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Hey LEO's out there

niklasalniklasal Member Posts: 776 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
I thought about this after reading Prangle's post. NIKLASAL's DISCLAIMERNow, I have no ill feelings toward LEO's, and my best friends out here are a whole family of em. I also don't mean to sound sexist in any way either. I am just curious though. I have noticed from my run-ins with the law that female officers tend to be more strict about the law. Maybe it's just me, but in every contact I've had with one, they used what I consider excessive force.Example:I got pulled over in a Suburb of Bethesda MD, not ritzy, but nice neighborshood. LEO comes over, "License and Reg." Me: No prob officer. Here you go. May I ask why I got pulled over? Was I speeding?LEO: I'll let you know.Me: Sorry but i was just wanted to know what i'm being charged withLEO: You know what? Because of your attitude you just bought yourself a ticket!Me: Attitude? I just wanted to know why I was getting a ticket? LEO: Get out of the carFrom there I sat in the back of her patrol car while she wrote me a ticket then let me go. That's just one of many. No I don't wear a bandana or hat backwards. No, I don't have tattoos all over. In fact, I was coming back from my job at a local bank, wearing my suit and tie. By the way, the ticket she wrote me was for an obstructed licencse plate. She says it was dirty and illegible. I lived in a city and drove a honda. There was nothing but dust. Cost me $70. Disgruntled: YESHate all cops: NO


  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    I would say wrong place and wrong time. If this happens alot i would start to wonder.
  • NOTPARSNOTPARS Member Posts: 2,081 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    For Nicklasal: I was an LEO for ten years until injuries caused them to put me out to pasture. I never treated anyone like you were treated unless they first copped a really bad attitude first. And I never wrote a chickens*** ticket. But I will tell you this. It seemed that the female officers cut no one any slack. In fact, I once stopped a motorist for going 45 in a school zone, told him I would write him for only 20 over (the speed limit was 25), and he began to get a little hot under the collar. I told him to be thankful a female officer hadn't stopped him. His attitude changed dramatically to say the least. He practically pulled the pen from my hand, signed the ticket, and thanked me!!! Perception or stereotype? I can only go by what I saw and this was no stereotype.As an LEO, I operated under the guideline that what I did had to be just and fair. I wanted to be able to see a motorist and public and not feel bad about looking them in the eye because I wrote a chickens*** ticket which would have made me mad.And, when I got a speeding ticket here in Missouri a couple of years ago, I didn't try to get out of it by saying I was a retired officer or any of that. He got me fair and square, I signed the ticket and paid the fine. Your case sounds a bit different.I hope all officers strive to be professional, professional, professional. The motorist may get mad, but that will go away as they realize they were wrong and got caught. But, if we are unfair and arbitrary, they won't forget that.Hang in there and keep your good attitude!
  • wyatt325wyatt325 Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    And since were on this subject, here's what happeneed recently at our department. A female officer was on patrol and made a stop on a suspicious vehicle. The vehicle contained two males and a female. During her conversation with the males, they failed to provide the officer with their personal identifiers. After several attempts to determine their identity, the officer placed the males under arrest for Obstruction of Justice, and then transported same to the county jail. When the Shift commander learned of this arrest, the suspects had already posted bail, and been released. Needless to say, he(shift supervisior) and the states attorney were not happy. The charges were subsequently dropped. The officer caught some heat from most of the patrol division officers. I think she got the message. Only time will tell. Don't know if the suspects are planing any legal recourse.
  • k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    could the old thought be true, they try harder because they feel they have to proove to the men that they can do the job as well as they do. I know a female officer and in the beginning she was a hard nose because thats what she thought, but over time she did lighten up.
  • Tailgunner1954Tailgunner1954 Member Posts: 7,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The last F-LEO (MI SP) I had occasion to deal with (traffic accident with a student driver whos father, trainer, actualy caused the accident) was one of the most profesinal officers I have ever met. She even took the time to explain everything that was going on to the very upset (with her father) student driver. Yes we both got tickets, and yes I did contact her post commander to commend her.
  • OtomanOtoman Member Posts: 554
    edited November -1
    If you are speeding or breaking any other law you usually know that you are guilty so why try to be a butt and give the officer trouble about it weather it be male or female. No one likes to cough up money that could be be better spent (Guns & ammo) but there has never been a time that I have been pulled over unjustly. I do believe that women in most jobs have to try a little harder than men to meet the approval of the male work force.
  • Gene B.Gene B. Member Posts: 892 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    maybe shes flirting with you : )
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The two times I've had 'official' contact w/ female LEOs, I found their attitude much more adversarial / belligerent, at least on the surface, than the general run of officers. In neither case was I the target of their ire, but both came on exactly as nicklasl described. W/o being sexist (I hope), the words of the bumper sticker seemed most appropriate: "I've got PMS & a .38 - any questions?"
  • niklasalniklasal Member Posts: 776 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Love the bumper sticker ironclast! Maybe I should get the missus one.Again, not to sound sexist, I think the F-LEO's act tougher because they do have to deal with the occasional "you're a woman, why aren't you home cooking" type attitude. Still, it sucks when you run into one. Hey otoman, I agree that if you break the law, you should get what you deserve. However I found that being very friendly has gotten me out of a lot of tickets, so i try. I even tried with her. It's just hard to do tone of voice when you type!
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