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Am I the only one thta fells cheated?

ccasey612ccasey612 Member Posts: 901 ✭✭✭✭
edited March 2002 in General Discussion
I am new to the shooting world. I sot my first gun a little over a month ago. I decided to go out and purchase one of my own instead of paying $10 4 times a week to rent one. I put very little tought into the gun that I bought and just looked for a great price. i ended up buying a Jennings T-180. Somewhere between my 65th and 70th round the top of my gun went flying down the lane with my bullet. Is it all Jennings guns or just mine. What kind of low priced but good quality handgun should I look into buying because my Jennings is trashed?


  • concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Jennings are known for being inexpensive AND cheap. Two different things.Go with a Glock. Use factory ammunition. You will be able to shoot it forever.G36
    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals
  • royc38royc38 Member Posts: 2,235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am sorry that someone took advantage of you by selling you a Jennings. From now on before you purchase anything else ask the people on this forum. If I can I will help you with my limited knowledge of certain firearms. As for this forum, As I do you should consult the combined wealth of knowledge that resides here. Since I joined these people have treated me with respect, courtesy, and information that has snatched me out of the jaws of mistakes and possible tragedy. At times I have actually thought of myself as a "firearms" expert. But to some of these pros out here I am just a high school football player as it were. I have never been steered wrong and I am sure you won't either. Save your money, shop but don't buy, and ask any questions you may have here and I KNOW that these people will steer you in the right direction.
  • niklasalniklasal Member Posts: 776 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You're lucky you didn't get injured! In my opinion, Jennings hanguns are justr as dangerous to the shooter as they are to the perpetrator. Mine has yet to fire two rounds in a row without jamming.If you want excellent reliability at a reasonable price, go with a Ruger. I have a Ruger P89 9mm that will fire darn near anything I can put it it. 4,000 rounds and not a single jam. They are well built, fairly accurate, and extremely reliable. The P89 goes for about $340 brand new. You should also consider the P95. Same thing, only with a polymer frame. Another route you can take is to be patient and look for good used gun. I got a Glock 22 with Trijicon night sights for $350 on GB.If you have any ques feel free to email me
  • DarkStar11DarkStar11 Member Posts: 1,557 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry you got to experience the Jennings. I'd reccomend a Makarov or PA63 if you want to stay under $200. Good, reliable, reasonably accurate.
  • CAndres35CAndres35 Member Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    sorry about the jennings exp. you are not the first one to have this happen. like the above post,ask ask ask. there are no dumb questions when it comes to firearms. i would also reccomend the ruger are a tarus are a s&w. you can find some realy good used handguns if you shop around. a lot of people carry and very seldom shoot. the gun are worn on the outside and mechanicaly like new. CARL
  • CAndres35CAndres35 Member Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    sorry about the jennings exp. you are not the first one to have this happen. like the above post,ask ask ask. there are no dumb questions when it comes to firearms. i would also reccomend the ruger are a tarus are a s&w. you can find some realy good used handguns if you shop around. a lot of people carry and very seldom shoot. the gun are worn on the outside and mechanicaly like new. CARL
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mr. 612......Don't know you well enough to call you by your first letter yet Tell us what you plan to do with this weapon.The main task you need it for will determine (to a large extent) what will be recommended.Some on the forum (myself included), will recommend larger calibers (.357 and up). They will be the "MANLY" men. Then you'll have the "girlie men" who will recommend the 9mm's and such. HACK...HACK...HACKNOW I'VE DONE IT!!!!"Just funnin' son. Just funnin'."Mudge the stirrer
    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah, early on in my handgun purchasing "career" I didn't have much money so I bought a Jennings Bryco .380. It was a jamomatic every trip to the range. I found that with careful polishing of the ramp and oiling I could get it to shoot, but never reliably. I sold it to a kid who brought it back a couple hours later after one trip to the range and said the guy there told him I ripped him off and the gun was broken. I told the kid I'd gladly give him his money back but to do more research before he goes out to buy next time. Then I sold it to another guy who wanted it for protecting his parents, so he said. I stressed oiling & so forth, but unless he didn't shoot it much he probably had some trouble too. About the only round you can be sure of is the one in the chamber. That's the only gun I've owned that I never regretted parting with, which is saying something. I've been primarily a Glock man for a while now but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one of those Taurus Millenniums in any caliber. I have a .45 PT145 and I really like it. It's no bigger than a Glock 27 with a +2 extender, and it shoots a bigger bullet. Supposedly they'll shoot anything without a hiccup. And the Millenniums can be found very reasonably priced. Mine cost $329 new, though most dealers get more.
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."
