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It's Democrats Not Californians
Mr. Lobo
Member Posts: 538 ✭✭✭
I am born and raised here and really enjoy certain aspects of the state. I don't take the Calif. bashing given out here very well. That is part of the reason that I do not participate here too much, but I read this and thought of all you. This is a great example of what we all have to fear. A certain party is making an attempt to cost the taxpayer more money to solve the problem that they created and all of your states have this party. Enjoy... or not!
"Democrats in the Legislature recently put forth an array of proposed new taxes to help balance the state 's budget. One of proposed taxes would be a new monthly 5%tax on satellite TV use. The California Taxpayers Assn.points out that if enacted this would be the first "foot in the door " for state taxation of services in California..It doesn 't take a big stretch of the imagina-
tion to foresee the Legislature spreading that tax over time to other types of services,including design services.This is an issue which CELSOC and M.O.'s throughout the nation have hotly contested whenever it has arisen.Besides adding non-productive costs to design services,housing etc.,and added administrative and collection burdens on design professionals,a tax on design services also creates an added financial incentive NOT to contract out."
"Democrats in the Legislature recently put forth an array of proposed new taxes to help balance the state 's budget. One of proposed taxes would be a new monthly 5%tax on satellite TV use. The California Taxpayers Assn.points out that if enacted this would be the first "foot in the door " for state taxation of services in California..It doesn 't take a big stretch of the imagina-
tion to foresee the Legislature spreading that tax over time to other types of services,including design services.This is an issue which CELSOC and M.O.'s throughout the nation have hotly contested whenever it has arisen.Besides adding non-productive costs to design services,housing etc.,and added administrative and collection burdens on design professionals,a tax on design services also creates an added financial incentive NOT to contract out."
I think you are right, some people talk in generallities when bad mouthing Kalifornia. I do it myself. Fact is there is much to like about the state. I have lived here for 40 years. The Democrats are the ones that are screwing up this state. If they would just leave my guns alone I wouldn't be half concerned. They know only how to do two things. TAX and take away your rights. The problem is , what comes out of Kalifornia usually speads rapidly across the country.
Just a little venting.
I might not always tell you the truth, but I will never lie to you!
Mr. Lobo,
I think you are right, some people talk in generallities when bad mouthing Kalifornia. I do it myself. Fact is there is much to like about the state. I have lived here for 40 years. The Democrats are the ones that are screwing up this state. If they would just leave my guns alone I wouldn't be half concerned. They know only how to do two things. TAX and take away your rights. The problem is , what comes out of Kalifornia usually speads rapidly across the country.
Just a little venting.
If this is the way you think maybe now is the time to do something about it
Get out there in public and find like minded people and vote for those that think the way you do
in other words GET INVOLVED find someone better and make sure he or she is is placed in office
I find this is a better option than armed insurection, but if it keeps going on as it has soon that might be the only way left....and i don't look forward to that at all
the last civil war made thing worse for all that survived.
We need to be involved and informed and we need to inform the other voters for a better goverment.
since you live in the capital of the liberal democraps you have the vote that can remove them and send a message to the rest of the country that we have had enough.
but if you and others like you don't do something you will deserve your state goverment
I am not just picking on calf. other states need to follow this advise
such as new york to mention one.
liberalism might be ok in moderation..... but i am tired of them stuffing it down my throat.
OK now i am finished venting too
I hereby state categorically that any negative comments I make about Kalifornia are **not** directed at the minority of honest, hard-working intelligent folks who, for whatever reason, reside there . . . yourselves included. No more than my comments about NY are directed toward Gordian Blade, those about NJ to njretcop, etc. Problem is, in these jursidictions, your voices are not the ones being heard and presumably the candidates you support are not those being elected. And the absolute loopiest BS is coming from KA sources - undoubtedly some of it due to the media industry. I've no doubt the DemoCraps are the headwaters of this river of S***. Regardless of these factors, it is the image created by such parties which is the public face of your state - much as Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein & Osama bin Laden are the public images of Islam in the West. Frankly, I have no more use for Boxer / Feinstein, et. al. than those diaper heads, probably less. At least the sand fleas are honestly, openly hostile to American values of freedom instead of couching their attacks in socio-babble.
Bottom line, the state has a rich natural beauty, there are many good people living there, but the public image we see makes it awfully hard to remember this. When I curse and vent, it is *not* aimed at folks such as yourself.
A guy came into the gunshop where I work part time,
he mentions that he is from california,and badmouths
the state in comparrison to here,Flarda.
I shared a theory of mine with him,I said "I suspect
California was a wonderful place before the northeastern
city dwellers moved they did here".
He said "No,I don`t think that`s the problem".
I said "Well,where are you from?"
He said,"Well I told you...California".
I said,"Just listen to yerself,ya don`t even
pernounce yer R' can`t tell me yer from
He said,"Well I`m from New Jersey,but I`ve lived
in lived in california for a long time".
