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  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm --Your wife sounds like a very bright lady. I've been driving for 35 years plus, and in another 20 years you'll be able to know what that much experience is like. Have run a 357 Camaro, 400 GTO, Supra Twin Turbo, Porsche 928 (wimpy), Mercedes 450SL, and even a '69 Shelby Mustang. That sort of car is unique, too.My intent was not really to single out trucks. My complaint is really just about bad driving, period. No signals, impeding traffic, all that junk. Sometimes it may be a truck, other times a car, SUV or van. So we can put to rest the idea that we're fighting over trucks. We were really talking about driving, I guess.It's the same thing for us performance car people, of course. We can do lots of scary-looking things in a car that responds to our every whim perfectly -- without ever putting a trucker, or any other driver, in any real danger. In that Supra, 115 was like doing 70 mph. Pulling over a couple lanes for an exit ramp may take someone's breath away, but it was smooth as ice cream sliding down your throat, and the car was so precise in accelerating, maneuvering and decelerating that it was safe as standing still at any speed. The car stopped on a dime, too -- 17" Z-rated tires and 12" 4-wheel disc brakes. That kind of superefficiency is hard to describe to someone in a regular 'ol vehicle. Makes the open road a real pleasure when you can find some. People want to race you occasionally, but I almost never bothered. When you have a twin turbo that goes 0-60 in four seconds or less, you just smile and think, "in your dreams, bud." Cruising in a true sports car is confidence and precision on 4 wheels. There's nothing to prove to anyone. It's just great driving.Of course, yah can't really give a blessing to a 100 mph caravan (and scaring cars off the side of the road) and then decide that a car passing you at, say, 85 to 100 mph in the other lane on another day is just bear bait, deserving of contempt. It either is, or it isn't, harmless but thrilling fun. If 100 mph is bear bait, so be it; I'll buy that. If it's okay, well then it's okay. But if we're going to say 100 mph is okay when blowing off a little steam, then it can't be okay only on Tuesdays and Thursdays after sundown when the wind is from the west. So I assume good truckers should have no beef with passing cars, even speeding cars. No reason that I can see to blockade 'em for Smokey then...? Mom used to say, you can't have your cake and eat it, too. In the words of the old song, "Is you is, or is you ain't...?" Tell you what. Let's NOT ask the cops what THEY think bear bait looks like. They're liable to say it looks like anything over 70 miles per hour. ;*D
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."
  • 218Beekeep218Beekeep Member Posts: 3,033
    edited November -1
    Hey 7 Mag,that`s pretty funny how that happens..Rembrandt and I used to get in the middle of someones thread,and start talkin` about smokin` jackets,and stuff...that was before the club even got started.By the way Mag,did we ever fit you for a jacket? .218
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    @! You guys need to see what that looks like coming up behind you, awsome." Bear bait, well what can I say. You spend time driving a "buckeye piggy bank"(truck) across Ohio and you understand why we get oinery. Ohio HP has made public comments about the revenue they get from trucks and sometimes we need a distraction. Any of you that ever got held back in Ohio only to get turned loose in front of a cop, don't take it personal. trucks are trophy bass in Ohio and we gotta sometimes do what we gotta do to stay away from the hook. Fast cars, lord knows I've had my share of them. Right now my pride and joy is a bike, well capable of speeds that will turn your * into a vapor if you wipe out. Yamaha YZF R1. Anytime I need to vent, out comes the crotch rocket. You live in FT Wayne? Sometime I will be heading to the windy I'll get ahold of ya, maybe take you for a truck ride to Chicago. Then you will see what idiots are all about.
    If you want my guns you will have to kill me first. I was born free and to take that from me you better be ready to fight.
