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something hit me today

idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
I live in a predominantly agrigultural region of the United States and a dead horse that I feel needs more kicking reared its ugly head. I took a few minutes to eat lunch and I saw a couple of 15 - 17 year old girls with babies under their arms eating lunch. I almost lost my lunch. They are not in school and they certainly aren't working. I realized that my taxes are probably providing the very food that they were eating at the time. Scandal after scandal over the hiring of illegal immigrants from "south of the border" pops up continuously in this region. An investigation into one of the largest packing houses in America has recently ensued over the hiring of illegal immigrants. A legal clause permits packing houses to keep illegals on the bank rolls even after they are identified until they can be replaced by legals. Many bleeding hearts make the claim that legal citizens will not do the same work that the illegal immigrants are doing in this nation and that the price of our agricultural goods will go up at the supermarket if we force them out of the labor market. Well, I'd rather pay $5 more for a steak and have less money taken out in taxes from my paycheck and have that be the case. At least its honest. Bleeding hearts also whine and cry about how hard they work. I also know for a fact that, for every hard working illegal immigrant that is out there in the packing houses, there are several more wives and girlfriends popping out babies in the trailer park that are just waiting for that first WIC check. In spite of this, you see them lining up at Western Union and the counters of other wire transfer services to send money back over the border to Mexico. This happens to the tune of $12 billion a year. Guess how much we spend on illegal immigrants through the socialist welfare network that is prevalent in our society. Approximately $12 billion in tax money goes to those illegal immigrants via our public education system, jails, WIC checks and hospitals. They water down our school system by refusing to learn our language and our very "republican" president coddles them. According to the current illegitimacy rates, the illegal Mexican population is rapidly becoming a very broad segment of our society and President Bush wants to give them stinking amnesty! They are working and sending money in the interest of Mexico. In whose iterest do you think they will vote? Then I hear bleeding hearts talk about how this nation is a nation founded and made up of immigrants and descendents of immigrants. That is very true. My grandparents were immigrants--not illegal INVADERS! Our nation is being brought to its knees by invaders that have invaded without a war. Language in the recent campaign finance reform legislation broadens the base from which money can trickle. It further opens politicians to receive money from non-citizens. Soon politicians will more overtly solicit the money of non-citizens and will cast votes in there interest due to the broad segment of the population that they are beginning to represent. Casting all political leanings aside (liberal or conservative), our politicians will be fighting tooth and nail for that money and will strive to show that they or their party are the ones that have done the most and have given the most to them so that they can receive their votes when those illegals become citizens through an impending stroke of amnesty for which Bush has already begun to push.


  • EZMZEZMZ Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    There's some talk about running the Queen of Bleeding Hearts in the next presidential race
    if that hieffer gets elected I'll move away from America!
    can you believe she actually wanted to give monetary support to the families of illegal aliens who lost their lives or resources due to 911????
    "BILLARY KLINTON" has Thunder Thighs!!!
  • alledanalledan Member Posts: 19,541
    edited November -1
    Conagra in Athens,Alabama is a bad spot. This company has more illegals than most others.The INS is not even interested in them because they are after mideastern illegals.The word on the street there is that for a fee a group will search cemetaries for dead hispanic babies. When they find one that would have been the same or near same age as the person who contracted them they apply for a birth certificate and SS number. When all this comes together-viola-you have a legal citizen rather than an illegal alien.I thought that some years back that this pratice was stopped by cross indexing files.[This message has been edited by alledan (edited 02-15-2002).]
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Not many of them realize that it is easy to get into Mexico no matter what terrorist nation you call home. After that, it's our loose borders that allow them to walk right onto our soil. Do they actually think that these terrorists are flying here and entering our borders through legitimate means? Take the National Guard out of our airports and put them on our borders. That would probably be too "militant" for the liberals to stomach. Oh little actually placed in a position where he might have to actually use that rifle that he's been carrying around LAX all this time.
  • agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
    If so many Americans are so willing to do the same work that the illegal immagrants are doing, why aren't they. Americans that just lost jobs because of the 9/11 incedent don't seem to be knocking on the doors of the people hiring the illegals. Why are our unemployment rolls rising. Shouldn't they be going down if we have so many Americans willing to do this work. The problem is, we don't have the Americans that will do that work. This generation of Americans from 17 to 25 years of age think they should start out at the top of the Totem Pole and not the bottom. They have no work ethics. They are used to Ma and Pa giving them everything they want and not have to work for it. All I can say, is if you want what it is that I have, get a job and earn it like I did. I have been working since I was 12 years old. Have never missed a scheduled day at work except for vacation time. Never called in sick. I am now 48 years old. Name me just 1 person in the age bracket of 17-25 that can honestly say they have never missed a day of work if they have been working only half of that time frame of 17-25.
