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I read this about NICS in USA Today. True?

GreenLanternGreenLantern Member Posts: 1,647 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
I grabbed this paragraph from a USA Today article:"To buy a handgun, prospective buyers must divulge to the seller their previous places of residence. That information is submitted to the NICS, which is run by the FBI."Is that true? I've never heard anything about having to supply prior addresses. Of course, you can't rely on the media to have the facts when it comes to gun related stories.[This message has been edited by GreenLantern (edited 02-14-2002).]


  • will270winwill270win Member Posts: 4,845
    edited November -1
    If it is true, I am screwing up cause I never have done that.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, take it to a mechanic. ~Secret Select Society Of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets~
  • M.OpaliskiM.Opaliski Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That statement is absolutely false, there is no requirement to provide previous places of residence.
    Support your RKBA ... MatthewNRA Life MemberTalk Radio Junkie TheFirearmsEnthusiast
  • sodbustersodbuster Member Posts: 2,305 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the NICS subject,,just found this on fox,,see if I still am on the delay everytime list,, I'm 4th generation Kansan no alien,, I talking agout the delay part towards the end of the article!!,,, Ashcroft Tightens Gun Checks on AliensWednesday, February 13, 2002 By Ian McCaleb WASHINGTON - Attorney General John Ashcroft announced a series of initiatives Wednesday aimed at closing several loopholes in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which tracks the backgrounds of prospective gun buyers. The central aim of the changes, Ashcroft said, is to ensure that illegal aliens - who are prohibited by law from either buying or possessing guns in the United States - do not acquire firearms."Despite the fact that all prospective gun purchasers are asked for their citizenship at the time of purchase, currently most aliens are not checked against INS databases to determine if they are legally in the United States," he said. Ashcroft said that NICS, created as a result of the Brady Law in 1994, does not have the capacity to check the status of aliens. Under the proposed changes, the Immigration and Naturalization Service will work in concert with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to review all gun purchase requests by non-citizens to determine their immigration status."From this day forward, when a federally licensed firearms dealer places a call to the NICS system, the FBI will ask whether the prospective buyer is a citizen. If he or she is not, the call will be referred to the INS. The INS will search all of its databases to determine whether the alien is illegally or unlawfully in the United States," Ashcroft told reporters. "Illegal aliens who seek to buy guns unlawfully will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." Only aliens who have achieved immigrant status are eligible to purchase and possess firearms, a senior Justice Department official said later. There are exceptions to this rule, however, as in the case of hunting arms.In addition to the new FBI-INS cooperative effort, Ashcroft has ordered the FBI director to increase the immediate "proceed" or "deny" responses to 90 percent of all gun checks. If a "delay" response is received, it will be routed to an NICS processor, who will review relevant records and provide advice to the gun dealer on how to proceed.Ashcroft also said the Justice Department would provide assistance to states to update and automate their criminal history files. Justice has also unveiled a new initiative dubbed "Project Sentry," which sends new prosecutors to every U.S. Attorney's office who will work to establish "Safe School" task forces in their community. The ultimate aim is prosecution and supervision of juveniles who violate firearms laws, and prosecution of adults who provide such arms to minors. FOX,,the fair and balanced, cool, news network,,
  • Judge DreadJudge Dread Member Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    In the future you will need to do the same to buy a chemistry book or a radio amateur manual ,and maybe even to buy a can of beans (you can collect the farts untill you have enough methane to blow up a building),so i think big glad trash bags will be serialized and a class III permit required to purchase them too,you know, thoose darn things filled with "bean" methane are terrorist weapons ! .
  • tidemantideman Member Posts: 1,099 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the last NICS I did yesterday the FBI operative asked if the person I was calling on was a U.S. citizen. That threw me because they never asked for that info before even though the question is asked on the form 4473[the yellow form].Beware, folks. Every day the long arm of Big Brother is reaching farther out in an attempt to grasp anything it may deem as opposition to Their beliefs. The question being on the form wasn't enough. Now they have to physically ask a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer[me] if the person[the purchaser] is a U.S citizen. If they[ATF, FBI, INS, etc] don't believe me now then WHY THE HELL did they issue the license to me in the 1st. place? This whole idea of having a license to sell firearms is getting to be a royal pain in the butt. I'm really considering giving it up and going back to the general population and not having anything to do with buying and selling firearms again. Then again, that's EXACTLY what they want me to do! Tideman
    "Don't shoot to stop 'em, Shoot to Destroy 'em!"
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