  • pops401pops401 Member Posts: 616 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm, you didn't ruin anything, I love it!pops
  • VarmintmistVarmintmist Member Posts: 1,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Held my Pa Class 3 for about 2 Years, I had enough. People get stupid around a truck, they have no idea of whats around them at any givin time. I quit soon after a moron from Jersey dropped anchor in a constrution zone, jersey barriers on both sides, I had a lot of room, but not enough. Just dented his trunk. I hope like heck that he never stopped to stare at a friggin pipe getting put in the ground in front of someone who was tailgaiting.That, plus every town clown with a badge looks at you truck as a way to make cash for the township supervisor, and WILL pass up 20 cars to stop a truck. Roadside inspections = 2000 to the township, a speeding ticket for a car = about 20 bucks, Oh, and even if your truck is up to spec, if you get stopped, you will pay.It should be required that ALL drivers spend 1 week on a ride along in a truck.Only convoy I got involved in was when I was coming home on leave from Tenn to Pa, running about 75 at 2 AM, 4 rigs went by like I was in reverse. Cruised behind till I got low on fuel, 98-110 YAAAAAHOOOO. Had a 69 Vette, it loved it.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    218--Only in a perfect world heh heh heh...offeror--I was looking at a $600 cabinet in the furniture store a few months ago. Then I saw the same cabinet slashed by 50% and I couldn't pass it up. It's a gorgeous oak cabinet with a duck scene on the lower doors that enclose the lower storage area. I think I made off like a bandit with the price cut and the free delivery while I was at work today.
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm --I have a filmmaking background and I have been thinking about setting up my DV videocom on a tripod in the back seat and letting it record over my shoulder out the windshield. Since I sometimes "talk to" the other drivers like a commentator at the track announcing the goof-ups in progress, I think it would be funny as heck to edit together a movie of how people drive -- or can't drive -- around Ft. Wayne. I could surely get it on the local cable access channel for everyone to get a kick out of. Only thing is, you're supposed to blot out license plates when you do that -- I haven't figured that bit out yet. Maybe the station could do it for me after the fact.It would be great watching the lane changers who never signal, people in parking lots racing for parking spots, on-rampers blasting around tight turns at 70 mph who can't yield to traffic like your truck because they're going too fast to wait their turn, the guys cutting you off while you're in the act of passing them and blotting out the view of the road 6" in front of your bumper, the hypnotized left-lane cruisers who are pacing the car on the right mile after mile in what Jeff Cooper calls "condition white". Maybe I'd get lucky and catch a rollover on a cloverleaf... As for the Chicago trip, that's another video, no doubt. But I don't think I have that much time to play hooky from my real life. Anyway, you keep saying I don't believe you, or can't imagine it -- I see it every day, drivers goofing around trucks. I never said I didn't believe you. I just said I'm not convinced anything justifies breaking the law or playing traffic cop on the road. When cops chase some stupid * trying to shake them at 125 mph and whack him with night sticks to keep him prone when they finally catch up to him, because he just risked all their lives, they still get their badges pulled and their careers cut short. I don't figure we have any more rights than the cops, so... What we SHOULD do is all be good boys and girls. Of course what we WANT to do varies with the individual. I think my original point had more to do with dangerous behavior where the offending driver feels he's safe because the other driver will supposedly do nothing, rather than taking action in self defense. There is behavior over the line of safety, including purposely forcing someone off the road, that I think might well lead (these days) to serious retaliation, including but not limited to a cell phone call to the cops, an attempt at a citizen's arrest, or a direct response to stop a perceived assault by a crazy person to keep them from harming anyone else. I'm not talking here about being the type of bully who carries a baton or ball bat in his car to pound other drivers with. I'm talking about citizens who are sufficiently freaked by another driver's illegal behavior that they are sincerely convinced defensive action may be called for. If someone is willing to run me onto the grass with 35 tons of trailer, an RV or a fat 'ol pickup, I'd wonder if it wasn't time to catch up and get him stopped, one way or another. It's only "in fun" when both parties think it's fun. Driving isn't a swashbuckling lifestyle and drivers aren't romantic mavericks. If it's for business, it's a job, full of rules and road signs. If it's for pleasure, it's still a privilege, full of rules and road signs. I enjoy driving, and I think that's what cars are for. When they become instruments for any other purpose (blocking, threatening, pushing others around), the drivers go over a very serious line that they will eventually wish they hadn't crossed; maybe not the first time, but the odds increase with every "exhibition." Like I said, there are some people out there nowadays who have figured out that that little bubble of GM glass and some rubber tires doesn't make you unreachable or indestructible, no matter what we're driving.
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."
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