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Supposed to be free

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
Supposed to be free
by Ed Lewis

This is part of a response by Mr. Rick Stanley, who is running for the US Senate in the great and beautiful Republic of Colorado. Since wakening this morning with the first thought being - is this country of ours really (I use that word privately) great - or is it going through its death throes as we all write and talk about solutions.

Mr. Stanley's comment came from my question to him about forwarding out information that is important to Americans as it told, in part, of Bush family ties to bin Laden and the Carlyle Group. In the info, the writer stated that Bush Sr.'s name had now been removed from the site. And, indeed, it had although it was there perhaps two months ago when the Carlyle Group was looked up for future reference.

However, the firm's official website is still chock full of people who have exercised great control over the government, including such personalities as James Baker, Frank Carlucci, and Richard Darman. The fact is that if we consider the White House as the center of the federal government, the Carlyle Group's office is just a hop, skip, and jump away. Might it not be too near the center of government? When one reads of the company's influence and dealings with the feds, one must believe there is a direct tunnel right to the back door of the White House.

But, this article isn't about Bush and his many oil, weapons, pharmaceuticals, and other drug ties. This article is about the fact that when people put out such information, their freedom and lives are immediately put in peril. That is the reason Mr. Stanley was written to ask if it was okay to forward it to web publishers. His complete response was:

"Why not? We are supposed to live in a 'FREE' country, right?"

I would say this is what triggered my first thoughts except that I did not read his reply until just a few minutes ago. Rather than rambling on, let's get to the nitty gritty of what this country - and the world - has become.

When one reads actual history - not the disinformation crap allowed to be printed by the US Government - one finds that always it is the leaders of nations who instigate actions of mass destruction and mass murdering of people, the genocide so often spoken of in the media. Of course, when the US Government's media - that is all of mainstream media - writes or speaks of genocide, it is always the other guy committing atrocities against mankind.

A good example is that the killers in the WTC attack are called "terrorists" and vile haters of our way of life and all Christians. This is the normal disinformation put out by the feds through their bought and paid for media flunkies.

But, while listening or reading, what about the fact that the US Government's super hitman team, the CIA, and sometimes its elite military units go all over the world assassinating - a nice word for murdering - leaders who do not conform to the US Government's ideas and the desires of its special interest groups, including especially the oil and illegal drug industries?

Why do we forget the mass murders of men, women, and children by the US Government? Why do we forget the hundreds that have been killed by enforcers of law that do not constitutionally apply to us? How about the hundreds of thousands killed worldwide by military actions not constitutionally taken against other countries?

Why do we ignore the many marauding thugs who are sent out by a bureau of Puerto Rico to raid innocent people's homes and businesses demanding tribute from them? This is, of course, the IRS, one of the most dangerous terrorist groups on Earth since it hides behind the government and its courts of injustice. The - in street language - * in Congress don't know or don't care that income tax is totally, absolutely nothing more than a gigantic racketeering scheme. Probably few of them pay it, anyway. And so they help protect it.

Then, there is the so-called "war against drugs". The war against drugs is a bogus war set up to make the US Government money to use for its own and to overthrow other governments. The CIA has whistle blowers who have provided documentation of past presidents' complicity and direct involvement in drug dealing, including the "hero" of many - Reagan and his cohort, Bush the First. Other countries' know and their freer media sources have called the US Government/CIA the biggest drug dealer on Earth.

These killers trained by the US Government not only kill other countries' government leaders who get in their way, but also innocent people. They even kill their own if their own gets out of line with them. In other words, if any begin feeling remorse and the need to tell people the truth, they are silenced permanently. Thus, many whistle blowers stay on the run. Too bad those researchers for bio-weapons didn't know how dastardly the government is they were working for - all of them might still be alive.

No matter what, though, whether the CIA is the biggest or second biggest drug dealer - and terrorist group - the fact is there is no man on Earth that has the right to tell another what drug he may use, grow, manufacture, sell, or any other aspect of drug use, whether the drug is for recreation or medical purposes.

Which brings up just who the hell is the FDA other than a bunch of feds owned by certain factions who approve drugs for medical purposes - or not? Does this agency have any power in the many States? NO, IT DOES NOT. For Christ's sake, read the name -it is FEDERAL, People. It, along with every agency/bureau/department does not have any jurisdiction in any State or in commerce between states ("among" in the Constitution does not mean "between"). The feds have lied to us and the majority accepts their lies, along with accepting the "reasoning" of a bunch of crooked traitorous attorneys who figured out how to word things so people would be misled. This is completely selfish of them as they make (may be higher now but was) $4000 per hour of your money.

Of course, in assuring that people would accept unconstitutional laws and bureaus - no matter the wording - the feds began sending out their armed thugs during prohibition. Kill a few people making their own booze and those who sold it. Pretty soon the people would begin believing the federal government had the power just because they became afraid to believe otherwise.

