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Secret History of the KKK...

fishkiller41fishkiller41 Member Posts: 50,608
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Is on Hist. channel right now...est.


  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No wonder Earl isn't posting right now.
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1

    Could Earl's clan name be Arnie?

    EDIT: With all the bizarre crap on Photobucket (including all the Gay stuff!) they contend that my obviously comical portrayal of the KKK in a pink sheet is in violation of their rules. Both funny and sad. Glad I don't pay for that service.
  • Lucky_LeftyLucky_Lefty Member Posts: 7,971
    edited November -1
    The Klan is no different from the oter groups, like La Raza, the black panthers, and all street gangs, and I actually think the klan is the least harmful. You dont hear on the news about the clan fighting over a street corner or killing someone because of a 5 dollar bag of crack. Also most of the shootings here in my lovely area(Chicago) are gang related and all of them are shines.
  • thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    One of my favorite books is the Education of Little Tree.
    It sucked when I found out the author, Forest Carter, was actually Asa Carter (KKKC founder).
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    They are the action arm of the Masons.

  • spanielsellsspanielsells Member Posts: 12,498
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Lucky_Lefty
    The Klan is no different from the oter groups, like La Raza, the black panthers, and all street gangs, and I actually think the klan is the least harmful. You dont hear on the news about the clan fighting over a street corner or killing someone because of a 5 dollar bag of crack. Also most of the shootings here in my lovely area(Chicago) are gang related and all of them are shines.
    I would agree with you only because the Klan is rendered irrelevant today (as as such, the least harmful).

    Back in their heyday, the Klan was pretty frightening. True, they aren't fighting over a street corner now, but if you didn't fit the "profile" of an approved American, your very life was in danger for merely existing.
  • AnonymouseAnonymouse Member Posts: 4,050
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Lucky_Lefty
    The Klan is no different from the oter groups, like La Raza, the black panthers, and all street gangs, and I actually think the klan is the least harmful. You dont hear on the news about the clan fighting over a street corner or killing someone because of a 5 dollar bag of crack. Also most of the shootings here in my lovely area(Chicago) are gang related and all of them are shines.

    Now they are pretty harmless, just a bunch of racists yelling their crap, but not back in their day.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    That's exactly what we want you to think.

  • Lucky_LeftyLucky_Lefty Member Posts: 7,971
    edited November -1
    And the way people act now is like we (the whites) owe them (the balacks) something because the way they were treated. Do they not understand they were brought here as slaves not to live amoung us. Now they act like they own this country and are getting mad because the mexicans are invading us and it isnt taking them 100 years to get what it took them to get. At least the mexicans work and go to school, they might not speak the language but they will work for 5 bucks a hour all day long to provide for their family. The brothers dont want to work and want everything handed to them they would rather sip on their 40's and spread their seed, thats why within the next 50 years The population of the US whites will be 30% and the blacks will be 52-60% and the rest will be other. Let me make this clear I have had black friends, one who was my best friend in high school and I even work with some and I have no problem with them until they theink they are better than me or try to intimidate me because they are from the hood. I fear no man I will get my * kicked but I will also hand it out right back to them. Why cant people see they way they are mexicans are dirty (usually) but the african americans will destroy a city. look at the history of south chicago, it used to be a very populated with Jews and whites that worked at the steel mils along the lake, Now it is the ghetto. The way I see it is the Klan kept them in place, just like how the Black panthers try to keep the white people in place but you never hear or see the hate crimes on the m, but if Earl and I did something it would be labeled a hate crome and/or racial.

    DT Out!
  • thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Actually, yes, blacks do own this country, as do all other citizens.
    I've met a lot of worthless trash in my day; white, black and every shade in between. The worst being the ones who mass stereotype others and try to weasel out of being labeled a racist by proclaiming the friendships they keep. That's what's great about America; you're free to hate whomever you like for whatever reason; it's your loss or gain. Stand behind an opinion and you'll have my respect for it. However, riding the middle is just damn cowardly.
  • jon ojon o Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by thesupermonkey
    One of my favorite books is the Education of Little Tree.
    It sucked when I found out the author, Forest Carter, was actually Asa Carter (KKKC founder).

    Favorite book--Education of
  • thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jon o
    Originally posted by thesupermonkey
    One of my favorite books is the Education of Little Tree.
    It sucked when I found out the author, Forest Carter, was actually Asa Carter (KKKC founder).

    Favorite book--Education of

    Didn't quite understand your point.
  • k_townmank_townman Member Posts: 3,588
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by eboydell
    quote:I actually think the klan is the least harmful.Thank God I am not the only genius here. I'm glad that other people can see that the Klan is a fun loving fraternity, who just loves meeting new people, and keeping history close to there hearts. I love history. I don't understand why the mere love of history, and being a little "OLD FASHION" is so wrong.[^]

    And hanging black folks like christmas tree ornaments. Just "good ole boys" havin' some fun, right?
    Stupid, sheet wearing clowns. [:o)][V]
  • JorgeJorge Member Posts: 10,656 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm brown on the outside but white on the inside.

    Is the KKK an equal opportunity employer?

  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by thesupermonkey
    Actually, yes, blacks do own this country, as do all other citizens.
    I've met a lot of worthless trash in my day; white, black and every shade in between. The worst being the ones who mass stereotype others and try to weasel out of being labeled a racist by proclaiming the friendships they keep. That's what's great about America; you're free to hate whomever you like for whatever reason; it's your loss or gain. Stand behind an opinion and you'll have my respect for it. However, riding the middle is just damn cowardly.

    OK, you convinced me. I'm a racist. So what! What are you going to do about it?
  • thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'll respect your opinion, I don't care who you hate on, that's your right [:p]

    The people I have a problem with are the double talkers. "Oh, I'm not a racist, I have black friends. But all blacks are scum."
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Halloween 365 days a year. Got Candy?
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