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The Bush Gang is Brainwashing America
Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
The Bush Gang is Brainwashing America
By Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D.
~ Forword ~
Hello, hello! Wake up - that's the smell of YOUR brain being relentlessly brainwashed 365/24/7 by the bloodthirsty hype-meisters of the out-of-control BushMob, with the generous help of their vast stable of toadlike, slavish, cloned, dog-on-a-leash, BigOil-soaked, mass-media whores. AND, that's also the smell of YOUR Constitution going up in flames, Mr. and Mrs. America.
The author, a highly credentialed (militarily and academically) PROFESSOR and major expert on psychological warfare techniques and all kinds of related subjects, OBVIOUSLY knows what he's talking about!
The puppet Bush regime is using new, aggressive forms of brainwashing to change the very way Americans think and feel.
This is the psychological dimension of the "High Cabal's" general onslaught against American workers, just as the "war on terrorism" is the military dimension and corporate crime and tax cuts for the rich comprise the economic dimension.
We are living under the beginning stages of a military dictatorship in precisely the same way that 1930s Germans suffered under the Nazi regime.
As in the case of Nazi Germany, state-sponsored propaganda (brainswashing) is a vital part of the Bush regime's strategy.
New propaganda slogans are being overtly and subliminally implanted by Bush and his gang through their speeches and actions:
* dissent is treason
* Constitutional liberties are less important than security
* the "war on terrorism" excuses any attack on civil liberties
* the Bush administration has the right and the duty to bring about "regime change" in any nation it chooses
* the economy is basically sound
* only a few bad apples are found in the corporate barrel, which requires no new oversight laws
* if Bush and Cheney say they're not guilty of corporate crimes, then believe it and shut up
Propaganda American Style
Some of these mind programming tactics are so subtle that they can be overlooked in the hubbub of everyday life. For example, have you been aware that the very way in which the "public discourse" is being carried on is a subtle brainwashing strategy? In 2002, the Congress, the media, the man and woman on the street are encouraged to ask only this question: How should the U.S. conduct its war against Iraq?
What about the questions:
* Should the U.S. start a second war with Iraq?
* Does an unelected American president have the right to force a "regime change" on another nation?
* Why aren't Americans up in arms about Bush starting a second battle in his "war against terrorism?"
* Why should American military personnel die merely for Bush's insane quest for world domination and oil?
The Bush puppet regime is engaging in other rather subtle brainwashing tactics:
* an elaborate ruse as to who was to blame for 9/11
* psychic and political numbing in preparation for war
Insanity as Normalcy
The way in which the Bush junta is conducting itself is an interesting brainwashing technique in itself: Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, and the others continually commit OUTRAGES but don't excuse them, explain them, or invite reflection on these affronts to morality and sanity. In fact, when some timid media voice criticizes the Bush junta, the person is demonized as questioning behavior which is beyond reproach.
Americans are being brainwashed to ask only the questions the Bushites allow and they are programmed to see everything the Bush junta does as unquestionably correct.
Personality Profiling and Simulation
In an earlier article, I reviewed the varied aspects of personality profiling and simulation. While serving as Head of the Artificial Intelligence Department at the U.S. Army War College, 1993-1995, I conducted studies on profiling, psychological programming, and brainwashing. I explored and developed personality simulation systems, an advanced technology used in military war games, FBI profiling, political campaigning, and advertising. Part of my discovery was that:
* unenlightened human minds are combinations of infantile beliefs and emotional patterns
* these patterns can be simulated in profiling systems
* these profiling systems can be used to program and control people
Personality simulation systems are being used to create political campaigns which apply voter profiles to control their voting behavior. TV commercials and programs use personality simulation to profile viewers to control their purchasing and viewing behaviors. And sophisticated propaganda and brainwashing techniques are being used by the Bush junta to keep American citizens under control.
Programming Americans to Accept New Views of War and the Military
My time of service at the Army War College also gave me the opportunity to study:
* the varied mind-sets in the military
* the dynamic relationship involved in the civilian control of the military
* brainwashing in the military
When our nation was created, its founders understood that all facets of the government, including the military, are created to serve the needs of the people. The American colonists had fought against a British army which did whatever its corrupt civilian monarch and other leaders told it to do. This is why Samual Adams made the important distinction between the need for and the danger of a standing army.
