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A busy week coming for Colorado gun rights

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
A busy week coming for Colorado gun rights by Dudley Brown,Executive Director of RMGO.orgFebruary 11, -- A busy week coming for your gun rights. Next week will be important for Colorado gun owners, as both good and bad bills make are heard in committees. Here is a calendar of what we know right now:
Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1:30 pm, Room 356 (third floor, between the elevators) - The Senate Judiciary is scheduled to hear two bad bills:One is SB60, Ken Chlouber's weak concealed carry bill. SB60 is a weakening of the existing law in almost every area. This bill is unlikely to make it out of the committee, but odder things have happened in the legislature.The committee is also scheduled to hear Sen. Pat Pascoe's SB155. SB155 will shut down sheriffs or chiefs who issue concealed weapons permits to those outside of their county or city. Both bills make existing concealed weapons permits expire early. Pro-gun activists should oppose both bills, but shouldn't be surprised when SB155 makes it out of this committee. We'll likely have to get it at another point.
Thursday, Feb. 14, 1:30 pm, Room 0107 (basement, between the elevators, but this location could change) - The House State Affairs Committee will hear three bills related to our gun rights:HB1242 by Dave Schultheis - This concealed carry bill is quite possibly the best bill of its type ever offered in Colorado. See our summary sheet of the bill on our website.HB1264 creates the crime "Negligent Storage" of a firearm. It is an attempt to force Colorado citizens to lock up their safety. Committee members should be urged to vigorously oppose this bill. HB1287 is a stark intrusion on the private medical records of Colorado citizens, all in the name of "public safety." It gives the Colorado Brady Registration check access to mental health records, something even long-time anti-gun Senator Dottie Wham opposed. This bill should be opposed as well.
We'll get you names and numbers for targeted legislators early next week, so get ready for a week of hardcore grassroots activism.Dudley BrownExecutive
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