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We have been infiltrated at every level!!

stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
edited March 2003 in General Discussion
Why is it so difficult for our media and government spokespeople to call a spade a spade??
NEVER ONCE have I heard Asan Akbar referred to as an INFILTRATOR!!
The latest news on this POS is that a government spokesman says his cowardly attack was sparked by resentment for being disciplined by a senior officer.
But the news I heard immediately following this attack was a statement from one of the soldiers in the unit. This soldier was quoted as saying that Akbar was upset about the war in Iraq and had made statements about the killing of brother Muslims being "wrong".
It seems clear to me that we could more accurately describe this attack as an action carried out by a muslim infiltrator and enemy sympathizer.

Now we can add another attack at a base store in Kuwait carried out by an egyptian "contractor". In this attack, the cowardly * drove his pickup into a group of American soldiers waiting in line at the store.

We also have Peter Arnett showing his french heritage and making pro-Iraqi statements on Iraq TV.
My personal belief is that he and his apologists from NBC and National Geographic should be given lifelong citizenship in the muslim sh*thole of their choice.

Lastly, we should not forget that our country's leading law enforcement agency has also been infiltrated as evidenced by The Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. He broke the story of a muslim FBI agent who flatly refused to secretly record a conversation between himself and a suspected terrorist. The reason he gave for this refusal was that it was against his muslim beliefs to record another muslim. I assume it would be perfectly fine and acceptable for him to record a Buddhist or Catholic but not another muslim. Of course, this agent is still suckling the public teat because it would be unacceptable to terminate him for his muslim extremist beliefs.

I am left wondering when the powers that be will find the american public capable of handling the truth. We are treated like children and it would seem that the american press and our government are quite content to spoon feed us the information and the images that they feel will lead us to what they believe to be all the right conclusions.

We are constantly reminded that this is not a war against Islam, but that it is simply a war against terror.
I personally believe that the two are so closely related as to be completely inseperable.



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    offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Muslims assimilated into American society couldn't have predicted another major war in the Middle East. We could expect the same problems with any foreign-born folks if we went to war with their people. It doesn't mean they came here purposely to spy or become sleepers. But that's why they had internment camps during WWII. We will have to deal with people on an individual case basis this time around but I fully agree we should let no cases fall through the cracks -- check everybody. I assume that is why people are now being sought out and interviewed around the country.

    Life NRA Member

    T. Jefferson: "[When doing Constitutional interpretation], let us [go] back to the time when [it] was adopted. [Rather than] invent a meaning [let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed."
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    I agree Offeror.
    Most American Muslims could not have known that Islam would one day be declaring war on the U.S., her allies and her interests abroad!
    My point/concern/main * is that we are sometimes "protected" from information while at the same time being told not to believe the obvious truth.
    In this part of the country there have been several arrests of Muslim believers who are now facing federal terrorism related charges.
    The response from the local Muslim community however, has not been one of support for and cooperation with law enforcement.
    Instead the response has been one of incessant wailing and carping about how these poor people are being persecuted and harassed for their religious beliefs, regardless of the evidence against the perpetrators. And the local press, of course is more than willing to gobble up this prattle and pass it along as the evening news.
    Soon enough, our armed forces will be asked to take a city in Iraq, house by house, street by street, in order to avoid damaging the structures with artillery fire and bombs. This particular village you see is considered to be some kind of Islamic holy place. In other words, the symbols of Islam have more value to our politicians than do the lives of our sons and daughters in uniform.
    Thats how determined our "leaders" are to show us that this is not a war against Islam.
    Quite honestly though, I will not be expecting the next terrorist attack to be carried out by a hindu monk.
    I am fairly sure that armageddon will be coming from the arab/muslim world, regardless of what my government and the media try to make me believe.

    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than to have a French division behind me."
    Gen. Patton
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