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Targeting gun makers

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
Targeting gun makersGeoff Metcalf talks to Lawrence Keane about firearm litigation
Posted: April 5, 20021:00 a.m. Easternc 2002 In this week's "Sunday Q&A," WND talk-show host Geoff Metcalf interviews Lawrence Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, about the 24 lawsuits brought by various cities against the firearms industry. The city of Boston recently abandoned its litigation, which had been pending since 1999, in favor of working with the industry to reduce gun violence. Jersey City, N.J., however, has filed its own suit against the industry. The lawsuits claim that gun manufacturers are liable for damages that occur when a firearm is used in a crime. In the interview, Keane discusses the Boston case. "It cost [the city] a large sum of money, no question about it," he said. "It will cost Jersey City as much, if not more, to pursue this litigation. We are surprised and disappointed that they are choosing time-consuming, expensive litigation rather than following Boston's leadership to embrace cooperation and communication as the best way to achieve a goal that, frankly, we share with Jersey City, which is to reduce the criminal and accidental misuse of firearms." Keane characterizes the lawsuits as severe distortion of product liability law. He compares it to a drunk-driving claim. "You may have a cause of action against a drunk driver just as you would have a claim against somebody who acted negligently with a firearm or a criminal," he explained. "But you certainly wouldn't be able to sue Budweiser for the acts of a drunk driver, anymore than you should be able to sue a gun manufacturer when somebody intentionally misuses the product or negligently misuses the product." Read Metcalf's entire interview in Sunday's WorldNetDaily to discover what's on the legal horizon in the fight between city governments and the firearms industry. Related Special Offers: 'The 7 Myths of Gun Control'Get the ultimate answer book on Second Amendment rights. The right to keep and bear arms:96 pages of great quotes and history on the Second Amendment.
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