The numbers of these trained killers has increased many folds over that that existed during prohibition. In fact, although the numbers aren't known, one might suspect that the "guys in black suits" now far outnumber the military that is paid to protect us from such devastating groups against the rights of man. Count all law enforcers and it could well be the largest army on Earth.

And, it goes almost without saying that every administration has increased the numbers. This started long before but includes Reagan and his keeper, the first Bush. It continued through that guy's administration, Clinton's administration, and now to a man who will one day, unless our sordid history of the past century is destroyed, be on the list as the most treasonous president's ever. He will be right up there with Lincoln and FDR.

Were the truth known now - well, many would like to think that the people would take up arms and repel the federal government but we all know better than that. We are too "civilized" to kill leaders or try them for treason and then hang them. Too bad the government isn't just as civilized.

Many years ago, the Alexandrian Library in Egypt contained over 400,000 scrolls and is purported to have contained all the knowledge of mankind up to that time. It, along with Alexandrian (Alexander created three major libraries) libraries in Greece and Rome, were destroyed. No one knows who or why the libraries were destroyed but the knowledge was lost. One must suspect it had to have been at the orders of a tyrannical leader since they are responsible for all the mass atrocities against people.

Then, we have Nazi Germany that burned books by the thousands. Fear of knowledge seems to plaque world leaders. Knowledge would, after all, reveal their hidden agendas for the world to judge.

This leads us to a question - is there any practical difference between destroying knowledge by burning books, and what the US Government is doing?

It has rewritten history that is being taught in schools. It blocks books - particularly whistleblower's books - from being printed or forces them to be withdrawn from libraries.

It raids websites and closes them down so that now people have to figure out how to have alternate websites. It monitors what we write in our correspondence and can block any it wants. It forces servers to bend to its will and control what goes through the servers.

The US Government uses pretexts to send its armed invaders into the States, pretexts such as illegal firearms (none are unlawful in fact), tax evasion (no tax can be laid directly on the people, including federal and state income tax and property tax on domestic earnings and property gained by right), drug sales and manufacture (neither of which the feds have any constitutional control over except for imports), and suspected terrorism lacking even a shred of evidence.

Sometimes it uses no pretext at all but simply targets those who poise a serious threat to their activities. Get well known and the danger becomes exponential to them. Ask Charlie Pluckett, formally of the Kentucky Militia a man who was on the run for his life even though he has been an outstanding American for the last three to four decades with only had one minor transgression as a teenager.

But, then there lies the problem. Charlie is an American in every sense of the word and exactly the type of American the US Government is trying to squelch through the anti-Patriot Act, FEMA expanding to the States, all bio-terrorists actions, and its many law enforcers. You see, Charlie is an American Patriot.

Rather than listing hundreds who have been killed (died under mysterious circumstances in some cases), the point is this. If the government takes serious offense at the knowledge that an American is trying to put forth, it kills them or under some fraud locks them away for years at a time. Or destroys their lives. Or threatens their families. Or kills their families.

See, knowledge is the enemy of tyranny so tyrants must - just as Bush the Crazed-With-Assumed-Power is doing - destroy knowledge. Actually, this American patriot doesn't believe it is Bush - he believes it is Bush's handlers; that Bush is just a pawn that happened to have the characteristics of little or no character the power mongers needed. His handlers are those rich and powerful who put the man in the White House for the specific reason of carrying out all the actions that have been done since Bush was put in and took over the Oval Office. His lead handler is, of course, his daddy.

If not destroyed, the knowledge must be hidden away in the bowels of the minds of the deceitful and hoards filled with plans of the evil take-over of all mankind, regardless of how many people are put to death. Hence, the hiding of papers that will reveal the truth of Reagan's, Bush the First's, Clinton's, and the present Bush's administrations.

While Americans work hard for their earnings and express their rights of owning as much property as they want and can afford, the US Government works hard at taking away increasing portions of it. Now, the treasonous bastards are getting States to pass laws that will let any government official take an American's property, remove him from his family and break the family up, and a lot of other actions reminiscent of the Nazis in Germany. In fact, Bush could more aptly be called Fuehrer now than president.

Kids are ripped from their families and State officials are rewarded financially for doing so. Fathers are torn from families and then the mother accused of not being able to provide for her children. And the State takes over the children and paid to do so.

What a terribly evil scam the whole thing of "for the children" is. It isn't for the children but to establish the children as slaves of government. The government must, therefore, destroy their individuality and sovereignty, along with their allegiance to the country - replacing it with allegiance to the federal government - for all of their lives.

People cannot discipline their children and thus the children are growing up without any sense of self-responsibility and often without a good male role model. The reason - a good male role model might teach the youngster to stand up for himself and his rights. Such terrible teachings might produce a future freedom fighter, exactly what the US Government does not want.

