gun laws on the books. It is becoming harder and harder for the average citizen to legally purchase a gun for self defense. But for some reason, this hasn't deterred criminals from buying guns on the streets and using them in crimes. This is probably because a criminal is not going to walk into a gun shop, submit to a federal background investigation, and wait seven days. Criminals have this nasty little habit of ignoring and breaking the laws. They also tend to commit crimes, hence their label "criminals". There are some facts that the liberal media doesn't like for ordinary citizens to know.For example, guns are used over 7,000 times every day to prevent crimes in this country. In 98% of these cases, the gun is never even discharged. Simply brandishing the weapon will cause most cowards to run like little rabbits. In the majority of the 2% of cases in which a gun is fired, there are only warning shots taken to either frighten the attacker away or convince him to wait for the police. Speaking of the police, are you aware that there have been several lawsuits in which the police did not show up to protect someone when an unarmed citizen was being attacked; and, that each and every case had the same outcome - THE POLICE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS, only protecting the population at large? Think about that the next time someone tries to convince you to either not buy a gun; or, take your gun to a government buy-back program. Statistically, it would take over 80,000 handguns to save one life and there are over 80,000,000 gun owners in this country right now. That's because the majority of the handguns in this country are not used in homicides. And as far as the left-wing media's pleas and cries for people who must have one of those awful, dreadful guns to at least store the ammunition separately and use a trigger lock, ask your self one question - "If I'm attacked, while my attacker wait for me to: A) call the police and then stand in a corner until they arrive to arrest him;B) unlock my gun for a safe; C) unlock the trigger lock; D) go to another location to get the ammunition; and E) load the gun?" Or will he simply shoot you? If you own a gun and have children, please be responsible and explain to your children that guns are not toys and they can hurt, *, or kill people. When your children get older, take them to a firing range and let them learn the proper way to handle a gun and teach them to respect it as well. Keep it out of their reach, yet close enough to you so that you can get to it in case of an emergency. Keep it loaded because most burglars are not going to give you time to load your gun. An unloaded gun is only useful if the attacker doesn't realize it and runs away (assuming he's unarmed, in which case you're probably dead) or if you can get close enough to pistol-whip him with it. Basically, just use common sense when cleaning, storing, and target shooting with you gun. Fortunately, North Carolina has a concealed carry law in which gun owners can take a gun safety class, pay a fee, and get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Statistics have proven time and time again that crime rates are lower in areas in which the possibility exists that citizens may be armed. The converse is true in areas in which regulations prevent citizens from legally carrying concealed weapons. If you were a burglar, which person would you target - the person who "may" have a concealed weapon or the one who you knew for sure would "definitely not" have a concealed weapon? And most importantly, don't be swayed by the gun grabbers out there who point to false and nonexistent studies to prove their points. Yes, guns do kill people. But only with human intervention. I've never heard of a single case in which a gun has jumped out of a case at a gun shop, loaded itself, and fired at someone. If kids play with guns, then they or someone else will likely get shot. If you drop a loaded gun, then you or someone else will likely get shot. If you clean a loaded gun while drinking, then you or someone else will likely get shot.When used properly, a gun can save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Owning a gun is not a privilege, it is a right. It is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to our Constitution. Don't take it for granted. In this past century, more than 170 million citizens were killed by their own governments. The fact that our government has been trying for years to disarm us should scare the hell out of you. Remember, a person with a gun is a citizen; a person without a gun is a subject. Which would you rather be?
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