  • groundhog devastationgroundhog devastation Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November -1
    I am sorry that your first foray into the wonderful world turned out this way. I do not beleive in any form of gun control, however the first gun control laws I remember had to do with SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS, I wish there was some way to keep the junk away. Get yourself a Glock, or a Ruger "P" series and you will be a much happier camper. Real gun control is hitting what you're aiming at!!! GHD
  • travelortravelor Member Posts: 442 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    mudge, you son of a pup... i love my baretta 92fs....and i think my 15 rounds flying accuratly down range will tickle any mannly man right off his feet...especially the black tallon ranger ammo that i keep one mag loaded me, that beats my colt 45 7 or 8 rounds at 60% the accuracy and shorter range....don't let my long hair deceive you....
    keep lots of extra uppers for your can change often enough to keep the thing from over heating...what ever caliber fits the moment..~Secret Select Society of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets~
  • Submariner .Submariner . Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Truck Driver,Submarine Veteran,Rusty Wallace fan,and piss poor typist
  • 218Beekeep218Beekeep Member Posts: 3,033
    edited November -1
    Bersa is a fine product,we sell them in .380,for $ tax.Someone in your area should be able to sell you one for that..218
  • kimberkidkimberkid Member Posts: 8,858 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    For a great, inexpensive handgun ($100-$150), look at a Makarov, PA-63 or a CZ-52 ... it's too bad you didn't find us prior to buying the Jennings. We have a great group of guys here and all would have tried to discourage a Jennings buyer for the reasons you describe ... welcome to the board, pull up a seat, but be careful ... this board is habit forming ... many of us are still recovering from the site outage ... Thanks for getting it fixed Admin
    Here's a thought: Let's make criminals responsible for their crimes ... ...Not blame society and the tools they use!
    If you really desire something, you'll find a way ?
    ? otherwise, you'll find an excuse.
  • BoomerangBoomerang Member Posts: 4,513
    edited November -1
    First off, use a spell checker.- Second, you captured it very well, you did not put much thought into buying the gun. You were "price-point" driven. I have seen this time and time again. There is an old saying: "You get what you pay for." You bought a cheap gun and you got a cheap gun. No, it is not just your Jennings, it is all Jennings and similarly manufactured guns. (e.g. Davis, Bryco, etc.) IMO, all of these guns are just pieces of crap. If you want a good gun at a good price, then buy a good used gun made by a reputable gun manufacturer. (e.g. pistols - SIG, Glock, Beretta, etc. ; Revolvers - S&W, Ruger, Taurus, etc.) Sorry to hear about your first gun buying / ownership experience, but you now have learned a valuable lesson. In the end, what is your life worth, $68? Boomer
    Protect our Constitutional Rights.
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The only good thing about the Davis' and the Brycos is that it is sometimes all the typical liquor store robber can afford. The Bersa is a solid .380. A bit larger than necessary for the caliber, but so is a PPK and they're great guns. I agree you could have got more gun for your money but they'll sell you what's in stock rather than give you advice about a special order. I find the new Guardian .380 interesting because it's about the size of the .32 Seecamp for deep concealment, but shoots the slightly more powerful .380 round (with a far greater variety of ammo readily available). But for a compact or duty-size gun, this thread is full of good suggestions, to which I might add one of the variations on the Colt .380 Mustang. I used to own a clone called an "FI" (I think?) and really enjoyed it. A lot of character and a 1911 style of operation for only a couple hundred dollars. Say, now that I've mentioned it, I may have to have another one of those...
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    By the way, ccasey, is there any chance of taking that gun back where you bought it? If so, do it as soon as possible, and take the manufacturer's box of the ammo you were shooting when it fell apart to help prove you weren't shooting over-pressure loads. If you get lucky there will be some kind of warranty, but if so it may only last 30-90 days so I'd hustle if I were you to have any chance of getting the gun fixed or replaced. Then at least you'd have a good gun to sell or trade. The other thing you can do if that doesn't work is send it back to Jennings for repair/replacement and send a xerox copy of your receipt to show how new it is. They might help you out.
  • OtomanOtoman Member Posts: 554
    edited November -1
    ccasey612 you may want to consider a FEG Browing Hi-Power they are a pretty nice little gun for the money. I just bought one from one of the guys here on the board and I like it. Another Thought to consider would be to invest some more money and purchase a real good quality handgun, It is something that will last for several generations if you take care of it, and some * doesn't steal it from you.. And don't feel bad about making the mistake. I have several quaility handguns and I purchased a LLama .45 Compact Auto Pistol for $250.00 and It had about a 20# trigger pull so I walked around the gun show before last and got rid of it....
  • JudgeColtJudgeColt Member Posts: 1,790 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was going to jump in on this when the boards went down recently, but did not get back to it when they came back up.Unfortunately, inexpensive often means cheap, as you found out. While several suggestions have been given, I will offer another. You should look at Kel-Tec pistols, where inexpensive does not mean cheap. I choose to carry a Kel-Tec P11 or a Kel-Tec P32 over any other firearm in their respective power/size categories, regardless of cost. You might want to look at used guns as well if the budget will not allow a new gun. However, get some good advice before buying used. You do not want to get stung again.There is vast knowledge available on these boards just for asking. Some half-vast too! The advice you get here will be worth a lot more than you pay for it. My suggestion is Kel-Tec, but many of the other suggestions are good too.
  • poolshotpoolshot Member Posts: 548 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Tell people it shot 5000 rounds,with no problems.Then sell them the pieces..
  • SXSMANSXSMAN Member Posts: 2,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Judge,that's funny,I was doing the same thing when GB went down.Some good advice you offer.I don't think you were "cheated" in your purchase,sounds like in this case you bought what you asked for.Question.Did you send it back and get a new one and put 5k through this gun?Regardless of all of this,I feel you will make better purchase decisions now in the future.There are needs for inexpensive guns.Does a man or woman of lesser means have less needs to protect themselves?(In many cases for different reasons more)Is their life worth less than others?
  • Submariner .Submariner . Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Truck Driver,Submarine Veteran,Rusty Wallace fan,and piss poor typist E-MAIL WNUNLEY@USIT.NET
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