Government peons in lower levels take advantage of their "power". They lie and do anything necessary in their demented minds to destroy the family unit. And the fools don't know they have been brainwashed into doing the government's bidding. And it's all in the name of "for the children's good". What pure unadulterated crap this is.

Bush is promoting Neighborhood Watches that are setting up for Americans to turn in other Americans who disagree with the government. These American people will be made to believe they are doing "good" when the fact is they have joined the ranks of the evil. They will be just as evil as those in World War II who turned in even their best friends, relatives, and their own family members to assure their own safety.

These "watches" will be part of the American Gestapo. Any who wear the patch will declare themselves as against the Constitution and, therefore, traitors to America - the real America - and not that envisioned by the imperialistic US Government.

Law enforcers are already acting as special Gestapo units intent on instilling even deeper fear into the people. The fear is used to force compliance to the hundreds of thousands of unlawful laws made by the feds, States, and local subdivisions.

People are brutalized, even killed, in their travels by these enforcers of "law" - a term that translates to unconstitutional - regulations on the people. The laws are meant to establish more complete control by removing rights that were once taken for granted.

Originally, the US Government fooled the idiots in State legislatures - or paid them off directly or in promises of wealth for them and their state - and got them to sign a Driver's License Compact in which Interstate Transportation laws were covertly placed on all people. Any driving that requires any kind of license or permit is actually only required on commercial, State vehicles, emergency vehicles, and US Government interstate movements of goods (transportation) using motor vehicles. The whole thing is a gigantic racketeering scheme.

Once a fee is applied and a license "granted", it is no longer a freedom but a privilege doled out by government that can just as easily be removed. And, armed government troops are used to enforce the laws. Troops are used because no matter what else they are called, they act just as the military and paramilitary groups of Nazi Germany, communist Russia, China, and all other regimes denying people their rights as natural born human beings.

Now then - since so many think we are free and wave their little flags supporting US Government and States' (including subdivisions) governments - go out right now and take the government's tags off your car. After all, you own it by right but that tag states on it that you do not own it, that the State does. You gave the bill of sale to the State. Keeping it on admits you don't mind that you converted your ownership to the State.

And, thus you pay every year for the "privilege" of using your own auto.

Tear up your driver's license. Remove inspection stickers, city stickers, and all other forms of identification from the automobile you own by right. Now, go driving if you believe we are wallowing in liberty - including the right to travel freely using any conveyance we want. Prove that you and your auto aren't being treated as commercial entities owned by the government.

Go to every business that has your social security number on file and demand it be removed immediately. Demand to watch to see that it is deleted completely from all computers of the business. Then write the government telling them to remove the number from its database on you and to destroy the database. If you are free and not treated as livestock by the government (any level), then there wouldn't be a problem, would there?

Go to your employer and make him stop withholding illegally from your paycheck. Knock the hell out of him (figuratively speaking) if he doesn't by filing criminal charges against him for conspiracy, theft, extortion, and racketeering. Or, maybe go ahead and knock the hell out of him for resisting arrest. Yes, any American may still arrest other people for criminal actions. By God, it is your earnings to do with as you want, not his to do with as he wants.

Then, we have Bush's "hidden" government that is to take over the governing of this nation after it suffers devastation by those behind the scenes. Who are these people?

They aren't congressmen because Congress did not know about the hidden shadow government. But this is the government is going to take over. So, if you think Bush is a great president - by all that is good and right - you had better think again. He is a pawn of evil and does its bidding without batting an eye. His faith is as false as his presidency.

Speaking of that, why is it that the legislative body is signing bill after bill into law - or accept the past unconstitutional bills that have passed into law - and never make more than a weal-minded whimper, if that. Don't the fools understand that they are no more important than any other American or other people who live on this planet?

My God, why don't they open their minds up to the tyranny that is going to consume them as well as the rest of us? Come on - let's reason a bit. Bush and his handlers established a hidden shadow government. No one knows where Cheney goes for days on end. What is Cheney doing? Is he involved with Bush's shadow government? Or, is he also expendable?

Anyway, Congress knew NOT about the shadow government and did NOT appropriate any spending to finance it. If they had, they would have known about it. Therefore, the White House has violated many federal laws and it - meaning Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and a host of others - should be indicted for many criminal activities associated with the subterfuge.

But, no, it seems those in Congress are just as afraid or as dummied down as the rest of the American people. Or, they believe they will be part of the new government established by the evil tyrants controlling Bush and his boys.

The one assurance they can be given is that they will NOT be part of the "new" government. They are merely elected officials who will not have a job even though they may still put on a show (which is really all they do now) in the new government. After all, did Bush's gang include them in their plans to form a new government?

The fact is, however, that they may be destroyed. Think about it. What could the next target of the evil be since the shadow government is hidden away someplace outside of the Capitol of Tyranny in underground bunkers that very few knew about, let alone the location of? One might suspect, though, the CIA's grounds or other hidden areas.