"A Standing Army," Adams asserted, "however necessary it may be at some times, is always dangerous to the Liberties of the People."
From the beginning of the establishment of a standing military, military personnel have had one of two primary mind-sets:
* 1. I will remain loyal to my sworn pledge to uphold the U.S. Constitution, no matter what. If I consider a civilian or military order or operation to be contradictory to the Constitution, I will not follow the order and will do whatever is in my power to stop the unconstitutional operation.
This mind-set is represented by such military leaders as (to name just a few):
* Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty (above)
* General Frederick Woerner--commander in Panama and replaced by Bush senior when he wouldn't obey an illegal military order to attack Panama
* Admiral William Crowe--Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and replaced by Bush senior when he wouldn't obey an illegal military order to attack Panama
* the six U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in the time frame: 5/25/02 (before their arms were twisted by Powell and Bush to fall into line)
*- Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John Keane
-- OR --
I will do whatever my civilian and military commanders tell me to do, without reflection on whether or not what they are ordering is permitted by the Constitution (since I want to get ahead in the military). This mind-set is represented by such people as:
* Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Bush senior's presidency (took over when Admiral William Crowe wouldn't agree to Bush senior's illegal invasion of Panama)
* General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the Gulf War against Iraq
* General Maxwell Thurman, commander of Operation Just Cause, the military attack on Panama (took over from General Frederick Woerner, when Woerner wouldn't agree to Bush senior's illegal invasion of Panama)
* the six U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in the time frame: 8/7/02 (after they'd been coerced into agreement with Bush and Powell)
* General Tommy Franks, current U.S. military commander in Afghanistan
Distorted Concepts of War and the Military
Since the Korean War, the "High Cabal" has been brainwashing the American public into new, distorted concepts of war and the military:
* the military can be used by the president for whatever purposes he chooses:
* for a police action in Korea that the president makes sure the U.S. does not win
* for a police action in Viet Nam that the president makes sure the U.S. does not win
* for the invasion of Panama to capture Noriega, a criminal that had been hired by Bush senior as a CIAoperative and now threatened to reveal Bush's criminal activities in the Iran-Contra and other gun-running, drug-smuggling operations
* for the invasion of Iraq to make a "regime change"
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war...and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both.
"No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." James Madison, April 20, 1795
The "High Cabal" Propaganda Machine
A number of rabid right organizations provide the Bush junta propaganda support:
* Project for the New American Century
* Center for Security Policy
American Enterprise Institute
* Americans for Victory Over Terrorism - (Bennett, Kemp) World
* Anti-Communist League (Singlaub)
Any informed American is aware that the "High Cabal" carries on its efforts to turn America into a full-fledged dictatorship through a number of organizations. A partial list would include:
* Council on Foreign Relations
* Trilateral Commission
* Bilderberg Group
* Carlyle Group
* World Bank and International Monetary Fund
The Council on Foreign Relations is the "High Cabal's" mandarin stable, where sycophants write articles and chair meetings to discuss what policies and strategies the current puppet government must follow. A recent Council On Foreign Relations Task Force report ordered the Bush Administration to upgrade public diplomacy because too many people in the world, especially Arabs, don't like Americans.
Yowsuh! the Bush puppet gang replied, and went into immediate action, creating a new Office of Global Communications (OGC) to coordinate the administration's foreign policy message and huckster America's image globally. The OGC supplants a smaller propaganda group set up during the war in Afghanistan, when the Bush junta feared that the US was losing the public relations battle even though winning the war.
The U.S. government has had a propaganda arm since 1942, centered in the US International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). IBB broadcasts in 52 languages around the world and includes:
* the Voice of America
* the Office of Cuba Broadcasting
* the Worldnet Television and Film Service
* and a new service, the Middle East Radio Network (MERN)
Bush's Fake Economic Forum
As this article is being written (August, 2002), Duhbya is trying to brainwash the American people into thinking that the economy is okay, that only a few "bad-apple" CEOs of corporations have crossed the line of criminal behavior, and that no new legislation is necessary to stop runaway corporate crime that his administration has encouraged.
