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i might take heat for this but.....

jdb123jdb123 Member Posts: 471 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
i dont give a damn about palestine{i know not all muslims are bad} but, with all due respect to Isreal wouldn't an all out war between those two factions be better than all this sneaking around and killing each others civilians? i mean they hate each other so much what are they wating for? if war is inevidable then stop this crap and do it and settle it once and for all!


  • jeenyesjeenyes Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, for one thing, there would be no war.egypt, syria, jordan, all of the arab nations have invaded Israel. Even all at once. They caught Israel off guard once, it took 3 days to get a counter offensive going, but it did not help the arabs. Israel kicked their butts several times, took their land and basically made them tuck tail and run. So a war for the plo would be a sunday walk for Israel.
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    That's also why many of them hate the United States so much. We seem to be giving assurances that no matter how much of an arms build-up the surrounding Arab states do, if they were to finally gang up on Israel and field a force large enough to have a chance of winning, they're afraid we'd go in like China did with North Korea during the Korean war or like the Communist powers did to support North Vietnam. And they're probably right.
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  • GreenLanternGreenLantern Member Posts: 1,647 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm with jeenyes! The Israelis would make short work of the PA and terrorists. But this time it would be different than taking on Egyptian tanks on the Sinia Peninsula and the Syrians on the Golan Heights. There'd be a lot of civilian casualties, so they'd end up loosing the TV war. Nothing like a few innocents to get French and Germans to start pissing and moaning. On the plus side though they'd probably uncover large stashes of weapons that are currently being used against them. I say they should send Yasir packing to somewhere like Libya and let him rot his way into history.
  • timberbeasttimberbeast Member Posts: 1,738 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    There will never be an end to the conflict as long as the earth exists.
  • niklasalniklasal Member Posts: 776 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    They can't go to all out war. It's all about money. The US relies on the Middle East for our thirst for oil. Israel is the only MAJOR political ally in the middle east.If those oil producing countries have all out war with Israel, the US boycotts their oil and dips into domestic reserves. If Israel declares war on everybody else... Well they just won't. Israel is like an extension of the US. They recieve more foreign aid than all other countries combined. i forget the exact figure, but it can be found through the World Health Organization.Think about it. There are quite a few LARGE business owners, CEO's, etc. in the US who openly declare their dual US-Israeli Citizenship. Many of those business people have ties with goverment officials through their campaign contributions. Naturally, those officials will make decisions in favor of those big businesses in hopes of getting campaign contributions for future elections. Remember that big deal about Clinton pardoning that multi-millionare guy who owed millions in back taxes? It was a big stink (unitl it was convieniently ignored by media) because he was a primary Clinton Campaign contributor. Green makes the world go 'round
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