Could the next target be Washington, District of Corruption? If so, if I were a member of Congress, I would sure be wary if the White House occupant, the Carlyle Group, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft (he may just be a puppet, too), United Nations people, and a few select others who are somewhat key in the horrible conspiracy, are all out of Washington at the same time.

As secretive as Bush and his bunch are, though, it is not likely they will know they are left alone in the Capitol of Deceit until they are vaporized, with their souls heading for wherever. Or puking their guts up as they die a slow painful bio-weapon death shared with hundreds of thousands of DC inhabitants.

We are all being fooled by dozens of "wars" used to get compliance into the need for unconstitutional laws, actions that are being taken in order that this nation will be duped into losing its sovereignty. Or maybe we already have since the US Government will be placing a United Nation's tax on us. Isn't that what foreign aid is, anyway?

Is there any valid reason to believe that members of Congress are also not being fooled? After all, they think they are the lawmaking body but it isn't true, not when presidents and government departments or lowly bureaus are making laws, hiding information, and hiding away specially trained wannabe tyrants. Security is one concept one might think congressmen have little of.

Speaking of security, people think airport security is to protect people from terrorists. But, is it? One could easily think it is too establish control over another mode of travel without providing any protection at all. Airlines are taken over usually after they are in the air and it has been shown time and time again that it doesn't take "weapons} to overpower people and hijack a plane. It may just take a "joystick" operated by a government flunky because of Global Hawk systems.

Besides, many tests and accidental findings have shown that the security by the US Government isn't worth a darn, including military protection as shown by September 11, 2001. Of course, this refers only in protecting our shores and our people, not the dastardly A-holes who are orchestrating the greatest horror show on Earth.

But, as a tool to get people used to military control, it is quite useful. People are getting used to seeing armed military and having their bodies subjected to crimes that once would have gotten the searchers shot or severely beat up by concerned citizens.

Also, security is to be manned by foreigners. Well, just who the hell are these foreigners? Does anyone of you out there know that they are not trained as soldiers or terrorists in the terrorist school in Virginia? And, what if they are - sleepers of the federal government, that is? What is their real job, one of security or one of destroying security and the American way as we in our imaginations believe it to be?

See, any act of protection taken so far by the feds is senseless and irrational except in the sense of meeting the government's hidden agendas. This includes giving perhaps thousands of actual foreign terrorists amnesty. The best, most effective security is to have every passenger and every American who can hold up a gun armed with locked and loaded weapons.

In fact, we should right now be in training with the best weapons available that are being used - or will be used - by the US Military. The true Militia - every able bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45 - should now be in training to repel any invader, including the US Government due to the many questions concerning alleged terrorist attacks and unconstitutional bills turned into law. Any honest American peace officer (not law enforcer) will tell you the same thing. Any truly American soldier will tell you the same. Any honest politician will tell you the same.

Thus, airport security is most probably a scam to enforce additional controls on people and part of the plan to destroy this country fully. This will be proved correct in the future. An apology will be forth coming if this prediction does not come true.

National security of the States and the people in them is a scam. The government didn't or couldn't stop the single most horrendous act of terrorism against the people so how the hell can anyone think they can now, especially since the government received warnings of the WTC attack as early as 1995? Thus, national security is only to protect those who would destroy this country and all sovereignty on Earth and has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the real America.

And, to top it off without listing hundreds of other scams that can be summarized with just three more. The first is that the US Government is a scam perpetrated against the people, as it is a foreign corporation.

It is not of this country, nor is it of the people, by the people, or for the people. It holds beliefs quite the contrary to American Patriots' beliefs - you know, those people the US Government calls "domestic terrorists", "right-wing radicals", "tax protesters", "dissidents", "members of cults", and others while establishing extreme negative connotations with the terms and the people they so label.

Your state governments are not upholding the constitution. The liberties they take with our unalienable rights have essentially destroyed all rights. They did so by following the lead of the federal government. Statutes as applied are not constitutional and are used to fool people into converting their rights to privileges through which the government can control people. It is a revenue creating racketeering process for the legislators and those they make rich, including insurance agents and companies.

Your city governments are not upholding the Constitution and the unalienable rights of people. Just because you live in a town or city, did you give up your God-given rights? Think your officials know you didn't? Check out the many unconstitutional ordinances placed on your private property, including your person, earnings, talents, right to travel, real estate, and so on. Again, it is unconstitutionally means used to create revenues (often hidden in all cases of government from the people) that officials use as they will.

But, we are free, aren't we?

Ask this guy - the future (or should it be "present") of American privacy and security.

Ed Lewis is a veteran writer, having been published in many online journals and newspapers. Mr. Lewis, a Missourian dedicated to liberty and truth, may be reached for comment at

"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878


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    Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Supposed to be free
    by Ed Lewis

    This is part of a response by Mr. Rick Stanley, who is running for the US Senate in the great and beautiful Republic of Colorado. Since wakening this morning with the first thought being - is this country of ours really (I use that word privately) great - or is it going through its death throes as we all write and talk about solutions.

