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check this out New Yorkers

Lightning93Lightning93 Member Posts: 153 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Subject: Trip Report - Albany - Budd Schroeder

> Trip Report from Budd Schroeder, NRA Director,
> I just came back from the CPAC meeting in Albany and spoke to several
> politicians.
> A major problem with the pistol permit proposal is that it is part of the
> budget and some of the good Republican Senators are trying to get it out
> that process. I didn't find anyone who spoke in favor of the proposal.
> The process could be short circuited if the "Big Three" agreed to
> it out. So far, Joe Bruno is the only one who announced against it.
> Surprisingly, the WNY delegation was either strongly against it, or mildly
> against it. The weak link seems to be Paul Tokasz who takes his marching
> orders from Sheldon Silver and will do whatever Shelly says. This is why
> MUST be bombarded by phone calls and letters voicing opposition to the
> proposal.
> Edited Note: Go to or
> to find your legislators ....
> I strongly recommend the phone calls because they cannot be ignored
> way a letter can and it ties up his staff and is MOST inconvenient to the
> running of the office. If we can generate 50-100 calls a day for a week,
> can get our point across in the most positive manner. Be courteous but
> firm. Stress the unfairness of the high fee, and the unfunded mandate
> will have to be made up by the local property owners. Pataki wants the
> money, but the locals will have to face the heat by raising taxes. The
> local politicians should also be contacted and asked if they relish
> taxes to fund this debacle.
> Don't bother with Second Amendment arguments. They just don't fly in
> NY. The hot buttons seem to be "another unfunded mandate," and
> "Confiscation by taxation."
> All the legislators we talked to agreed that we are doing the right
> thing with our letters and phone calls and have to keep doing it. That is
> our best weapon. If you wrote a letter, make a phone call, and vice
> Constant pressure is a must. Get the local legislators to make input to
> governor and the members of the Assembly and Senate to voice their
> opposition to this proposal. The key words are PRESSURE, PRESSURE AND
> PRESSURE by continued contact.
> If you called, call on a weekly basis to "check the progress" of
> this out of the budget. Making the legislators constantly aware that this
> abomination is not going to go away is vital. KEEP IT UP!
> We can win this battle. I am optimistic of success if we all do our
> part and let the Big Clown that this is a losing issue and should be
> immediately.
> Letters to the editor are also useful. If the papers get bombarded
> mail, even the liberal editors can see a trend and revolt in the ranks.
> Again, no name calling. Just stress the unfairness, another expensive
> unfunded mandate that will do absolutely nothing for public safety, and an
> example of confiscation of private property by excessive taxation.
> Buzz words like "the governor believes that certain types of private
> property should be owned on by wealthy people" might be useful. The most
> important part of the whole procedure is DO IT NOW!
> Budd
> Personal note from me:
> In 1767 the English parliament cut the British land tax, and, to balance
> budget, Charles Townshend promised that he would tax the Americans to make
> up the difference. Taking advantage of the distinction the Americans had
> drawn between internal and external taxes, he put through a series of acts
> laying import duties at American ports on paper, lead, glass and tea
> from England.
> These duties, however, didn't have an economic but a political purpose.
> The money that was collected was used to pay the salaries of British
> colonial officials. By doing this the British tried to make these
> independent of colonial legislatures and better able to enforce British
> orders and laws.
> Chuck B.


  • TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I already called, and put my name on the list opposing this increase. But, thanks for the information, I will share it.

    Trinity +++

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."(Proverbs 22:6)
  • flat8flat8 Member Posts: 887 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't know the details of the proposal. Please advise as to where I can read about it.
  • TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    In a nut shell, Pataki wants to make us pay $100 every four to five years to renew our handgun permits. He wants the permits to expire if they are not renewed. Most Counties are saying that they will also have to increase their licensing fees in order to handle the expected influx of the additional documentation that will be required.

    Trinity +++

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."(Proverbs 22:6)
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