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Speaking of Rush!

schotzi1schotzi1 Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Why is it so often I hear people say negative things about Rush (and other "hosts")? They don't like him (them) and disagree with him (them)- AND DON"T THINK HE (they) SHOULD BE ON THE AIR?

My question is.....Then why do you listen to him (them)? As long as there are listeners (even if you disagree) there will be "sponsers" - people that "pay" to air comercials during the show.

"meet me in Margaritaville"


  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,502 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree with Rush on about half of the issues.
    What I dislike is his style. I am sick of his blowhard self congratulation.
    His show used to be a lot better in 1990. Back then he had lots of comedy. He regularly had the feminist update. His producer would go downtown NY and interview homeless bums. He was the first media guy to use rock and roll for humor from the conservative viewpoint.
    I started turning on Rush during the '92 campaign. At first Rush opposed the Bush re election. Then, he was invited to the White House and spent the night in the Lincoln bedroom. The next day, he was for Bush. The easiest sell out in the history of politics. Rush spent the next year with stars in his eyes, talking about his night at the White House. At that point, Rush realized how important he was, and his ego got out of control.
    So I don't listen to him any more. It is too bad because he is a great talent and he could do a real good show.
    As far as people who don't think he should be on the air, most of them are Democrats who have nobody from the left wing who can get on 600 stations. The left has nobody who could get on 60 stations. They are just jealous.
  • 96harley96harley Member Posts: 3,992 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dittos! That says it all.

    "Save the Whalers, they need jobs too."
  • s.guns.gun Member Posts: 3,245
    edited November -1
    I no longer listen to his program.I used to listen quite often.He must think he is going to sway everyone's opinion to always hate every Democrat Politician.

    He talks as if no Democrat ever did anything good and no Republican ever did anything wrong.Most Prejudice and Biased opinions I've ever heard.

    He even stoops so low as to try to Quote them(the Democrat Polititions) in some unusual voice to make it sound like a really dumb statement.I think this all makes him sound like a Jerk.

    I wonder if he is financed by the Republican Party.




    4-Remove the Rod

    5-Do Not Forget the Cap.
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Make, model and caliber of the gun, please. What gun you ask? Oh...
    The one that's being held to your head to FORCE you to listen to Rush.
    Could it be that you have this sub-concious craving for the truth?
    I like Rush and I find his presentation style can be quite humorous
    and self deprecating. His: "TALENT ON LOAN, FROM GOD-UH" I'm sure is thought of, by some, as arrogant. Think about that for a moment though... aren't what "talents" you have, on "loan" from God?
    If that's not the case...pray tell, where did you get them?
    OK, sure, he pokes fun at a lot of things by using "silly" voices, readings that drip with sarcasm, and song parodies, but that's why IT IS ENTERTAINMENT for Zeus' sake.

    Would you "Rush-whackers" rather listen to someone who just reads copy like an automaton? Oh, that's right, you've already got them.
    Rather, Jennings, Woodruff, Blitzer,
    Tell ya' what let's do. Let's start a thread posting the lies Rush tells. One caveat, however. It MUST be a LIE. Not just something you don't want to hear or you disagree with. AND YOU MUST GIVE PROOF THAT IT'S A LIE. Not simply you "considered" opinion. We know how those go 'cause the "Rush-whackers" and the "Bush-whackers" are pretty much the same people.

    Mudge the challenger

    ps. I listen to Rush but don't listen to Hannity. They say pretty much the same things but I don't care for Hannity's style. Go figure.

    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!<BR>
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