    Mr. Stanley's comment came from my question to him about forwarding out information that is important to Americans as it told, in part, of Bush family ties to bin Laden and the Carlyle Group. In the info, the writer stated that Bush Sr.'s name had now been removed from the site. And, indeed, it had although it was there perhaps two months ago when the Carlyle Group was looked up for future reference.

    However, the firm's official website is still chock full of people who have exercised great control over the government, including such personalities as James Baker, Frank Carlucci, and Richard Darman. The fact is that if we consider the White House as the center of the federal government, the Carlyle Group's office is just a hop, skip, and jump away. Might it not be too near the center of government? When one reads of the company's influence and dealings with the feds, one must believe there is a direct tunnel right to the back door of the White House.

    But, this article isn't about Bush and his many oil, weapons, pharmaceuticals, and other drug ties. This article is about the fact that when people put out such information, their freedom and lives are immediately put in peril. That is the reason Mr. Stanley was written to ask if it was okay to forward it to web publishers. His complete response was:

    "Why not? We are supposed to live in a 'FREE' country, right?"

    I would say this is what triggered my first thoughts except that I did not read his reply until just a few minutes ago. Rather than rambling on, let's get to the nitty gritty of what this country - and the world - has become.

    When one reads actual history - not the disinformation crap allowed to be printed by the US Government - one finds that always it is the leaders of nations who instigate actions of mass destruction and mass murdering of people, the genocide so often spoken of in the media. Of course, when the US Government's media - that is all of mainstream media - writes or speaks of genocide, it is always the other guy committing atrocities against mankind.

    A good example is that the killers in the WTC attack are called "terrorists" and vile haters of our way of life and all Christians. This is the normal disinformation put out by the feds through their bought and paid for media flunkies.

    But, while listening or reading, what about the fact that the US Government's super hitman team, the CIA, and sometimes its elite military units go all over the world assassinating - a nice word for murdering - leaders who do not conform to the US Government's ideas and the desires of its special interest groups, including especially the oil and illegal drug industries?

    Why do we forget the mass murders of men, women, and children by the US Government? Why do we forget the hundreds that have been killed by enforcers of law that do not constitutionally apply to us? How about the hundreds of thousands killed worldwide by military actions not constitutionally taken against other countries?

    Why do we ignore the many marauding thugs who are sent out by a bureau of Puerto Rico to raid innocent people's homes and businesses demanding tribute from them? This is, of course, the IRS, one of the most dangerous terrorist groups on Earth since it hides behind the government and its courts of injustice. The - in street language - * in Congress don't know or don't care that income tax is totally, absolutely nothing more than a gigantic racketeering scheme. Probably few of them pay it, anyway. And so they help protect it.

    Then, there is the so-called "war against drugs". The war against drugs is a bogus war set up to make the US Government money to use for its own and to overthrow other governments. The CIA has whistle blowers who have provided documentation of past presidents' complicity and direct involvement in drug dealing, including the "hero" of many - Reagan and his cohort, Bush the First. Other countries' know and their freer media sources have called the US Government/CIA the biggest drug dealer on Earth.

    These killers trained by the US Government not only kill other countries' government leaders who get in their way, but also innocent people. They even kill their own if their own gets out of line with them. In other words, if any begin feeling remorse and the need to tell people the truth, they are silenced permanently. Thus, many whistle blowers stay on the run. Too bad those researchers for bio-weapons didn't know how dastardly the government is they were working for - all of them might still be alive.

    No matter what, though, whether the CIA is the biggest or second biggest drug dealer - and terrorist group - the fact is there is no man on Earth that has the right to tell another what drug he may use, grow, manufacture, sell, or any other aspect of drug use, whether the drug is for recreation or medical purposes.

    Which brings up just who the hell is the FDA other than a bunch of feds owned by certain factions who approve drugs for medical purposes - or not? Does this agency have any power in the many States? NO, IT DOES NOT. For Christ's sake, read the name -it is FEDERAL, People. It, along with every agency/bureau/department does not have any jurisdiction in any State or in commerce between states ("among" in the Constitution does not mean "between"). The feds have lied to us and the majority accepts their lies, along with accepting the "reasoning" of a bunch of crooked traitorous attorneys who figured out how to word things so people would be misled. This is completely selfish of them as they make (may be higher now but was) $4000 per hour of your money.

    Of course, in assuring that people would accept unconstitutional laws and bureaus - no matter the wording - the feds began sending out their armed thugs during prohibition. Kill a few people making their own booze and those who sold it. Pretty soon the people would begin believing the federal government had the power just because they became afraid to believe otherwise.

