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Merry X-mas, One and All...(Santa Rat is Coming to Town)

the loveable rat...the loveable rat... Member Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2001 in General Discussion
in a celebratory gesture(due in part to acceptance into the Jackits) and in response to the Grinch-like grumpy gunners(see post,"any more like me?"), i'm giving away presents to the deserving. i'm relatively new and dumb, so if i miss your name- please request a gift and list something good you've done to deserve Rembrant- a painting of the select suaves in the style of his namesake's,"The NightWatchmen" (on display in the Rembrant museum in Amsterdam)to 218bee- a gun made by the master gunsmith to his specifications by the factory of his choiceto judge dread- an alien carcass for him to perfom autopsies on at dano, dano too, mudg, nunn, njretcop,et al.- a lifetime membership to dunkin donuts "preferred police platter". though they already get their donuts free probably, this gets them "the good ones in back.."to cpermd- a kaboomed chicom orphanedcowboy- one of those remote controlled 50cal guns, as seen on "the Jackal" so he can take care of his hog problem from workto saxonpig- a kaboomed chicom reciever to give to cpermdto guns-n-paint- a nebraska college football championship and a tshirt that says "i love sioux city"to kimberkid- he apparently needs can hear the music from all his bells and whistles from ATF, BATF- some quality timeto jonk- a season ticket to the "carcano experiment symphonic orchestra"to josey1- a typist...whew, or maybe muley- a speedy recoveryto varmit hunter,wittum,song dog- more varmits...And To All(including those i forgot)A Good Night....


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