Fortunately, a considerable number of Americans, including even some of the usually supine press, are seeing through this propaganda swindle. An August 13, 2002 MSNBC opinion piece by William Saletan brands the effort "Bush's Fake Forum."
"This afternoon at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, President Bush and Vice President Cheney sat side by side on the stage of a packed auditorium for more than an hour. That's the first time they've been that close together for that long in public since Sept. 11. Evidently they're no longer afraid of terrorists. What they're afraid of is Americans."
An August 14, 2003 Washington Post editorial called the "forum" a confidence game.
"The theme of those reports was that the country needs lower taxes, that most corporate executives are honest and that the solution to corporate scandals is less, not more, regulation.
"Recession and the cost of war and the cost of homeland defense have increased our deficits," Mr. Bush said yesterday. At his forum, there was no one to remind him that tax cuts are playing their part too. In the real world, they're part of the arithmetic."
Frank Rich's 8/17/02 Op/Ed, "The Waco Road to Baghdad" caught even more of the brainwashing aspect of the fake forum.
"Though the president's harshest critics think he's stupid, I've always maintained that the real problem is that he thinks we are stupid. He never doubts that his show will distract us from bad news. Waco was supposed to make us forget the latest round of economic headlines: "stagnant wages, slowed growth, new all-time records in personal bankruptcies and consumer borrowing."
The fake forum was seen in its true colors when the Bushites had to admit that the participants were coached in what to say. Their attempt to call the coaching material "talking points" just didn't cut it.
Paradoxical Psychological Manipulation
A powerful strategy of clandestine brainwashing is to send a communication with two, paradoxical messages.
For example, the movie series, The Godfather, contained these two contradictory messages:
* mafia crime families are just like ordinary people
* a mafia criminal will kill his own family if necessary; don't think he would hesitate to kill you if ordered to
Even intelligent people can be taken in by this brainwashing technology of paradoxical messaging. An example of this phenomenon is a current operation by the Advertising Council.
The Ad Council expresses it overall purpose in this way: "We marshall [sic] the volunteer forces of advertising agencies and media companies to affect [sic] positive social change." You can, in the example, interpret "effect positive change" as "brainwash people into fearful submission."
One of the Council's current operations is called the Campaign for Freedom. If you believe the Council, "The initiative is designed to assist Americans during the war on terrorism through the development and distribution of timely and relevant public service messages. This first round of PSAs for the campaign has been created to celebrate our nation's freedom and remind Americans about the importance of freedom and the need to protect it for future generations."
"According to research, Americans are looking for messages that will inform, involve and inspire them during the war on terrorism. This inspirational campaign is advertising's gift to America on the occasion of its birthday, Independence Day. All of the ads conclude with the powerful tagline, "Freedom. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Protect it."
The first of six video clip "messages" involves the image of an American urban block, with the voiceover: "On September eleventh, terrorists tried to change America forever."
The image changes to the same urban street but this time with American flags hanging in front of every house.
"Well, they succeeded."
Now, that seems rather prosaic, doesn't it? The message is: "We showed those terrorists what we're made of!" Nothing to quarrel with, is there?
Well, maybe. Note the critical element of the image/message: EVERY house has a flag in front of it.
So the paradoxical message is: America is changed forever to a 200 percent patriotism that can see no wrong with whatever the Bush administration does.
The other one I'll analyze here is one in which a college age kid goes into a library and hands a a list of books on a request slip to a female librarian.
The boy says to the librarian, "I can't seem to find these books anywhere."
The librarian types them into the computer and says, "These books are no longer available."
He says, "I didn't know."
The librarian says, in an accusatory voice, "May I have your name please?"
"Why?" the boy replies.
As he walks away, he's seized by two men.
"What did I do?" he asks in desperation.
"We just have a couple of questions."
We hear the kid gasping as they roughly drag him off.
The "message" ends, as all six do, with the tag: "Freedom. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Protect it."
Some rather bright people have taken the "message" of this video clip to be: "Thank God, that can't happen in America." And based on that reading of the communication, they assume that the showing of the video on national TV is a positive thing.
You can only believe that "message" if you don't know that the F.B.I. is already checking libraries to see what people are reading. In other words, that isn't a scene of a non-reality but of a very present reality.
"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
By Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D.
