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Need help from the puter geeks and pros

robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
I'm more or less puter illiterate, I fumble my way through. I've been working on my favorites list for over a month now and have finally finished it. By that I mean, I have what I believe to be one of the most extensive lists of links that is tailored directly to a gun enthusiasts tastes, as possible. I can save it to disk, and access the links from there, and hook up to the sites that way, but I cant figure out how to email the list to folks, cause they're links, I guess??? When I access the A-drive and try to pull up one of the folders with the partial list, to make an attachment from it, it wont work, it will work with other stuff on the disc, of course, but not the links, anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I can use the disc, as I said, to access the sites but I just cant send it via email. What gives??? LOST ONE
SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC


  • Gordian BladeGordian Blade Member Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I know enough about computers to be dangerous. (Am I a geek or a pro, maybe a nerd?) Usually, emailing links isn't a problem. Can you give us more info: What program did you use to create/edit your list of links, what name did you give the file (especially the extension like .doc or .txt or whatever), what program do you use to email, and do you use Internet Explorer or Netscape?
  • robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I made my list of links just by using my Favorites button on the tool bar. I went to Shooter Links and went through all 8,000+ of them. Just kept adding them, and then made folders and categorized the links in the Favorites folder, from the tool bar. I use internet explorer. I didnt name anything at all. I just went to my computer, then c drive, then windows, then favorites, opened it, and saved each of the sub categories folders of the list that I wanted, to the a drive. I can open any of the links from there, the a drive, but I just cant get it to email as an attachment from there, the message is something along the lines of file not found when I click on one and try to attach it. ?????
    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • badboybobbadboybob Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Rob after you've clicked on send new message go to the tool bar and select INSERT, then FILE ATTACHMENT, then LOOK in 3 1/2 INCH FLOPPY, then enter file name and click on ATTACH and that will do it.BTW have you upgraded to IE6.0? It's tree from Microsoft.
  • 7mm_ultra_mag_is_king7mm_ultra_mag_is_king Member Posts: 676 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    easiest way to attatch muliple files is to zip them and send as one file. make a folder on your hard drive, preferably on a partition so if you ever have to do a format c: you wont lose it, open winzip, add links to the archive and you will have a nice neat little file that when unzipped it will have all of your links in them, then just attatch the zip file to an email. Super easy. best thing to do is to have your hard drive partitioned so when you need to "nuke" windows you will have all of your important files saved in a no touch area. I save all of my emails, address book, favorites and many other things. I do a format about once a month and when I'm done you can never tell I did it. To the hell with tech support, I fix it myself. If you do not have a compression program let me know, I can set you up with just about anything you need. FREE!
    when all else fails........................
  • robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I really appreciate all the great info. but it went right over my head. I knew I shouldnt have asked the question, cause I'd be wasting your time, sorry. I really have a hard time understanding the terminology. I'll just keep doing like I am, until my 6 year old can explain it all to me. Hope she learns to read soon.
    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • Gordian BladeGordian Blade Member Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm just getting started after a long hiatus with firearms and I have gotten help from so many people here that I can't even begin to list them. Some of my questions probably seemed rudimentary.I went through the same process you described and tried to figure out the easiest way for you to proceed. I still don't know what email program you are using. Here is what I did to email a bunch of links:1. Double click on My Computer, double click on the A: drive, then I saw the folder of my links that I had saved on A: drive. I had previously called my folder "Old Stuff".2. I double clicked on "Old Stuff" and I saw all the links in there, looking like pieces of paper with a big blue e on each one. Then I clicked on the menu item "Edit" and clicked on "Select All". Now all those links are highlighted.3. I went to any one of them and right clicked on it to get a menu that includes the option "Send to". When you highlight "Send To" you will get another list of choices. Select "Mail Recipient" (not "Mail Recipient Using Microsoft Outlook" if you have that) and left click.4. You should get an outgoing mail window that is all set to go except that you need to fill in the "To" part. All of the links are included as attachments. When your recipient gets it, he can simply save all those links to some folder on his PC. (There is a "Save Attachments" command in almost every mail program.) Then he can open that folder and click on the links.I hope this helps. If you get stuck, let me know at what point and I'll try to get you through it. I won't lose patience if you don't lose patience. Everybody is a beginner at something.
  • agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
    Reeeaaallll ssslllloooowwww,,, wwwhhhheeennn yyyoooouuu wwwwaaannnntttt tttoooo sssseeeennnnndddd aaaannnn eeeee
    mmmaaaiiilll,,,, yyyooouuuu hhhiiiittt tttthhhheeee NNNNeeeewwww MMMMaaaaiiiillll bbbuuuutttoooonnn.... WWWWWhhhheeeennnn yyyyoooouuuu wwwwaaaannnnnttttt ttttoooo aaatttttttaaacccchhh sssooommmeeettthhhiiinnnggg,,,, yyyyoooouuuu hhhiiiitttt ttthhheee iiiinnnnnsssseeeerrrrtttt bbbbuuuuttttoooonnn ooonnnn ttthhhheee ttttooollll bbbaaarrr ooofff tttthhheeee nnnneeeewwww mmmaaaiiilll wwwwiiinnndddooowww... WWWWhhhheeennnn tttthhhaaaattt mmmeeeennnuuu pppooopppsss dddooowwwnnn,,,, hhhhiiiitttt ttthhhheeee ffffiiillleee aaaaattttaaacccchhhhmmmeeeennnntttt bbbbuuutttooonnn... IIItttt wwwiiiillll tttthhhheennnn ssshhhhhoooowwww aaa llliiisssttt ooofff ppplllaaaccceeesss wwwhhheeerrreee yyyooouuu hhhaaaavvvveeee ttthhhiiinnnngggsss sssstttooorrreeeddd. IIIIffff ttthhheee fffiiillleeee iiisss ooonnn yyyooouuurrr dddeeessskkkttttoooppp, ccccllliiiccckkk ooonnn ttthhhheee ddddeeeesssskkkktttoooppp llliiinnnkkk. hope this helps Ryan
    Allen Glore
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ryan, I'll try walking you through this. There's always something to learn, no matter how much time you've put in on systems (in my case not a lot), but this one is pretty easy (no insult intended) & the process is applicable across a large number of activities.Open your email app & start a new msg. At top, there are several buttons / titles. One of them will say 'attachments' or some such verbiage and likely will have a paperclip icon. Click on it. It will then prompt you for the name / location of the file. Presumably this saved file is on Drive A? *Within* the window that opened when you selected attach, browse until you locate that file on your floppy. Double click on it. Then you should see something in your msg window indicating that the file has been attached. Complete your msg & send. When the recipient receives it, they should rename the file to something besides "Favorites" to be sure they don't corrupt their original "Favorites" folder, but they should be able to open it and do all the usual file management activities with it as sent. Why don't you try sending me a copy at to see if it works?
  • robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Iconoclast, I tryed that before and it didnt work, tryed it again, and still no dice.Gordian Blade, tryed it your way, and it wouldnt work, UNTIL, I tryed to send just one link at a time, adding each one as an attachment, but thats pretty time consuming. When I try to send a whole folder by selecting all and sending them all, then instead of getting a page up for a new e-mail, it says page unavailable, like I'm trying to access a web site thats unavailable. Dont understand that. Any ideas??
    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • pops401pops401 Member Posts: 616 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ryan, You went through ALL 8,000 sites? [This message has been edited by pops401 (edited 02-09-2002).]
  • 7mm_ultra_mag_is_king7mm_ultra_mag_is_king Member Posts: 676 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Do you have winzip? Outlook Express won't let you attatch an entire folder. You ne3ed to create an archive and the best way to do that is with winzip abd then send the .zip file as an attatchment. All this desktop saving will do nothing but make a mess out of windows. You really need to make a folder on your hard drive and call it what you want and do a ctrl drag to that folder with you links. If you have winzip installed when you right click on the files it will give you a list of options and one of them will be - compress to you then just ad the zip file to your email and away it goes. I would really hate to see some of the c: drives on some of these computers that have everything saved to the desktop, not only does that clutter things up it also HURTS the performace of windows. If you want to do it the right way let me know, I will get you a copy of my favorite utility called POWERZIP tonite and explain to you how to use it, it is extremely easy and is it not only the best way to send mutiple files it is the ONLY logical way to do it.
  • robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Have you ever met a certified gun nut with a little more determination than brains? Yep, over 8,000 sights, took me about a month, maybe more, if I missed any site I might be interested in, it wasnt for a lack of trying to find it. I am actually trying to figure out how to send them now, I thought you for one, might like to have the list, its pretty extensive, geared towards just shooters, did away with all the pawn shops, and knife shops, and that sort of stuff, organizations and all that went, got it down to just the places where you can find some really good info. If I figure this out, I'll send it to anyone who might like to look at it, but its not looking good for the home team just now.
    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
    Ryan, just post them here.
