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Anti-Gun Forces Use Fear To Push Controls

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Anti-Gun Forces Use Fear To Push Controls By Russ Thurman The anti-gun movement continues to use tragedies to further its agenda. In a shameless move to exploit the Sept. 11 attacks, Handgun Control Inc. (HCI-Brady) released a hastily assembled report linking American gun sales to terrorism.The report, entitled, "Guns and Terror: How Terrorists Exploit Our Weak Gun Laws," was released in mid-December during a Capitol Hill press conference."For terrorists around the world, the United States is the Great Gun Bazaar," said Michael Barnes, president of HCI.The report claims that: "The irresponsibility of the gun industry, as well as irrational statutory restraints on federal record keeping of gun sales and other necessary enforcement tools, allows corrupt gun dealers to funnel guns to terrorists."At the press conference were Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), and Jack Reed (D-R.I.), and Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.). They all called for stricter gun laws."Our current gun laws are so weak that our country serves as a virtual arsenal for terrorists," Waxman said."Jihad trainees are instructed to `obtain an assault rifle legally' and enroll in American gun clubs to take courses in sniping, general shooting, and other rifle courses," Reed said.Sen. Feinstein called for background checks on all firearm transactions, even those between individuals.In the report, HCI calls for new restrictions on gun sales, including: "Requiring complete criminal background checks wherever a gun is sold, whether at a gun show, through classified ads, or over the Internet."Retaining federal background check records and allowing reasonable access to those records by federal law enforcement."Limiting large-volume gun purchases to curb trafficking of guns to terrorists and criminals."Permanently reauthorizing the assault weapons ban." While anti-gun legislators and the liberal media praised the report, its exploitation of fear was not lost on others. An editorial in the Missoulan newspaper of Missoula, Mont., called the report "a shameful ploy.""The report's few examples of people linked to terrorist groups buying guns in the United States all involve cases in which authorities caught the suspects breaking our `weak guns laws,'" the Missoulan's editors wrote. "Read the report critically and what you actually see is reassuring: Law enforcement agencies, using informants, tracking records and mounting sting operations, were effectively thwarting would-be terrorists long before Sept. 11. The notion that Islamic fanatics can expect an easy time shopping at gun shows - the main "gun bazaar" cited in the report - is laughable."The Missoulan is right. Sadly, though, those dedicated to abolishing guns and gun ownership aren't laughing. They're cheering. In addition, they're giving large sums of money to finance the anti-gun movement. In December, we reported that Sarah Brady, chair of HCI, was pleading for money. "Regretfully, I must report to you that in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on America, we have been forced to make significant cutbacks in our programs, threatening our ability to fight for a safe America. We desperately need your help now more than ever," Brady wrote. Incredible! First, HCI blames the Sept. 11 attacks for forcing "significant cutbacks" and then exploits the terrorist actions to push for more gun controls. Brady's plea for money resulted in two donations, totaling $500,000, at the end of last year. It's important to know how HCI is planning to use the money.A $200,000 donation from the late political cartoonist Herbert Block "will be used to advance the Brady Center's core mission of creating an America free from gun violence."A $300,000 donation from the June and John Hechinger Sr. Charitable Trust will be used: "To establish and train a strong national network of volunteer speakers who will educate their communities about the threat of gun violence and highlight how it can be reduced through prevention efforts and gun safety laws. "To educate and mobilize college-age students about the impact of gun violence and what they can do to help make their communities safe by supporting the Campus Alliance to Prevent Gun Violence, a network of local, campus-based chapters that work closely with existing gun-control organizations."To increase online Internet capabilities to help us effectively mobilize those participating in the Campus Alliance and the Hechinger Speakers Bureau."Note some key words: "establish and train," "educate and mobilize," and "increase online Internet capabilities." Such mobilization can not go unanswered. Just as we have repeatedly called for - though some say too often: every one in the industry must become involved in the gun-rights movement in their local communities. HCI is involved. They are dedicated and passionate about their cause. So are we. But it takes more than words. It takes action. Not getting involved is not an option.
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