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Gun Grabbers Sink Further

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Gun Grabbers Sink Further By Jeff Dantre' : 02.15.02
Two thousand and two continues to look grimmer and grimmer for anti-gunners. In yet another negative ruling for gun-grabbers, the Georgia Court of Appeals has dismissed a suit by the city of Atlanta against gun manufacturers and trade associations. The court put it very simply saying that only the STATES have the right to regulate firearms. The Appeals Court overturned a lower court ruling that allowed the city to sue 14 gun makers and three trade associations and alleged that they are negligent in designing, distributing and promoting firearms and fail to warn of their danger. The case may not be over. A deputy city attorney told the Associated Press that the city has not decided whether to appeal the ruling to the Georgia Supreme Court. Atlanta's new mayor remains an unknown quantity when it comes to the gun issue.Atlanta used to be the crime capital of the U.S. and perhaps the world. Those statistics have changed for the better for the town Sherman once pummeled. But the torch seems to have found its way across the ocean to England. Muggings and violent crimes are soaring there and the British government is warning police chiefs across the nation that either the local constables get it under control or the federal government will intervene. Police chiefs are pointing the finger at the British feds. Home Secretary David Blunkett wants to increase the police force in London alone from nearly 26,000 to 42,000 officers, matching the strength of the police force in New York City which sports a city limit population of a million more residents and a metropolitan area population more than two and a half times larger. Street crime in London has risen from 8,614 robberies during the three-month period from September to November 2000 to 19,248 robberies during the same period last year. Gun crime also has risen, with the number of muggings involving a firearm in London increasing from 435 during the six months ended November 2000 to 667 in the same period last year. The truly sad part of all of the latest press reports about England's woes is that no officials or experts quoted have issued even the slightest hint that the crime wave might have something to do with that country's sweeping confiscation of the firearms of law abiding citizens. So folks, here we have the clearest indication, a real life test thankfully not on our own shore, of how important individual firearm ownership is to the safety of us all. I didn't use the phrase "right to own" because I do not believe, and I'm sure you agree, that it is a right to be granted. I would contend that self-defense is a natural right of men and women.Let us pray for the poor souls across the seas.
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