    Allen Glore
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ryan, READ MY FOLLOWING MESSAGE FIRST. THAT METHOD IS FAR BETTER THAN THIS ONE.One thing to try is this. When you create your email and click on Attachment (the paper clip in Outlook Express), when the little window comes up showing you the contents of your A drive, do this:Open the folder you want to mail. You're not going to send the folder itself, just the contents. Now you are looking at the list of link pages, right? Okay, click on the first item to highlight it (one click). Now, leave the first item highlighted, and scroll down to the bottom of the list, and while holding down your SHIFT key, click once to highlight the bottom item on the same list. This should effectively "Select All" the items in between as well. This will also put all the items on that list in a string in your "attach" box. Click Okay to get back to your email message. Now your email should show the whole list of web page shortcuts attached to the email. When your recipient gets your email, tell him to 'save the attachment' into a new folder that he creates. You WOULD have to do this for each folder you want to email, SO I THINK THE METHOD DESCRIBED BELOW IS BETTER. Just keep in mind that the Shift key allows you to highlight a whole group of items at once, when you need to for attachments. But again use the method below to copy your whole Favorites folder to a nice neat .htm page.
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."[This message has been edited by offeror (edited 02-09-2002).]
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    HOLD IT. I just found a better way:If you're using Internet Explorer, pull down the File menu. You'll see a selection called Import and Export...Open that and choose to Export your Favorites folder to an .htm file. Then, when you're finished, you'll have a file called bookmark.htm. Open that .htm page in your own browser and you will see all your favorites have neatly been transposed into links. You can even edit the list for different emails. You can easily attach this single .htm page to email using the Attachment "paper clip."
  • RugerNinerRugerNiner Member Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Put your Floppy in an envelope and snail mail it. That's how I would have to do it.
    Remember...Terrorist are attacking Civilians; Not the Government. Protect Yourself!
    Keep your Powder dry and your Musket well oiled.
    NRA Lifetime Benefactor Member.
  • RancheroPaulRancheroPaul Member Posts: 1,459 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    8,000, huh? Like the Commercial Says: "You reached the end of the Internet.....Please go back........Now!" WoW and WoW!!!
  • robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    offeror, Thats cool, I can do it that way, yeah!, but I still wonder if its possible to select which of the favorites you export, instead of all of them, I know you can do each one, but can I say export 7 of the 15 favorites folders, and not the rest of them, or is their a way to edit the bookmark file after I get all the favorites there?
    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • 7mm_ultra_mag_is_king7mm_ultra_mag_is_king Member Posts: 676 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm tellin ya, if you make a zip archive you can put entire folders or files in them and have one nice and neat file to send, people make things so difficult
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    rob --Once you have your .htm page, you can use any web page editor to open the page and cut, copy or paste. If you don't have Microsoft Front Page, you might consider downloading Netscape Communicator and using the web editor that comes free with that. You won't have to deal with the underlying html code in either of these, just highlight and cut the link list any way you want. I suppose "" might have a free object-oriented web editor that you could use too. Or borrow one from somebody, what the heck. You need a web page editor. I don't recall whether the latest version of MS Word can edit web pages or not, but you might try opening your page in Word if you have it. What you want is called "object-oriented" editing, also known as "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG).
  • robsgunsrobsguns Member Posts: 4,581 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm, I'm telling you, I'm not ready for that yet, I'm like a 14 year old school girl, dont even think about it, ya know? I got it though, I got it, I just had to go in and organize my favorites into one folder that expands when you click on it, to reveal the rest of the folders. FINALLY, I feel like I've accomplished something. So anyway, if anyone wants the list, drop me an email, and I'd be happy to, robsguns@hotmail.comYou may not find the list tailored to your interests, but I think I thinned a lot of the chaff from the wheat, it should be a pretty good read for most. Thanks to all who helped my puny brain. Offeror, shoot me an email and I'll send it to you.
    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm --Your way works fine if you want to zip the folders with the whole contents, and if you are familiar with a Zip utility like WinZip or FreeZip. If he wants to edit the lists for each recipient he would have to make a new set of Favorites folder copies each time and delete all the items from each that he doesn't want to send, then zip the folders. At least this way he can edit one master document each time, give it a unique name like Freds_links.htm and attach the page to mail 'as is'. This way he gets to edit or censor his list for each recipient on one page, and they receive a web page that the least computer literate person can open in any browser with the links all intact and no unzipping or Importing Favorites process. Anyway, with computers there is always more than one way to get the same job done reasonably well, right?
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    rob --I forget how to get your email address. I clicked the little link in the message but it says current email not listed. Maybe you can send me a note I can reply to?
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    WHOOPS, it's in your message. Sorry.....
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