    The numbers of these trained killers has increased many folds over that that existed during prohibition. In fact, although the numbers aren't known, one might suspect that the "guys in black suits" now far outnumber the military that is paid to protect us from such devastating groups against the rights of man. Count all law enforcers and it could well be the largest army on Earth.

    And, it goes almost without saying that every administration has increased the numbers. This started long before but includes Reagan and his keeper, the first Bush. It continued through that guy's administration, Clinton's administration, and now to a man who will one day, unless our sordid history of the past century is destroyed, be on the list as the most treasonous president's ever. He will be right up there with Lincoln and FDR.

    Were the truth known now - well, many would like to think that the people would take up arms and repel the federal government but we all know better than that. We are too "civilized" to kill leaders or try them for treason and then hang them. Too bad the government isn't just as civilized.

    Many years ago, the Alexandrian Library in Egypt contained over 400,000 scrolls and is purported to have contained all the knowledge of mankind up to that time. It, along with Alexandrian (Alexander created three major libraries) libraries in Greece and Rome, were destroyed. No one knows who or why the libraries were destroyed but the knowledge was lost. One must suspect it had to have been at the orders of a tyrannical leader since they are responsible for all the mass atrocities against people.

    Then, we have Nazi Germany that burned books by the thousands. Fear of knowledge seems to plaque world leaders. Knowledge would, after all, reveal their hidden agendas for the world to judge.

    This leads us to a question - is there any practical difference between destroying knowledge by burning books, and what the US Government is doing?

    It has rewritten history that is being taught in schools. It blocks books - particularly whistleblower's books - from being printed or forces them to be withdrawn from libraries.

    It raids websites and closes them down so that now people have to figure out how to have alternate websites. It monitors what we write in our correspondence and can block any it wants. It forces servers to bend to its will and control what goes through the servers.

    The US Government uses pretexts to send its armed invaders into the States, pretexts such as illegal firearms (none are unlawful in fact), tax evasion (no tax can be laid directly on the people, including federal and state income tax and property tax on domestic earnings and property gained by right), drug sales and manufacture (neither of which the feds have any constitutional control over except for imports), and suspected terrorism lacking even a shred of evidence.

    Sometimes it uses no pretext at all but simply targets those who poise a serious threat to their activities. Get well known and the danger becomes exponential to them. Ask Charlie Pluckett, formally of the Kentucky Militia a man who was on the run for his life even though he has been an outstanding American for the last three to four decades with only had one minor transgression as a teenager.

    But, then there lies the problem. Charlie is an American in every sense of the word and exactly the type of American the US Government is trying to squelch through the anti-Patriot Act, FEMA expanding to the States, all bio-terrorists actions, and its many law enforcers. You see, Charlie is an American Patriot.

    Rather than listing hundreds who have been killed (died under mysterious circumstances in some cases), the point is this. If the government takes serious offense at the knowledge that an American is trying to put forth, it kills them or under some fraud locks them away for years at a time. Or destroys their lives. Or threatens their families. Or kills their families.

    See, knowledge is the enemy of tyranny so tyrants must - just as Bush the Crazed-With-Assumed-Power is doing - destroy knowledge. Actually, this American patriot doesn't believe it is Bush - he believes it is Bush's handlers; that Bush is just a pawn that happened to have the characteristics of little or no character the power mongers needed. His handlers are those rich and powerful who put the man in the White House for the specific reason of carrying out all the actions that have been done since Bush was put in and took over the Oval Office. His lead handler is, of course, his daddy.

    If not destroyed, the knowledge must be hidden away in the bowels of the minds of the deceitful and hoards filled with plans of the evil take-over of all mankind, regardless of how many people are put to death. Hence, the hiding of papers that will reveal the truth of Reagan's, Bush the First's, Clinton's, and the present Bush's administrations.

    While Americans work hard for their earnings and express their rights of owning as much property as they want and can afford, the US Government works hard at taking away increasing portions of it. Now, the treasonous bastards are getting States to pass laws that will let any government official take an American's property, remove him from his family and break the family up, and a lot of other actions reminiscent of the Nazis in Germany. In fact, Bush could more aptly be called Fuehrer now than president.

    Kids are ripped from their families and State officials are rewarded financially for doing so. Fathers are torn from families and then the mother accused of not being able to provide for her children. And the State takes over the children and paid to do so.

    What a terribly evil scam the whole thing of "for the children" is. It isn't for the children but to establish the children as slaves of government. The government must, therefore, destroy their individuality and sovereignty, along with their allegiance to the country - replacing it with allegiance to the federal government - for all of their lives.

    People cannot discipline their children and thus the children are growing up without any sense of self-responsibility and often without a good male role model. The reason - a good male role model might teach the youngster to stand up for himself and his rights. Such terrible teachings might produce a future freedom fighter, exactly what the US Government does not want.

