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Time Zone switch for Indiana may not happen

Smokeeater 38Smokeeater 38 Member Posts: 2,735
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
I like the time zone we are in now and see no reason to change. I like the fact that we don't change time in the summer also.

Time switch may stay grounded in the House

By Mike Smith
Associated Press Writer
February 16, 2004 6:28 PM

INDIANAPOLIS -- House Speaker Patrick Bauer suggested Monday that the chamber may not vote on a resolution seeking to have most of Indiana moved to the Central time zone and observe daylight-saving time.

"It might not (get a vote)," said the South Bend Democrat, who has the power to decide such matters. "I'm not saying one way or the other, really. I'm just studying the situtation."

Bauer said the divisive issue had suddenly popped up, he was perplexed as to why "it's back on the table," and lawmakers already have "a lot on our plate."

"I don't see advantages or disadvantages, and I think that's the problem," Bauer said in response to reporters' questions on the topic. "Some people are so convinced that a time change is going to bring in jobs and things like that, and other people believe time change will ruin their life. There's not a consistency."

Longtime Rep. Chet Dobis, D-Merrillville, said last Thursday he wanted the House to vote on a resolution asking the federal government to move most of Indiana to the Central time zone. He said he sensed momentum behind the switch and believed the resolution would pass the House.

But he acknowledged then that he had yet to discuss the idea with Bauer. The speaker said Monday the two have since talked.

Currently, 82 counties are in the Eastern time zone, but 77 do not observe daylight-saving time. Five counties in southeastern Indiana are in the Eastern zone and do observe daylight time. Five counties in the northwest corner and five in the southwestern corner are in the Central time zone and observe daylight time.

Dobis said the resolution would ask the U.S. Department of Transportation, which regulates time zones, to move all but five counties in southeastern Indiana to the Central time zone. He said the agency would then hold field hearings in the state and consider moving the time zone boundary.

Dobis said he believed a time zone switch automatically would put the state on daylight-saving time.

At least 24 times over the past three decades, legislation to change Indiana's clocks has failed in the General Assembly. Many of the proposals would have kept most of Indiana in the Eastern time zone but have it observe daylight time.

That would mean an extra hour of sunlight during the early-evening hours in the summer. Moving to the Central time zone and observing daylight time would keep the sun relative to the clock the same as it is now in the summer, but the sun would set ealier in the winter.

Bauer said many people in his district oppose a time switch, but he did not absolutely rule out a vote.

"Every time you have an action, you have a reaction, so we need some time to let it be chewed on, if you will," he said.

Get the job done and come home safe guys.

I rush in where others flee.


  • 96harley96harley Member Posts: 3,992 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Follow the dollar Smokeeater. I have heard it was better for Hoosier ecomony. Like one hour of extra day light is going to make or break someone. I'm with you, leave it as it stands.

    "Save the Whalers, they need jobs too."
  • BigBoreRobBigBoreRob Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Where is the extra hour if we would change? Its still dark when I get up and its still dark when I go to bed. We still have 8 hours between 9 and 5 and all the other shifts still work the same amount of hours.
    Ill never understand why anyone would want to keep changing times every 6 months, it just doesent make any sence.
    I hope we never change it, all it will do is confuse the heck out of everyone.

    Ill never understand why a women would dedicate her entire life to making one man miserable when she could make so many men happy
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Bigbore, take it from me, someone who travels thru Indiana quite frequently and makes pickups and deliveries there, IT'S CONFUSING NOW!!! Indiana getting on the same path with the rest of the country would make it easier, well except for Arizona but the weather out there messes with their heads and they don't know any better[:D]

  • Smokeeater 38Smokeeater 38 Member Posts: 2,735
    edited November -1
    I have always lived in a county that is on the Ohio border and now I've added the Michigan border. I know that it can be confusing to some people that are not use to it. I would not like to switch to the Day-Light-Savings time but under stand why some want to.

    My big problem is with the switch to Central time. Why is this needed? How can it bring in jobs? I live in the NE corner of the state and it would make it like summertime time all year long. People have a hard time with it during the summer now they want use to deal with it all year long?

    He counties near big areas that change time I can see changing, as the do now. Most of the people that live there work in the different time zone.

    Get the job done and come home safe guys.

    I rush in where others flee.
  • PATBUZZARDPATBUZZARD Member Posts: 3,556
    edited November -1
    I like the time zone switch. It allows me to travel to IN and still have an extra hour of time. (The bars are open later!) [8D]

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr
  • NickCWinterNickCWinter Member Posts: 2,927
    edited November -1
    I could live with it either way. A reversion to the old spring forward/fall back would be reminiscent of my boyhood. I know most folks have bigger issues concerning the question.
  • BigBoreRobBigBoreRob Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the contrary, the rest of the contry should catch up with us and stop all that swiching time nonsence.
    How can swiching time every 6 months be easyer than staying on the same tima all year arround? It just makes more sence to keep it the same and not jump arround.

    Ill never understand why a women would dedicate her entire life to making one man miserable when she could make so many men happy
  • shooter4shooter4 Member Posts: 4,457
    edited November -1
    I would guess that it all started with allowing it to be lighter out when the now spoiled little kiddies go to school, etc.

    Probably also to save money on lights, etc.
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I believe I just heard the legislature DEFEATED the bill again (for the 25th time -- some people just won't give up).

    T. Jefferson: "[When doing Constitutional interpretation], let us [go] back to the time when [it] was adopted. [Rather than] invent a meaning [let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed."

    NRAwethepeople.jpgNRA Life Member fortbutton2.gif
  • Henry0ReillyHenry0Reilly Member Posts: 10,889 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Moving back into the Central Time Zone and using Daylight Savings Time will do absolutely nothing to "save daylight" since we are on Central Daylight Time all year now.

    I have to agree the simplicity of NOT switching clocks two times per year is preferred. The fact that the much of the rest of the world doesn't get it is their problem. Any business leaders that are too slow to understand the concept of Eastern Standard Time all year round are probably not good Hoosier material anyway.

    Semper Fi

    Remember Ruby Ridge.

    Experience is the best teacher and usually charges accordingly.

    I used to recruit for the NRA until they sold us down the river (again!) in Heller v. DC. See my auctions (if any) under username henryreilly
  • cbxjeffcbxjeff Member Posts: 17,570 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I moved here in '62. I can't remember why. I'm sick of this time thing. The legislature brings this up most terms. I don't give s**t what time zone I am in. I would like to see daylight savings being adopted like say 91% of the rest of the country. I am so sick of telling friends or business partners the delta of our times that I could just c**p. Sure the drive-in movie guys don't want it (wait a minute, what drive-in movies), the pigs and cows don't want it (What time is it? When is breakfast?), probably some other vital group don't want it too. Really, I don't care what our time is. I just want it to consistant with the rest of the country. I don't care what they do in Brazil.

    cbxjeff<P>It's too late for me, save yourself. <br>
    It's too late for me, save yourself.
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Everytime I come up there I have to ask: Are you guys on OUR time or YOUR time.
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