I said,"See there,you and a lot of the polititions,
and bussness people in california are from the east,
and have lived in California for a long time".
I said all that right in front of his ol`lady....
...and my "boss",who is from Minnisota,
Down here it is the "Ohio drivers" who are the
scapegoats..I have defended them as well.
I've been here for 11 years. We have great countryside, lots of diversity and both natural and city/cultural things to do. Unfortunately, Democrats get the immigrant/minority vote as they've convinced the new arrivals and their families/descendents that Republicans and conservatives hate them and that liberals will give them a free ride with social programs. Now, hispanics make up a huge percentage of the population and have been brought up in this political environment. While they may not necessarily agree with much of the liberal agenda, such as anti-2nd ammendment stuff, they support them because they themselves receive some form of benefit from a social program, or know or once knew somebody who did or were indoctrinated in a liberal controlled public school or have a union job, etc. Democrats control most of our education system and things just keep getting worse over time. They offer tantalizing benefits to small minority business owners, push bilingual education, fight for minority scholarships/affirmative action, block propositions aimed at reducing illegal alien benefits, give free education and health care . . . at the expense of an ever increasing tax burden and dependency on government.
(Don't get me wrong, I speak Spanish after 6 years of study in WA where nobody speaks Spanish, have hispanic friends, have lived in Central America and spent a fair amount of time in Mexico so I'm not a white supremist bigot.)
The fact of the matter is that consvervatives need to win back our education system, find a way to appeal more to minority voters and get our messages out more effectively. Until that happens, I will detest and ridicule my state's government while continuing to live here and doing whatever I can to change it. I call and write state politicians, vote at every election and spread the conservative view to people who are willing to listen. If we all did the same we could fix this messed up socialist state.
Now stepping down from soapbox. . . I guess it's time for bed before I REALLY get to ranting
So many guns, so little money . . .
The firearms consultant, I used to say "look out because it is coming your way" to the folks here. But you know until it happens it is hard to realize, and then it's too late.
snarlgard, I agree with your statement and live by it. I am involved in several organizations that support our constitutional rights. I also send e-mails and faxes whenever asked to by these groups. I first study the candidates then vote never taking anyone's words as gospel. We ALL must do this even if your state is still somewhat sane.
Iconoclast, it is good to hear that you are open-minded. Your comments will no longer be taken personal.
218Beekeep, I have been looking for stats on the number of "home grown" Kalifornians without success. It would be nice to know how many immigrants there are here.
kalifornian, I with you on this 100%!
might want to consider leaving California. I'm sorry, I have
a hard time feeling sorry for people who value economic security over freedom.
If You Can't Buy a Pair, Get a Spare!
Edited by - RancheroPaul on 08/20/2002 22:02:09
One of the best ways to keep our liberals from dragging you down with us is to press for Federal legislation to help close the borders to illegal aliens, aggressively enforce immigration and visa laws (to prevent more people in need of Democrat social programs), support private school vouchers (to help parents afford to send kids to conservative schools). It would also help if English was our national language so that there could be an official support for a national culture rather than fragmented ethnic pockets.
If you have resources to spare, flood our politicians with letters and email supporting 2nd ammendment rights. Imagine the psychological impact of millions of faxes, emails and letters criticing anyone who threatens our rights and praising 2nd ammendment supporters. Someday our prominent liberal leaders will seek Federal office and then they will have the power to screw you like they have been screwing all of us in CA. Could you imagine a President Gray Davis ?
So many guns, so little money . . .
Yes, I believe that! You see, my premise is this: "You can't help a Person who won't, can't, or doesn't, help themself."
Absurd, Rediculous, assinine laws such as those continually being passed in Kalifornication attest to the fact that there must be absolutely no one there that even remotely cares what goes one there. If they did care, it would be impossible for these laws which border on insanity, to be passed. Help yourselves first, then you'll get help!
Given this, How could anyone help those who won't help themselves?
If You Can't Buy a Pair, Get a Spare!
continue to live in California are fooling themselves. It is a pathetic state. I'm sure many nice people like Mr. Lobo live there but that does not change the fact that the government, elected by Californians, is facist.
They don't realize the the "Jack * party" has been hi jacked right out from under their feet.
It's been taken over by the liberals, blacks, gays, and the politicians who have their own agenda.
It's only because the old folks vote for the demo agenda, always gettin stirrin them up and they are easily excited by the scare tactics the party uses when bringin in these old folks into line, talking about losing medicare, social secuirty.
I can't think of anything more pathetic than liberal ole grandmas and old bald men who think new age, and socialism is chick, and express their sexual freedom by wearing g-string bathing suits, yuk..
Democrats are no more for the working man than Huessain is for democracy for his people.
Anyhow it's refreshing to see some old goats coming around.
I say to those who have married into this party, wake up and pay attention to what your party is doing to the country.
"The great object is that every man.... everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry