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"Gun Safety" --Major Policy Shift for Antigunners

offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Excerpting Wayne La Pierre's comments this month re a major liberal policy shift which will from now on threaten to make "gun safety" a buzzword term for gun bans and anti-2nd Amendment drives. Be prepared to write exposes to your local papers.

"Democrats would be foolish to continue using the term gun control..." That admonition from the Americans for Gun Safety -- run by former Clinton/Gore and Schumer operatives -- was secretly presented to Democratic Party strategists in what AGS calls a "blueprint" for "Taking Back the Second Amendment." It tells candidates to morph "gun control" into a sweet-sounding "gun safety" message.

If anti-gun politicians put the AGS "blueprint" into practice, the words "gun control" will disappear... and their anti-freedom agenda will be wrapped in a phony embrace of the Second Amendment. Beware.

"Taking Back the Second Amendment" is a deceit that assumes gun-rights voters are too stupid to recognize the end game -- the loss of our liberty.

...AGS cites the results of its own opinion polling that found, "Only 8% of voters believe that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual's right to own a gun" -- a minority stand linked to the Democratic Party.

...The Democractic Leadership Council (DLC) says its partnership with AGS will produce: "an inclusive message combining progressive policy positions with language that embraces the shared values of most Americans."

...The AGS advises candidates to "Implement Your Gun Plan and Watch the Gun Votes Role In."


And you can bet your last buck on the fact that these people, who are already starting to use this cynical strategy, will be talking about hunting to the exclusion of all other guns and gun uses -- though hunting is not even covered by the Second Amendment.

T. Jefferson: "[When doing Constitutional interpretation], let us [go] back to the time when [it] was adopted. [Rather than] invent a meaning [let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed."

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