~ Forword ~
Hello, hello! Wake up - that's the smell of YOUR brain being relentlessly brainwashed 365/24/7 by the bloodthirsty hype-meisters of the out-of-control BushMob, with the generous help of their vast stable of toadlike, slavish, cloned, dog-on-a-leash, BigOil-soaked, mass-media whores. AND, that's also the smell of YOUR Constitution going up in flames, Mr. and Mrs. America.
The author, a highly credentialed (militarily and academically) PROFESSOR and major expert on psychological warfare techniques and all kinds of related subjects, OBVIOUSLY knows what he's talking about!
The puppet Bush regime is using new, aggressive forms of brainwashing to change the very way Americans think and feel.
This is the psychological dimension of the "High Cabal's" general onslaught against American workers, just as the "war on terrorism" is the military dimension and corporate crime and tax cuts for the rich comprise the economic dimension.
We are living under the beginning stages of a military dictatorship in precisely the same way that 1930s Germans suffered under the Nazi regime.
As in the case of Nazi Germany, state-sponsored propaganda (brainswashing) is a vital part of the Bush regime's strategy.
New propaganda slogans are being overtly and subliminally implanted by Bush and his gang through their speeches and actions:
* dissent is treason
* Constitutional liberties are less important than security
* the "war on terrorism" excuses any attack on civil liberties
* the Bush administration has the right and the duty to bring about "regime change" in any nation it chooses
* the economy is basically sound
* only a few bad apples are found in the corporate barrel, which requires no new oversight laws
* if Bush and Cheney say they're not guilty of corporate crimes, then believe it and shut up
Propaganda American Style
Some of these mind programming tactics are so subtle that they can be overlooked in the hubbub of everyday life. For example, have you been aware that the very way in which the "public discourse" is being carried on is a subtle brainwashing strategy? In 2002, the Congress, the media, the man and woman on the street are encouraged to ask only this question: How should the U.S. conduct its war against Iraq?
What about the questions:
* Should the U.S. start a second war with Iraq?
* Does an unelected American president have the right to force a "regime change" on another nation?
* Why aren't Americans up in arms about Bush starting a second battle in his "war against terrorism?"
* Why should American military personnel die merely for Bush's insane quest for world domination and oil?
The Bush puppet regime is engaging in other rather subtle brainwashing tactics:
* an elaborate ruse as to who was to blame for 9/11
* psychic and political numbing in preparation for war
Insanity as Normalcy
The way in which the Bush junta is conducting itself is an interesting brainwashing technique in itself: Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, and the others continually commit OUTRAGES but don't excuse them, explain them, or invite reflection on these affronts to morality and sanity. In fact, when some timid media voice criticizes the Bush junta, the person is demonized as questioning behavior which is beyond reproach.
Americans are being brainwashed to ask only the questions the Bushites allow and they are programmed to see everything the Bush junta does as unquestionably correct.
Personality Profiling and Simulation
In an earlier article, I reviewed the varied aspects of personality profiling and simulation. While serving as Head of the Artificial Intelligence Department at the U.S. Army War College, 1993-1995, I conducted studies on profiling, psychological programming, and brainwashing. I explored and developed personality simulation systems, an advanced technology used in military war games, FBI profiling, political campaigning, and advertising. Part of my discovery was that:
* unenlightened human minds are combinations of infantile beliefs and emotional patterns
* these patterns can be simulated in profiling systems
* these profiling systems can be used to program and control people
Personality simulation systems are being used to create political campaigns which apply voter profiles to control their voting behavior. TV commercials and programs use personality simulation to profile viewers to control their purchasing and viewing behaviors. And sophisticated propaganda and brainwashing techniques are being used by the Bush junta to keep American citizens under control.
Programming Americans to Accept New Views of War and the Military
My time of service at the Army War College also gave me the opportunity to study:
* the varied mind-sets in the military
* the dynamic relationship involved in the civilian control of the military
* brainwashing in the military
When our nation was created, its founders understood that all facets of the government, including the military, are created to serve the needs of the people. The American colonists had fought against a British army which did whatever its corrupt civilian monarch and other leaders told it to do. This is why Samual Adams made the important distinction between the need for and the danger of a standing army.
"A Standing Army," Adams asserted, "however necessary it may be at some times, is always dangerous to the Liberties of the People."