    Government peons in lower levels take advantage of their "power". They lie and do anything necessary in their demented minds to destroy the family unit. And the fools don't know they have been brainwashed into doing the government's bidding. And it's all in the name of "for the children's good". What pure unadulterated crap this is.

    Bush is promoting Neighborhood Watches that are setting up for Americans to turn in other Americans who disagree with the government. These American people will be made to believe they are doing "good" when the fact is they have joined the ranks of the evil. They will be just as evil as those in World War II who turned in even their best friends, relatives, and their own family members to assure their own safety.

    These "watches" will be part of the American Gestapo. Any who wear the patch will declare themselves as against the Constitution and, therefore, traitors to America - the real America - and not that envisioned by the imperialistic US Government.

    Law enforcers are already acting as special Gestapo units intent on instilling even deeper fear into the people. The fear is used to force compliance to the hundreds of thousands of unlawful laws made by the feds, States, and local subdivisions.

    People are brutalized, even killed, in their travels by these enforcers of "law" - a term that translates to unconstitutional - regulations on the people. The laws are meant to establish more complete control by removing rights that were once taken for granted.

    Originally, the US Government fooled the idiots in State legislatures - or paid them off directly or in promises of wealth for them and their state - and got them to sign a Driver's License Compact in which Interstate Transportation laws were covertly placed on all people. Any driving that requires any kind of license or permit is actually only required on commercial, State vehicles, emergency vehicles, and US Government interstate movements of goods (transportation) using motor vehicles. The whole thing is a gigantic racketeering scheme.

    Once a fee is applied and a license "granted", it is no longer a freedom but a privilege doled out by government that can just as easily be removed. And, armed government troops are used to enforce the laws. Troops are used because no matter what else they are called, they act just as the military and paramilitary groups of Nazi Germany, communist Russia, China, and all other regimes denying people their rights as natural born human beings.

    Now then - since so many think we are free and wave their little flags supporting US Government and States' (including subdivisions) governments - go out right now and take the government's tags off your car. After all, you own it by right but that tag states on it that you do not own it, that the State does. You gave the bill of sale to the State. Keeping it on admits you don't mind that you converted your ownership to the State.

    And, thus you pay every year for the "privilege" of using your own auto.

    Tear up your driver's license. Remove inspection stickers, city stickers, and all other forms of identification from the automobile you own by right. Now, go driving if you believe we are wallowing in liberty - including the right to travel freely using any conveyance we want. Prove that you and your auto aren't being treated as commercial entities owned by the government.

    Go to every business that has your social security number on file and demand it be removed immediately. Demand to watch to see that it is deleted completely from all computers of the business. Then write the government telling them to remove the number from its database on you and to destroy the database. If you are free and not treated as livestock by the government (any level), then there wouldn't be a problem, would there?

    Go to your employer and make him stop withholding illegally from your paycheck. Knock the hell out of him (figuratively speaking) if he doesn't by filing criminal charges against him for conspiracy, theft, extortion, and racketeering. Or, maybe go ahead and knock the hell out of him for resisting arrest. Yes, any American may still arrest other people for criminal actions. By God, it is your earnings to do with as you want, not his to do with as he wants.

    Then, we have Bush's "hidden" government that is to take over the governing of this nation after it suffers devastation by those behind the scenes. Who are these people?

    They aren't congressmen because Congress did not know about the hidden shadow government. But this is the government is going to take over. So, if you think Bush is a great president - by all that is good and right - you had better think again. He is a pawn of evil and does its bidding without batting an eye. His faith is as false as his presidency.

    Speaking of that, why is it that the legislative body is signing bill after bill into law - or accept the past unconstitutional bills that have passed into law - and never make more than a weal-minded whimper, if that. Don't the fools understand that they are no more important than any other American or other people who live on this planet?

    My God, why don't they open their minds up to the tyranny that is going to consume them as well as the rest of us? Come on - let's reason a bit. Bush and his handlers established a hidden shadow government. No one knows where Cheney goes for days on end. What is Cheney doing? Is he involved with Bush's shadow government? Or, is he also expendable?

    Anyway, Congress knew NOT about the shadow government and did NOT appropriate any spending to finance it. If they had, they would have known about it. Therefore, the White House has violated many federal laws and it - meaning Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and a host of others - should be indicted for many criminal activities associated with the subterfuge.

    But, no, it seems those in Congress are just as afraid or as dummied down as the rest of the American people. Or, they believe they will be part of the new government established by the evil tyrants controlling Bush and his boys.

    The one assurance they can be given is that they will NOT be part of the "new" government. They are merely elected officials who will not have a job even though they may still put on a show (which is really all they do now) in the new government. After all, did Bush's gang include them in their plans to form a new government?

    The fact is, however, that they may be destroyed. Think about it. What could the next target of the evil be since the shadow government is hidden away someplace outside of the Capitol of Tyranny in underground bunkers that very few knew about, let alone the location of? One might suspect, though, the CIA's grounds or other hidden areas.

