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You might be an Airborne Soldier if...

Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
edited March 2002 in General Discussion
Yet another from the archives,

You might be an Airborne Soldier if...

The first thing you do in the morning is put in a dip of Copenhagen.

Your favorite beer is the one you find in someone else's fridge.

Your cologne smells suspiciously like mosquito repellent.

You think a spit shine means to spit on your boots and wipe them on the back of your pant legs.

Your kids wear a high and tight and stand at parade rest.

You tell the arresting officer that you have just been alerted and you were
speeding to work.

When you have dinner guests in between paydays, you try to pass off an MRE
hamslice as canned ham.

You use your spotter scope to pull surveillance at the pool or the Pope AFB
air show.

You would rather smoke a private then a Marlboro.

Your hide site is cleaner than your room.

You set up concertina wire around your house to keep trick or treaters away.

You spend your free time thinking of ways you would destroy things if you
were a terrorist.

You never enter a bar without an Escape&Evasion plan.

You consider walking around the bar looking for chicks a "Recon".

You order a beer from the waitress by hollering, "Nurse give me an IV!".

You consider a six-pack a well balanced breakfast.

You say "Hooah" whether you understand or not.

You "creatively acquire" things you need.

Every sport you play has the word combat as part of its name.

You can have an entire conversation with other members of your unit using just 2 words, one is "Hooah" the other begins with "F".

Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!


  • Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
    edited November -1
    Pulled this out of the Archives-You might be an Airborne Soldier if... The first thing you do in the morning is put in a dip. Your favorite beer is someone else's. Your cologne smells suspiciously like bug juice. You think a spit shine means to spit on your boots and wipe them on the back of your pant legs. Your kids wear a high and tight and stand at parade rest. You tell the arresting officer that you have just been alerted and you were speeding to work.You think going to a surplus store should be a required part of any date.You bring your Night Vision Devices with you to the movie theater. When you have dinner guests in between paydays, you try to pass off an MRE hamslice as canned ham. You use your spotter scope to pull surveillance at the pool or the Pope AFB air show. You would rather smoke a private then a Marlboro. Your hide site is cleaner than your room. You set up concertina wire around your house to keep trick or treaters away. You spend your free time thinking of ways you would destroy things if you were a terrorist. You never enter a bar without an E&E plan. You consider walking around the bar looking for chicks a "Recon". You order a beer from the waitress by hollering, "Nurse give me an IV!".You consider a six-pack a well balanced breakfast. You say "Hooah" whether you understand or not. You "creatively acquire" things you need. Every sport you play has the word combat as part of its name.You can have an entire conversation with other members of your unit using just 2 words, one is "Hooah" the other begins with "F".You live off post. Not because you are married but, because your Company Commander does not want three new wall lockers in his arms room full of your personal weapons.
    Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!
  • gunpaqgunpaq Member Posts: 4,607 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Love that smell of dust, sweat and nylon.
    Pack slow, fall stable, pull high, hit dead center.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You might be an Airborne soldier if you fully understand all possible definitions and uses of the word "Hooah" and employ them as often as possible.
  • airborneairborne Member Posts: 1,728 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No comment, just check my UserName.
    B - BreatheR - RelaxA - AimS - SightS - Squeeze
  • RedlegRedleg Member Posts: 417 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You might be an airborne soldier if you know the anatomy of the human knee down to the cellular level.
  • instrumentofwarinstrumentofwar Member Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah,Yeah....but can anybody tell me the ACTUAL way you land?And you NEVER do a proper PLF(1.balls of feet,2.calf,3.thigh,4.buttocks,5.pushup muscle) for the record."THERE ARE NO SUCH ANIMALS AS JUMP REFUSALS ON MY BIRD, AIRBORNE"
    When in doubt...."FRAG OUT!"
  • beantolebeantole Member Posts: 1,086 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was 82nd Airborne. Are you all legs? :-)If you don't know what a "leg" is you were never airborne.
  • Jungle JimJungle Jim Member Posts: 264
    edited November -1
    LEGS????Well, we all started out as legs!Beantole:If you were in the "Almost Airborne" 82nd., (and I liked the guys in it) then answer these questions.What is the sweat shed? How many parachutes do you carry to jump? Think hard, this is a trick question.Jim
    "De Oppresso Liber"
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've been a leg for almost five years now. Can't say I've ever been a dirt dart. That's what I called the first 82nd Airborne NCO that called me a leg. Thank goodness I was out of country within 24 hours. Quite an interesting conversation that turned out to be!You might be an Airborne soldier if you know that "All American" isn't the only thing that the "AA" stands for.[This message has been edited by idsman75 (edited 03-19-2002).]
  • Submariner .Submariner . Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Truck Driver,Submarine Veteran,Rusty Wallace fan,and piss poor typist E-MAIL WNUNLEY@USIT.NET
  • Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
    edited November -1
    I don't mind female personnel, except for that whistling on the way down...........
    Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!
  • Bushy ARBushy AR Member Posts: 564 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I respect the people brave/foolish enough to jump out of perfectly good aircraft.But as an old crew-chief,I wondered why they could'nt wait for us to get it to a three foot hover!....just kidding guys!
  • gunpaqgunpaq Member Posts: 4,607 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    There is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane. That's why some feel it prudent to take their rigs. Takeoff and landing are the two most dangerous parts of a flight so why would on want to jeopordize their lives twice? How low has anyone on this board gone before opening or exiting? Anybody in the caterpillar club?
    Pack slow, fall stable, pull high, hit dead center.
  • Diesel DummyDiesel Dummy Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    As a former "Treadhead" (D.A.T.), I have to ask all you purple beanie wearers - What falls from the sky??? Hint: Usually spouts forth from a birds * orfice.
  • instrumentofwarinstrumentofwar Member Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    beantole- a leg's good for holding up a chickens assids-alcaholics anonomyous (sp?)82D ABN = the fitest accaholics in the world
    When in doubt...."FRAG OUT!"
  • instrumentofwarinstrumentofwar Member Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    see...I even hiccup when I type (look up)
  • TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Submariner, I don't want to bust your bubble, but my oldest daughter just signed up delayed entry for a five year hitch in the NAVY. She was told that the NAVY is working on the idea of letting women do SUB duty soon. I was a "Five Jump Chump"(A/B class 76-16), but as an MP there was not very many A/B MP units. I once had a Pilot tell me that a landing was just a controlled crash, so being A/B seemed like a good thing to be in at the time.Trinity+++
  • Matt45Matt45 Member Posts: 3,185
    edited November -1
    Trinity-I thought they tried the females on subs not too long after the tailhook scandle? I remember something like the USN wanting to present a "kinder, gentler, pinker, fuzzier" image than before. (As if THAT were possible! Sorry Squids, I'm just a grunt through and through:-)At any rate I thought they started some kind of program on the (Trident?) missle subs and went through a big deal of carving out an area for females only including a shower facility, berthing area, and some kinda mini "chick only" lounge. Never heard a thing after that. My guess is that right after the came back from 90 days at sea, and found out one of their females was 80 days pregnant, the idea was squished. (Get IT? SQUIshed!!!!!) ROLMFAO!!!!
    Reserving my Right to Arm Bears!!!!
  • TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Matt45, I wouldn't know that for sure. I'm all ARMY through & through. I try and stay away from all things NAVY. And now my daughter has gone and joined them. Well, she will bring the standards up a bit when she gets in there. Smart as a whip, and a pretty good looker. She is trying to get stationed near her Boyfriend who is a Jar-head. He is a pretty good egg for a NAVY grunt. Trinity+++
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