From the beginning of the establishment of a standing military, military personnel have had one of two primary mind-sets:
* 1. I will remain loyal to my sworn pledge to uphold the U.S. Constitution, no matter what. If I consider a civilian or military order or operation to be contradictory to the Constitution, I will not follow the order and will do whatever is in my power to stop the unconstitutional operation.
This mind-set is represented by such military leaders as (to name just a few):
* Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty (above)
* General Frederick Woerner--commander in Panama and replaced by Bush senior when he wouldn't obey an illegal military order to attack Panama
* Admiral William Crowe--Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and replaced by Bush senior when he wouldn't obey an illegal military order to attack Panama
* the six U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in the time frame: 5/25/02 (before their arms were twisted by Powell and Bush to fall into line)
*- Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John Keane
-- OR --
I will do whatever my civilian and military commanders tell me to do, without reflection on whether or not what they are ordering is permitted by the Constitution (since I want to get ahead in the military). This mind-set is represented by such people as:
* Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Bush senior's presidency (took over when Admiral William Crowe wouldn't agree to Bush senior's illegal invasion of Panama)
* General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the Gulf War against Iraq
* General Maxwell Thurman, commander of Operation Just Cause, the military attack on Panama (took over from General Frederick Woerner, when Woerner wouldn't agree to Bush senior's illegal invasion of Panama)
* the six U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in the time frame: 8/7/02 (after they'd been coerced into agreement with Bush and Powell)
* General Tommy Franks, current U.S. military commander in Afghanistan
Distorted Concepts of War and the Military
Since the Korean War, the "High Cabal" has been brainwashing the American public into new, distorted concepts of war and the military:
* the military can be used by the president for whatever purposes he chooses:
* for a police action in Korea that the president makes sure the U.S. does not win
* for a police action in Viet Nam that the president makes sure the U.S. does not win
* for the invasion of Panama to capture Noriega, a criminal that had been hired by Bush senior as a CIAoperative and now threatened to reveal Bush's criminal activities in the Iran-Contra and other gun-running, drug-smuggling operations
* for the invasion of Iraq to make a "regime change"
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war...and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both.
"No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." James Madison, April 20, 1795
The "High Cabal" Propaganda Machine
A number of rabid right organizations provide the Bush junta propaganda support:
* Project for the New American Century
* Center for Security Policy
American Enterprise Institute
* Americans for Victory Over Terrorism - (Bennett, Kemp) World
* Anti-Communist League (Singlaub)
Any informed American is aware that the "High Cabal" carries on its efforts to turn America into a full-fledged dictatorship through a number of organizations. A partial list would include:
* Council on Foreign Relations
* Trilateral Commission
* Bilderberg Group
* Carlyle Group
* World Bank and International Monetary Fund
The Council on Foreign Relations is the "High Cabal's" mandarin stable, where sycophants write articles and chair meetings to discuss what policies and strategies the current puppet government must follow. A recent Council On Foreign Relations Task Force report ordered the Bush Administration to upgrade public diplomacy because too many people in the world, especially Arabs, don't like Americans.
Yowsuh! the Bush puppet gang replied, and went into immediate action, creating a new Office of Global Communications (OGC) to coordinate the administration's foreign policy message and huckster America's image globally. The OGC supplants a smaller propaganda group set up during the war in Afghanistan, when the Bush junta feared that the US was losing the public relations battle even though winning the war.
The U.S. government has had a propaganda arm since 1942, centered in the US International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). IBB broadcasts in 52 languages around the world and includes:
* the Voice of America
* the Office of Cuba Broadcasting
* the Worldnet Television and Film Service
* and a new service, the Middle East Radio Network (MERN)
Bush's Fake Economic Forum
As this article is being written (August, 2002), Duhbya is trying to brainwash the American people into thinking that the economy is okay, that only a few "bad-apple" CEOs of corporations have crossed the line of criminal behavior, and that no new legislation is necessary to stop runaway corporate crime that his administration has encouraged.
Fortunately, a considerable number of Americans, including even some of the usually supine press, are seeing through this propaganda swindle. An August 13, 2002 MSNBC opinion piece by William Saletan brands the effort "Bush's Fake Forum."