    Could the next target be Washington, District of Corruption? If so, if I were a member of Congress, I would sure be wary if the White House occupant, the Carlyle Group, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft (he may just be a puppet, too), United Nations people, and a few select others who are somewhat key in the horrible conspiracy, are all out of Washington at the same time.

    As secretive as Bush and his bunch are, though, it is not likely they will know they are left alone in the Capitol of Deceit until they are vaporized, with their souls heading for wherever. Or puking their guts up as they die a slow painful bio-weapon death shared with hundreds of thousands of DC inhabitants.

    We are all being fooled by dozens of "wars" used to get compliance into the need for unconstitutional laws, actions that are being taken in order that this nation will be duped into losing its sovereignty. Or maybe we already have since the US Government will be placing a United Nation's tax on us. Isn't that what foreign aid is, anyway?

    Is there any valid reason to believe that members of Congress are also not being fooled? After all, they think they are the lawmaking body but it isn't true, not when presidents and government departments or lowly bureaus are making laws, hiding information, and hiding away specially trained wannabe tyrants. Security is one concept one might think congressmen have little of.

    Speaking of security, people think airport security is to protect people from terrorists. But, is it? One could easily think it is too establish control over another mode of travel without providing any protection at all. Airlines are taken over usually after they are in the air and it has been shown time and time again that it doesn't take "weapons} to overpower people and hijack a plane. It may just take a "joystick" operated by a government flunky because of Global Hawk systems.

    Besides, many tests and accidental findings have shown that the security by the US Government isn't worth a darn, including military protection as shown by September 11, 2001. Of course, this refers only in protecting our shores and our people, not the dastardly A-holes who are orchestrating the greatest horror show on Earth.

    But, as a tool to get people used to military control, it is quite useful. People are getting used to seeing armed military and having their bodies subjected to crimes that once would have gotten the searchers shot or severely beat up by concerned citizens.

    Also, security is to be manned by foreigners. Well, just who the hell are these foreigners? Does anyone of you out there know that they are not trained as soldiers or terrorists in the terrorist school in Virginia? And, what if they are - sleepers of the federal government, that is? What is their real job, one of security or one of destroying security and the American way as we in our imaginations believe it to be?

    See, any act of protection taken so far by the feds is senseless and irrational except in the sense of meeting the government's hidden agendas. This includes giving perhaps thousands of actual foreign terrorists amnesty. The best, most effective security is to have every passenger and every American who can hold up a gun armed with locked and loaded weapons.

    In fact, we should right now be in training with the best weapons available that are being used - or will be used - by the US Military. The true Militia - every able bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45 - should now be in training to repel any invader, including the US Government due to the many questions concerning alleged terrorist attacks and unconstitutional bills turned into law. Any honest American peace officer (not law enforcer) will tell you the same thing. Any truly American soldier will tell you the same. Any honest politician will tell you the same.

    Thus, airport security is most probably a scam to enforce additional controls on people and part of the plan to destroy this country fully. This will be proved correct in the future. An apology will be forth coming if this prediction does not come true.

    National security of the States and the people in them is a scam. The government didn't or couldn't stop the single most horrendous act of terrorism against the people so how the hell can anyone think they can now, especially since the government received warnings of the WTC attack as early as 1995? Thus, national security is only to protect those who would destroy this country and all sovereignty on Earth and has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the real America.

    And, to top it off without listing hundreds of other scams that can be summarized with just three more. The first is that the US Government is a scam perpetrated against the people, as it is a foreign corporation.

    It is not of this country, nor is it of the people, by the people, or for the people. It holds beliefs quite the contrary to American Patriots' beliefs - you know, those people the US Government calls "domestic terrorists", "right-wing radicals", "tax protesters", "dissidents", "members of cults", and others while establishing extreme negative connotations with the terms and the people they so label.

    Your state governments are not upholding the constitution. The liberties they take with our unalienable rights have essentially destroyed all rights. They did so by following the lead of the federal government. Statutes as applied are not constitutional and are used to fool people into converting their rights to privileges through which the government can control people. It is a revenue creating racketeering process for the legislators and those they make rich, including insurance agents and companies.

    Your city governments are not upholding the Constitution and the unalienable rights of people. Just because you live in a town or city, did you give up your God-given rights? Think your officials know you didn't? Check out the many unconstitutional ordinances placed on your private property, including your person, earnings, talents, right to travel, real estate, and so on. Again, it is unconstitutionally means used to create revenues (often hidden in all cases of government from the people) that officials use as they will.

    But, we are free, aren't we?

    Ask this guy - the future (or should it be "present") of American privacy and security.

    Ed Lewis is a veteran writer, having been published in many online journals and newspapers. Mr. Lewis, a Missourian dedicated to liberty and truth, may be reached for comment at

    "If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
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