    AlleninAlaska[This message has been edited by aglore (edited 02-15-2002).][This message has been edited by aglore (edited 02-15-2002).]
  • simonbssimonbs Member Posts: 994
    edited November -1
  • RUGERNUT3RUGERNUT3 Member Posts: 247 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I live in Texas.I honestly LOVE Mexico and its culture..people..plan on retireing there.First I have no answer to the problem...and it is a problem..I have grown up in...around it. When in College I worked part time at a friends conveince store. Behind the store were some not so great apts. In some of theseapts. there were 6-12 people living..depending on the size of the apt.....either way,=overcrowded and unpleaseant. A lot of the guys living in these apts. worked at some of the Mexican restraunts and local construction co's. They would come in the store, buy only the necessaties they needed,ie: soap,toothpaste etc.,....then get a money order for the remaining amount of their check(made sure it was negotiable in Mexico) to send back home to Mexico. This was around 1972 or so. It made me think, right or wrong, good or bad..these guys deserved some credit. Later on I got to know a few guys that lived like this and found out how a lot of this worked, but the point is this...pack up a shoebox size bag,sneak into a foreign country,maybe a journey of 1,000 miles or more. Once you get to your destination find a job and live in cramped, to say the least living conditions. When you get just enough to get you by..and send the remainder back home to your family...every payday for 1 to 2 years. Scratch familiar surroundings,friends,any kind of comfort..just put yourself into this rut for at least a 2 year period..could you cut it? I dont know if I could. I give them credit for the ability to do this for the betterment of their families..lots of credit.Hey,several cities around Dallas have built "storefronts" for the illegal workers to hang around so someone wanting to hire them can locate them and so as not to have them clogging up parking lots of local business. Hello INS..there they are,why cant you find them? Dallas provides free public school with no fear of deportation? You know who pays for it. What do you do,they are here,not educate them and have generations of illiterate kids? I dont think so. I know for a fact that a LOT of the Mexican illegals are paying federal income tax...that they do not file a return to get a fund of any sort....they also pay SS in, with no intention of ever seeing a penny of it. If someone out there knows a stat in $$ of what the illegal Mexican worker makes annually..where they are paid w/a check where there is witholding....I would guess the total sum of SS and Income tax paid in is substantial..bearing in mind THIS money stays in gov. accounts. I see what has and continues to go on, and I do not have an answer, nor can I totally jump on the bandwagon to denounce these people..they see a way, albeit a difficult and illegal way to better themselves and their families...and they pursuit it. If the US keeps providing the means to these people...we should not expect anything different than what we have now. In all honesty are YOU not trying to do the best you can for you and YOUR family? At what lenghts would you go to make sure your baby was fed, has shoes? These people are not here "stealing the riches", they are here trying to make some money for a better life for themselves. Wish I had an answer. Know what though? As long as the gov. at all levels chooses to do nothing about the prob.,I'm not going to get an ulcer over it, they do not pay me enough, matter of fact they dont pay me at all......
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's funny. We shake our heads and say that legal citizens won't do the work so we should look the other way when illegals are doing it. The fact remains that the work would have gotten done anyhow. That is how our economy works. Like I said before, I'd pay an extra $5 for a steak if honest business was being conducted. We throw a monkey wrench into how our economy works when we support it with illegitimate means to get things done. We can work on doing what it takes to get citizens doing that work. We can be pro-active. Now our hands our tied because passing a law that would force illegals out of that type of work will cause us to go into reactive mode. It's like being behind the 8-ball. We've ultimately forced ourselves to overlook a growing problem just so that we don't have to deal with something much larger. Ignoring a lie just so that you don't have to face reality because it doesn't feel good isn't a solution.
  • treedawgtreedawg Member Posts: 321 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    if you deport the so called illegals then you might as well get in the soup lines because this fragile economy will crash. they are the backbone of the labor in this country. if you are willing to pay $5.00 more for your steak then i'd say that you're probably in the minority. i work so called illegals, but resisted it for years because i didn't want to work them for several reasons. after working the "white boys" (which is what i consider myself) for several years it became clear that they didn't want to work, they just want a check on friday. the mexicans that work for me don't get paid a cent less than the white boys, but they can't seem to get enough hours in a week and they are always there on monday. i couldn't be competive w/o them. this post may be a little off the topic, but......
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