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Soaking bullets in pigs blood?

competentonecompetentone Member Posts: 4,696 ✭✭✭
edited October 2001 in General Discussion
On the Sturm, Ruger and Co's Yahoo (finance pages) Message Board, somebody made the suggestion of dealing with the terrorists by soaking bullets in pigs blood to assure the terrorists go to hell.I'm not enough of an expert on the "Islamic" religion these terrorists are following, but would be curious to know if this would "scare" them or not? It could be an interesting "psychological warfare" approach.I see "jerky" dried meats at gun shows; maybe I should get some dried pork and fill some hollow point ammo with it...just incase I have to deal with any terrorists around here....Any opinions?Joe


  • bfairbfair Member Posts: 250 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just whipping up a batch of 38 spl semi-wadcutters here. I think I will put the case lub away and go get a pork chop to use for case lube.
    Semper Paratus
  • badboybobbadboybob Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree. And coat our bombs with a nice thick coat of lard.
  • landislandis Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Would bacon fat be good enough? I don't want to keep throwing it out if we need in in Afganistan.
  • badboybobbadboybob Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good idea landis. I throw mine out too. Maybe we could get a recycling campaign started. "Get a crazy raghead, donate bacon grease - grease the bastards".
    So many guns to buy. So little money.
  • buddybbuddyb Member Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Now we know what to do with all the waste from the huge hog farms in N.C.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I belive that the perfect psychological warfar would be to drop, by parachute, millions of copies of Penthouse magazine and even more cheap whiskey. Stand on their borders playing Metallica's "Creeping Death".
  • Mom MomMom Mom Member Posts: 169 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I like the bacon grease idea; unless of course, Saxon is willing to donate his. But I don't think it will get you into heaven SP.As to psychological warfare, can we just send them MaDonna, Hillary, Rosie O. and anyone who goes around with no-name names like Snoop Doggy and Marky Mark?
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Seems I recall the British started a warwith this idea. As I recall the story got around that they greased their bullets with pig fat & their native troops in India revolted because this was when you had to bite the end off the paper bullets to loadthe muzzle loaders.
  • jltrentjltrent Member Posts: 9,337 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    As cheap as hogs and pigs are right now why not just take a ship load over there and turn loose on them. They would probably run for cover and the hogs would rut them in.
  • LowriderLowrider Member Posts: 6,587
    edited November -1
    There's something basically wrong with people who don't eat bacon or sausage.With most humble apologies to any vegetarians here in the club.
  • ndbillyndbilly Member Posts: 1,573 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    gruntled:Yeah, you're right. The troops were Sikhs, I think, and the cartridges were coated with some type of lubricant. Can't remember if anyone ever proved it was pork fat.
  • Patrick OdlePatrick Odle Member Posts: 951 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    For goodness don't use s$%# that would be like a transfusion and only serve to make them stronger.
  • steve45steve45 Member Posts: 2,940 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    am currently getting the patent on the spam bomb and spam guided missle. Dont nuke em, Pork Em. (no sexual meaning intended)
  • whiteclouderwhiteclouder Member Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The British Army used suet and lard to seal the paper cartridges. It was not intended to insult either Hindu (they think cows are sacred) or Muslim (they abhor pork). Opponents of the British Raj pointed the fact out and the soldiers attempted a revolt which was quickly put down.I think it frivilous to suspect it would have the same impact today. We have to be careful we don't slip into racism and religious bigotry here. These bastards are terrorists first and poor examples of Muslims second.Clouder..
  • Mom MomMom Mom Member Posts: 169 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    SP- I meant donating blood, not body slices ( pig blood, get it? hahahaha). Anyway, I saw part of an interview with Bin Ladens' father; who btw, along with the rest of the family has disowned him; but did anybody else know that Bin Laden spent several years living in the US with his family? So now we know how he knew the vulnerabilites so well.
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