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Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited October 2001 in General Discussion
BERKELEY BEING STUPID AGAIN: Leave it to Berkeley, California, to pass a really stupid resolution to condemn U. S. military action in Afghanistan. They're up to their keisters there in liberal "ivory-tower" professors and students who know nothing about how the real world works. They want no violence, but they can't seem to understand that answering violence with no violence will invite more violence against us. You mention that to them and they give you their usual answer that if we don't answer violence with violence, thus causing more violence in return, which ignores the fact that to do so gives the impression of weakness to the other side, which will give us more violence anyway. If we answer their violence with a "firestorm" of violence far above that which they brought to us, so much more that they don't want any more of it, maybe they'll get the idea that it's not a good idea to do violence to us, or simply will not be able to do so. The latter, rather than the former, is the best goal, and it is the one we're using in Afghanistan. The stupidity of the Berkeley people should be ignored and the subject of much laughter. (Source: United, 10/17/2001) [101901-1] LEAVE IT TO "CALYPSO LOUIE": "Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan has urged his followers not to believe U.S. claims that Osama bin Laden was behind the Sept. 11 attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon until government officials produce proof. They have lied before, and there's no guarantee they are not lying now," Farrakhan warned the crowd during a speech at Chicago's Christ Universal Temple." Of course, anything that will be a "cut" to the Untied States of America, which is one of the few countries that would allow his traitorous pronouncements, he will say, to inflame his "followers." The more outrageous he is, the more money comes in. He is one of the best known "race-baiters" in the country. His every waking hour is devoted to whipping up as much racial hatred as he can. This is how he has become very rich. When you ask him about slavery, all he talks about is the slavery that existed 100 or more years ago in the United States. He seems to have a blind spot for the slavery that still exists in the world, in countries that give him money. Countries like Sudan and Libya and a few other Arab countries (but not limited to Arab countries). He can't seem to understand that today's slavery is more of a problem than that of a century ago. But boy, does he "lay into" the United States government while ignoring his own shortcomings. (Source: News Max, 10/17/2001) [101901-2] THE CRIMINALIZATION OF MASCULINITY: "If you are a heterosexual male of any race, tear yourself away from the war on terrorism and let Howard S. Schwartz inform you of your real enemy. His book, The Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness, has just been released by Praeger Publishers in Westport, Ct. The book is a bombshell. Schwartz, a professor of organizational behavior, shows that feminism has metamorphosed from demands for gender equality into gender warfare against masculinity. The feminists' holy war against "toxic man" is as ferocious in its way as the Muslim holy war against the West. The virulent form of feminism attacks male sexuality and has succeeded in criminalizing masculinity itself. Feminism criminalized masculinity by inventing attitudinal crimes and conflating them with behavioral crimes." This book tells, in excellent detail, how militant feminists have emasculated men and tried to make them into women in men's bodies. Meanwhile, women in Afghanistan are depending on men to rescue them from the complete removal of their rights by the Taliban. (Source: Paul Craig Roberts in News Max, 10/17/2001) [101901-3] ENOUGH TO GAG A MAGGOT: "Former Attorney General Janet Reno and Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Timoney were given awards for leadership in research-based crime prevention at Monday's dedication of a new crime research center at the University of Pennsylvania. Reno was honored for making crime prevention research a priority in her department [Of course, the only crimes she wanted to solve were those not committed by the Clinton crowd. -RT]. Timoney was honored as one of the architects of New York's system that tracks crime 'hot spots' and tries to prevent them. 'We have an opportunity in this nation to once and for all end the culture of violence that has plagued this nation for too long,' Reno said [How they gonna do that as long as the Clintons and their criminal friends are not in prison? -RT]. 'Let's not become complacent because crime is down eight years in a row,' she said. 'Let's figure out why we got it out that far and let's see what we can do to get it down further.' " No one seems to see that what's responsible for the lowering of crime figures during the Clinton years is the large number of states that allowed law-abiding citizens to carry guns for self defense, making many criminals quake in their boots and stay away from violent crime. They don't want to get shot. It's certainly not anything she did. Giving this woman such an award simply shows that liberal organizations such as this still have their blinders on. Thanks again to Wendy Isherwood. (Source: Naples News, 10/16/2001) [101901-4] MORE INCREDIBLE GUN STUPIDITY: "The sound of a gun going off to start the races at track meets could be a sound of the past. Last week, the National Federation High School Track and Field Rules Committee enforced a bylaw that prohibits officials from using caliber pistols -- commonly known as starter's pistols -- to start races. Ed Thibodeau, rules interpreter for the NHIAA Track and Field Committee will recommend that other devices be used to start races. 'We could use whistles, but I'll suggest that we use a bullhorn,' said Thibodeau. " He said even though the guns don't fire anything, they are still dangerous. 'Believe it or not, at every meet we run, there is someone who attends the races for the very first time. It's very frightening for someone to hear a gun go off when they don't expect one to go off in the first place,' he said. 'The last thing we want is to have an accident or scare someone, especially a month after we experienced the bombings. When you think of it, guns of any kind shouldn't be used at athletic events.'" Don't expect it? Tell me one person who doesn't know what a "starter gun" is for and whet they do with it. Dangerous? I would like for him to quote the statistics on how many people have been killed by a starter's blank pistol. This is just another example of the way liberals think we're all wimps and that we would be frightened to hear the crack of the starter's pistol. Actually, it's just another way to demonize guns, or even the sound of them. Such ignorance makes me want to barf. (Source: New Hampshire Union Leader, 10/17/2001) [101901-5] RAY'S SHORTS: These are very short items, but on important subjects: Nobel Peace joke: "We should remember that the image of the United Nations as a benevolent peacemaker is a myth, as evidenced by the sad history of its military actions over the past 30 years. In almost every instance its so-called 'peacekeeping missions' have done nothing but intensify regional conflicts. Kosovo and Somalia are poignant examples of UN policy gone bad, creating lasting resentment and instability rather than peace." (Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, "Texas Straight Talk," 10/8/01) Osama bin Laden's epitaph: "Osama bin Laden - he destroyed much, he built nothing. His lasting impact was like a footprint in the desert." (Columnist Thomas Friedman, New York Times) Jesse and bin Laden: Jesse Jackson and Osama bin Laden are, to a degree, in the same business: extortion. Jesse extorts money from big business by threatening to call them racist, and bin Laden extorts governments by threatening terrorism. Both get a payoff of millions of dollars for the promise to leave them alone. (CNN Headline News) Well, duh! A poll conducted by a university on the West Bank found 89% of Palestinians oppose U.S. air strikes against Afghanistan." (Wall Street Journal, 10/12/01) [101901-6] "BUFF": The military refers to the B-52 as "BUFF." They say that stands for "Big Ugly Fat Fella." But knowing the military like I do, I seriously doubt that that last "F" stands for "fella." (CNN Headline News, 10/17/01) Ripping off the originator: Chuckie Shumer wants to rip off the originator of the best-known drug for the treatment of Anthrax by allowing other makers to manufacture it because of the "emergency." Well, I guess any excuse is better than none for theft. (NBC's "Today," 10/17/01) [101901-6]
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