"This afternoon at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, President Bush and Vice President Cheney sat side by side on the stage of a packed auditorium for more than an hour. That's the first time they've been that close together for that long in public since Sept. 11. Evidently they're no longer afraid of terrorists. What they're afraid of is Americans."
An August 14, 2003 Washington Post editorial called the "forum" a confidence game.
"The theme of those reports was that the country needs lower taxes, that most corporate executives are honest and that the solution to corporate scandals is less, not more, regulation.
"Recession and the cost of war and the cost of homeland defense have increased our deficits," Mr. Bush said yesterday. At his forum, there was no one to remind him that tax cuts are playing their part too. In the real world, they're part of the arithmetic."
Frank Rich's 8/17/02 Op/Ed, "The Waco Road to Baghdad" caught even more of the brainwashing aspect of the fake forum.
"Though the president's harshest critics think he's stupid, I've always maintained that the real problem is that he thinks we are stupid. He never doubts that his show will distract us from bad news. Waco was supposed to make us forget the latest round of economic headlines: "stagnant wages, slowed growth, new all-time records in personal bankruptcies and consumer borrowing."
The fake forum was seen in its true colors when the Bushites had to admit that the participants were coached in what to say. Their attempt to call the coaching material "talking points" just didn't cut it.
Paradoxical Psychological Manipulation
A powerful strategy of clandestine brainwashing is to send a communication with two, paradoxical messages.
For example, the movie series, The Godfather, contained these two contradictory messages:
* mafia crime families are just like ordinary people
* a mafia criminal will kill his own family if necessary; don't think he would hesitate to kill you if ordered to
Even intelligent people can be taken in by this brainwashing technology of paradoxical messaging. An example of this phenomenon is a current operation by the Advertising Council.
The Ad Council expresses it overall purpose in this way: "We marshall [sic] the volunteer forces of advertising agencies and media companies to affect [sic] positive social change." You can, in the example, interpret "effect positive change" as "brainwash people into fearful submission."
One of the Council's current operations is called the Campaign for Freedom. If you believe the Council, "The initiative is designed to assist Americans during the war on terrorism through the development and distribution of timely and relevant public service messages. This first round of PSAs for the campaign has been created to celebrate our nation's freedom and remind Americans about the importance of freedom and the need to protect it for future generations."
"According to research, Americans are looking for messages that will inform, involve and inspire them during the war on terrorism. This inspirational campaign is advertising's gift to America on the occasion of its birthday, Independence Day. All of the ads conclude with the powerful tagline, "Freedom. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Protect it."
The first of six video clip "messages" involves the image of an American urban block, with the voiceover: "On September eleventh, terrorists tried to change America forever."
The image changes to the same urban street but this time with American flags hanging in front of every house.
"Well, they succeeded."
Now, that seems rather prosaic, doesn't it? The message is: "We showed those terrorists what we're made of!" Nothing to quarrel with, is there?
Well, maybe. Note the critical element of the image/message: EVERY house has a flag in front of it.
So the paradoxical message is: America is changed forever to a 200 percent patriotism that can see no wrong with whatever the Bush administration does.
The other one I'll analyze here is one in which a college age kid goes into a library and hands a a list of books on a request slip to a female librarian.
The boy says to the librarian, "I can't seem to find these books anywhere."
The librarian types them into the computer and says, "These books are no longer available."
He says, "I didn't know."
The librarian says, in an accusatory voice, "May I have your name please?"
"Why?" the boy replies.
As he walks away, he's seized by two men.
"What did I do?" he asks in desperation.
"We just have a couple of questions."
We hear the kid gasping as they roughly drag him off.
The "message" ends, as all six do, with the tag: "Freedom. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Protect it."
Some rather bright people have taken the "message" of this video clip to be: "Thank God, that can't happen in America." And based on that reading of the communication, they assume that the showing of the video on national TV is a positive thing.
You can only believe that "message" if you don't know that the F.B.I. is already checking libraries to see what people are reading. In other words, that isn't a scene of a non-reality but of a very present reality.
"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
I wonder if the esteemed Doctor Livergood has an opinion on private ownership of firearms?
Lord Lowrider the LoquaciousMember:Secret Select Society of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets She was only a fisherman's daughter,But when she saw my rod she reeled.
