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No Shower Because of the Dern Milk.

oldgunneroldgunner Member Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Yea, it do make sense too, you just gots to listen. Me bein' a batchlor an all, well..Onlest reason I ever buys any milk is so it can sit in my fridge 'till it get all lumpy and stinky. No flippin' way I use it fer anything after all. It been in there now, oh maybe three month er so, about normal time fer milk,,you other livin' alone guys know what I means, right? Anyways, I gits in there to * some cheese er a coke er sumpthin, I fergets what, and this dingin' milk jug just jump right out onna floor like usual, spill yellowish lumpy lookin' stuff all over, on my feets, up my legs, all over the darn floor, stink so bad my wall paper curl up and fall off..You batchies know what I talkin', right? Well..what I gonna do? gotta clean it up after all. Find my mop ok, it outside where I use it to rake leaves offen the deck last month, kinda stiffish and brown lookin, so i can't use it right now, gotta ranch it inna creek first, so what I can do instead? Gits me towel outta the bathroom..hey yeah, that do it. Would use paper towels, but they all been used up moppin' venison stew outta me livin' room carpet last week, ain't got none left.. I gots three towels, being a progressive, up to date gentleman as I here I gots this one from the bathroom, gots one inna wash, kinda standing up over the side of the hamper on it's own strength so to speak, can't find the other one. I think I used it for a basket sometime ago to haul some coffee grounds out or something..Anyways, wipes up the spilled buttery lookin' stuff offen the floor. Gots most of it, but had to use me socks to finish kinda..
I guess I can't take no shower tonight. I was plannin' ta use that same towel to catch all the water that slops over the edge of the bath tub. I reckon I could use me quilt that mom gave me. The one I covers up with every night when I falls asleep inna recliner. Might be sumptin' on the bed I could use, ain't looked at it in six eight months, so don't remember what's in there. But I don't care anyways, nobody ever know, it just me and the kitties, right? I maybe wash down sometime before I go to the gun show next weekend, still a few days to think about it..

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