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Symbolic targets

IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
I'm posting this as a stir, not a serious proposal, before anyone decides to send some white-coated (or black-coated MP5-toting types) to visit.But between the fury I feel at the moment at the murder of Mr. Pearl and train of thought triggered by my comment about the UN my first choice as the proper target for terrorism, I had this idea. Since these Islamic fanatics want to destroy us and chose sites they considered to be symbolic of our values and people, I was thinking that perhaps the correct quid pro quo would be few Tomahawks landing in Mecca and Medina. I know we would never do this - nor should we. Morally corrupt, bringing us down to the level of these scum, to say nothing of the political / military conflagration that would result. But as a fantasy, it sure has an emotional appeal.Flame away, but remember it was posted with a very large spoon.


  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    Iraq and the Palestinians have been using mosques as training grounds for terrorists and hiding places for weapons for a long time.They know that we'd be hung out to dry if we ever so much as inspected a mosque.Of course, they wouldnt think twice about car-bombing a church if they thought the death count would be high enough.Bunch of savages.
  • BlokeyBlokey Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Remember, let's not group all Muslims or Iraqis or Palestinians as savages.I wouldn't consider all Christians savages because a couple of extremists blow up some abortion clinics.
  • Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
    edited November -1
    I am rapidly heading towards the "I-don't-give-a-*-anymore" attitude, and am starting to feel that maybe that's not such a bad idea.Y'know, Kill an American, we bomb a known terrorist site, no matter WHERE it is.Detonate a bomb any where, we round up and kill the immediate families of all involved.It's just a simple continuim force, the same as what most police acadamies teach. Oh, right I forgot, the liberals cry about police brutality, WHAT are they gonna say about this.Maybe Iconoclast is right in a way, maybe we really need to take the gloves off, scare the crap out of the rest of the world, commit a few war crimes, and then step back and see if that works. We already tried most everything else.
    Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!
  • Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
    edited November -1
    I am rapidly heading towards the "I-don't-give-a-*-anymore" attitude, and am starting to feel that maybe that's not such a bad idea.Y'know, Kill an American, we bomb a known terrorist site, no matter WHERE it is.Detonate a bomb any where, we round up and kill the immediate families of all involved.It's just a simple continuim force, the same as what most police acadamies teach. Oh, right I forgot, the liberals cry about police brutality, WHAT are they gonna say about this.Maybe Iconoclast is right in a way, maybe we really need to take the gloves off, scare the crap out of the rest of the world, commit a few war crimes, and then step back and see if that works. We already tried most everything else.
    Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!
  • Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
    edited November -1
    I am rapidly heading towards the "I-don't-give-a-*-anymore" attitude, and am starting to feel that maybe that's not such a bad idea.Y'know, Kill an American, we bomb a known terrorist site, no matter WHERE it is.Detonate a bomb any where, we round up and kill the immediate families of all involved.It's just a simple continuim force, the same as what most police acadamies teach. Oh, right I forgot, the liberals cry about police brutality, WHAT are they gonna say about this.Maybe Iconoclast is right in a way, maybe we really need to take the gloves off, scare the crap out of the rest of the world, commit a few war crimes, and then step back and see if that works. We already tried most everything else.
    Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I fully realize the terrorists do not represent all of Islam. One of my points, left unsaid in the original post, was that if we were to play the game by their rules, these would be the type of targets we would choose, to terrorize and harm at the most basic level. Our fundamental decency is both our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.
  • ndbillyndbilly Member Posts: 1,573 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's clear that retaliatory raids, assassinations, bombings and the like have had no effect on these people. I think that the ultimate act of retributive terror would be to have the guilty parties simply disappear. I mean really be gone. No trace, no word, no clue. As if they never existed.
  • essay108essay108 Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    ndbilly is correct. let's not limit ourselves the perps alone. disappear any and everyone that shares dna with these cowards.
  • Miss. CreantMiss. Creant Member Posts: 300 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I thought the guys blowing up abortion clinice were called God loving men of honor not extremists. I really frosts my balls when people get mad about the clinics being destroyed but do not care about the humans the clinics murder.
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