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Member Posts: 20,253 ✭✭✭ many more of my long term friends will come down with Prostate problems? I just found out a 59 years of age friend has a 6.9 reading on his PSA test....Last year, a 65 year old friend had a 4.0 reading,and was found cancerous...he is now supposedly cancer free after radical surgery...and Radiation treatment..I ave mine checked every six monthes,plus I take certain vitamins to help keep mine in check.Anyone else notice any increase in this aging process?
Also fortunately, while the doc had his camera in place, he found a tumor in my bladder and removed it. The bad news is, the tumor was cancer. The good news is, it is not an "invasive" type, it was quite small, and it did not show up when my bladder was scoped in May of 2012.
The bladder problem added some complications to the otherwise routine prostate surgery. The tumor was removed with conventional instruments, not vaporized with a LASER, so there was an actual non-cauterized wound that took a while to heal. I had to seriously curtail my physical activity, and only for the last two days I have seen no blood in my urine.
Doc did not want to do any further treatment for the tumor. He does want to scope my bladder every three months for a while, to see if it returns. That procedure, known as cystoscopy, is not very pleasant, but I reckon having four per year, I can get accustomed to it.
The first time I had a digital prostate exam, I thought that was pretty horrible, but after a couple of dozen times now, it's not so bad. An exam is better than not knowing.
Regarding the PSA: My urologist relies on the test, but not just one test. What he looks for is a change from test to test. My number is pretty reliably low.
My urologist is Dr. John C. Wang, and he is a good one.
I can relate both positive and negative about the PSA checks as I have had my share of them resulting in 2 biopsys. The first biopsy occured when my PSA went up to 9. Biopsy was negative. Two years later PSA went to 12. Had biopsy and found I had an infections which was cured by antibiotics.
Next door neighbor is 75, his PSA spiked to 13 and subsequent biopsy revealed stage 1 cancer. He had the radioactive pills installed in
his prostate and has been OK for 2 years now.
I know several other individuals who had PSA checks over 10 years ago when they were popular, subsequent biopsies which detected early stage cancer which was treated and they are still alive today. treated
They no longer do PSA tests in my area, said too many false readings. Guess we won't find out if cancer is there until its too late. I don't understand this policy.
My doc offers PSA tests, but I refuse them. You are very likely to get a false positive from a PSA. So, you go and have unnecessary prostate surgery.
Thus, many docs, and some assertive patients, have quit fooling with the PSA test. To these people, a coin toss would be as accurate as a PSA test.
"Heads, I have prostate cancer. Tails, I don't."
My PSA numbers went up, I had some serious issues trying to urinate, I had an infection. I've got Prostate issues, but the meds seem to be taking care of it I've been on the same, one pill a day, for years.
I figure if it ever does get worse, I'll have a biopsy.