The Bush Gang is Brainwashing America
By Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D.
~ Forword ~
Hello, hello! Wake up - that's the smell of YOUR brain being relentlessly brainwashed 365/24/7 by the bloodthirsty hype-meisters of the out-of-control BushMob, with the generous help of their vast stable of toadlike, slavish, cloned, dog-on-a-leash, BigOil-soaked, mass-media whores. AND, that's also the smell of YOUR Constitution going up in flames, Mr. and Mrs. America.
The author, a highly credentialed (militarily and academically) PROFESSOR and major expert on psychological warfare techniques and all kinds of related subjects, OBVIOUSLY knows what he's talking about!
I've never heard of Dr.Livergood, and I'am suspicious of any Phd who is concerned for the average american family.
If he were a constitutional expert, maybe I'd be inclined to read further, this sounds like just another political party spin against this president who has been enjoying higher ratings.
Bush has his faults, who doesn't but I'd take his leadership anytime over the likes of any Demo out there right now; especially Bill Clinton or Al Gorleone.
Nice intro anyhow..
"The great object is that every man.... everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry
The Bush Gang is Brainwashing America
By Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D.
Hey Josey,
I appreciater your news articles, and occasional personal comment you might have, on any subject matter;
but, please don't give these liberals a free venue to advertise their liberal anti Bush rhetoric, this guy is not even and NRA member, unless he goes by another name.
Which leads me to believe he might be anti 2d Amendment.
"The great object is that every man.... everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry
- Life NRA Member
"If cowardly & dishonorable men shoot unarmed men with army guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary...and not by general deprivation of constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
People who write this kind of trash should be chained at the ankles with an Al Queda, and dumped deep in the ocean, thay way we'd get rid of 2 pieces of crap at the same time.
At least we are safe one day during Leap Year.
Remember...Terrorist are attacking Civilians; Not the Government. Protect Yourself!
NRA Lifetime Benefactor Member.
Veritas morsum, autem veritas est verus
* Should the U.S. start a second war with Iraq?
* Does an unelected American president have the right to force a "regime change" on another nation?
Sorry Jack, the second question gives away your bias without anything further needing to be said!
Bush won the election, even Florida by every count so far,
GORE LOST! Get Over IT! Get A Life!
Nil Illegitimus Carborundum
Who are the Americans? The real Americans? Those who know the rights of the people by the constituition and see that these rights are ilegaly taken away by the ones who make civil law- not constitutional law.
But those of us who fight for this freedom are labeled- "extremists to violence" against a fair government that "protects and serves it's public"!.- make me sick!
So were the MEN who stood (at the risk of their lifes) against the tyranny of a government that would, at their whim, take away the rights of a human to be as such- FREE.
The government owns your property- land- your life as it is now, for if you do not pay them the toll,(taxes) they will take it from you!!!
What are we? We are but subjects/slaves to a government that is not meant to be! We let it happen- we are deserved of our chains, because we do not fight-argue- demand anymore- we are nothing more than the slaves of the country we pushed away many years ago!! We have weakened to their whims. We don't fight, we are cowards, safe in our homes to let others take care of us. Our fight is over- as if there was no fight. We are not MEN/WOMEN, we are what we have become!
We will not come together- we are happy in our money, full stomaches, and small liberties we think are deserved us. We are the frog in the water and will not appose.
Those of us who see the truth, will be labeled as the violent people who stick to the "I have a right to bear arms" and will be the violent ones that will cause all problems, because people listen to the NEWS on a TV set and beleive every word they say. They haven't a LIFE!
Computers have taken over the thinking. Mass Media tells you what to think.
We are a few- that can think for ourselves and we will/are the few. We are losing fast. God help us!
Josey posts news, even when it's bad. It's information, not stuff he buys into.
- Life NRA Member
"If cowardly & dishonorable men shoot unarmed men with army guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary...and not by general deprivation of constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
Now that it's all been said, we 're thru kicking at ya...
We still love you, keep it comming,
give us the facts maa'am, just the facts!!
"The great object is that every man.... everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry
If I'm wrong please correct me, I won't be offended.
The sound of a 12 gauge pump clears a house fatser than Rosie O eats a Big Mac !