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Confessions of a Weakling

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited March 2002 in General Discussion
Confessions of a Weakling- Or - Why I Own a Gun!by Dennis D. HayesPardon me for just a moment while I increase my oxygen.This is an open letter to all gun-backed bureaucrats, gun-control advocates, gun-toting soldiers of the State, and criminals. Let me take just a small sip of my lukewarm green tea as I confess to you why I own a gun and could never give up my second amendment rights. It's because I'm a weakling. < COUGH! >Please excuse the spittle.You see, although I am nearly incapable of making it to the bathroom without an accident, (due to a failure-to-thrive syndrome brought about by government-mandated nutritional guidelines) I still have enough strength to explain to you why I am doing the only thing I can do in the short-run to protect my personal property. Yes, that's right. I own a gun for reasons of defense.Please realize that by doing so I am only agreeing with you that the gun is the weapon of the weakling. I actually think you are quite correct when you point out that locks and alarms and security cameras should provide all the protection I require, but I'm still not quite sure what I 'm supposed to do to protect myself against people who are trying to harm me."Give 'em what they want!" you say. OK.but what if what they want is my life?!"Call the police!" you say. Fine, I'll call.but how are they going to protect me? < HACK! > .< Ptui!! >Oh wait a minute. I just got it! They are armed to protect me. Ooooo.I'm terribly sorry. I just farted.Now I know you're always saying that we must have more gun control. Especially in light of all the recent tragedies involving guns. Believe me, I have really tried to take your missives to heart, even with my grade II Mitral-Valve Prolapse. Sometimes I can even see your viewpoint when you say that a gun is not the best idea when it comes to personal defense.But here is where I have to be practical. Practical, mind you, in the same way my country's forefathers were. They suggested that to keep freedom and liberty means you have to be alert to the reality that it is people in positions of power that tend to misuse weapons. They understood that it is not guns that kill people; it is people that kill people. People make guns, and people use guns. They knew that guns don't make themselves, and guns don't operate themselves. The problem lies in the weakness of people. So they wrote the 2nd Amendment with the full knowledge that because there would always be the weakness of people in power to potentially misuse weapons, then every citizen should have the right to be equal to that weakness. At least that way, with a gun, an otherwise inferior person can feel equal to someone that wants to impose his or her will forcefully upon them as some sort of a better alternative. It clearly proves that even our forefathers appreciated the value of deterrence. In the case of a gun-toting political bureaucracy, the adoption of the 2nd Amendment would provide the means such that even weaklings like you or me could make a stand, if necessary. And the truth is as history proves.deterrence works!Now I know, especially as the frail, skinny, rice pudding-sucking bag of bones that I am, that my view doesn't really lend itself to the oft quoted Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." But even I, as one barely able to draw air into his own lungs without government assistance, know that this saying still leaves plenty of room for mischief by people who would misuse its meaning. So instead I prefer to live by the double negative Golden Rule first introduced to me by Andrew J. Galambos in his book, " SIC ITUR AD ASTRA": " Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you." I only wish these were the words people in positions of power and people like you would live by!But as long as we must continue to live in a country and in a society where our government bureaucrats refuse to give up their must I.In closing, with hands trembling uncontrollably from the exertion required to type these words onto this electronic page, I Confess.(cough!) I'm a weakling.(sniff!)And I might indeed be every bit as helpless as you are hoping. But it's OK.It doesn't bother me anymore. You see.I've got a gun too!Sincerely,Casper Milquetoast
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