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They're baaaaaack

Rafter-SRafter-S Member Posts: 2,173 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
The **** are back this morning. I look out the back window to see about 60 heifers running across the creek and through some trees...and there, not 30 yards behind them are 6 ****. They are partially the samg group that came through last week, but with the addition of a couple more new ones. The **** were having the time of their lives running those heifers...until I had to take care of some more business.

The heifers are now all standing in a huddle in the corner of the pasture, probably weighing 10 pounds less than they did last night.

Oh, the joys of country living and raising cattle.



  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    As much as I hate it, you know what you have to do....

    A dog can be shot for running a deer where I was born, and it DOES NOT MATTER IF THAT DOG IS JUST OUR FOR A WALK OR NOT..If they run any animal, be it wild/farm/tame/whatever, the dog can be shot.

    If people would only realize what happens to strays or dumped animals...but that would be impossible...Cause if they had a fluppin brain they wouldnt have done it in the first place...


    Lil' Stinker's Opinion

  • headzilla97headzilla97 Member Posts: 6,445
    edited November -1
    at least you took care of some buisness

    We're men. Its our God given right to watch sports and smut" - Al Bundy
  • NighthawkNighthawk Member Posts: 12,022 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is only my 2 cents,if you see dogs running any live stock and you know who the dogs belong to you should first tell them whats going on.Which I gathered you have done from your first post.Then if it happens again you are completely justified in takeing necessary action.Ive seen to many steers mostly with broken legs,some that have been chewed on alive like a bone.And when these dogs get in packs there not only dangerous to live stock but children and pets as well.The first time maybe the dog broke his chain and the owner should be notified and pay any damages.After that you gotta do what you gotta do.BTW checked the laws in VA and under those circumstances you are justified to take action.Hope things get better for ya!


    "Toujours Pret"
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dog lover that I am, I wouldn't have hesitated a second to do exactly the same thing.

    "There is nothing lower than the human race - except the French." (Mark Twain)
  • gbeggrowgbeggrow Member Posts: 5,499
    edited November -1

    Protect your investments in what ever manner you have to. It may be a hard pill to swallow for some, but I'm sure this man does NOT have the time to go all over town trying to find someone who cannot assume responsibility for their animals. I know I'd have an extremely hard time following through with the deed, but folks....when it's your time, your life, and your money being influenced what would you do? Put yourself in his situation!
  • toolmaniamtoolmaniam Member Posts: 3,213
    edited November -1
    Take a deep breath, let the coshairs settle, squeeze then BANG! Feral or stray dogs chasing deer or cattle have no place or sympathy in my books. I'm a dog lover but theres no room for this, people need to keep their animals under control.

    A dead intruder cannot testify against you in a court of law!

    If they're still moving, put another round in them!

  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Damn, I can see the whole picture plain as day... Got your headphones on and the CD playing " Takin Care Of Business " real loud with the Garand spitting out 06' brass...
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    The biggest problem is with people,, they see a puppy, Kitten, and "OH HOW CUTE" take it home, then they find out the Dog, Cat needs care, feeding, grooming, Vet Bills, and eventually grow out of the cute stage, so they dump em on the streets, or out in the country.
    It got real bad at Fort Knox KY, the GIs would abandon their dogs when on a PCS and a couple people were attacked and killed by big packs of dogs running loose in the woods..


    "I dont care how thin you make a pancake, it still has two sides"

    "A wise man is a man that realizes just how little he knows.
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dispatching dogs found molesting livestock and potentially affecting your livelihood is both appropriate and prudent. This would be true whether one shops at WalMart or CO-OP.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    I would tend to apply the same rules to cats chasing my ducks and chickens.

    God Bless America and...
    NEVER Forget WACO
    NEVER, EVER Forget 911
  • woodsrunnerwoodsrunner Member Posts: 5,378 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    You did what had to be done. I have no problem with it.


  • Mr.PissyPantsMr.PissyPants Member Posts: 3,575
    edited November -1
    Sounds like you have everything under control Rafter. I love dogs but I wouldn't hesitate to protect my household or livelihood.


    Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • dakotashooter2dakotashooter2 Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November -1
    Where the real difficulty is, isthat some of these may indeed be someones family pet. Calling often does little good because people will claim their pet is not capable of such deeds. Not so. Unfortunately people don't realize that when dogs get together the pack mentality takes over and many family pets turn into vicious killers. Have seen it in my own families dogs. Most people don't realize that even after thousands of years of domestication pets still retain some "wild" instincts". "My dog won't bite" is right up there with "Hey, Bubba watch this". If possible snap some quick photos before shooting to prove your case.
  • old06old06 Member Posts: 577 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had that feeling that your vistors would come back. I would like to echo DWS comments, but from my house the CO-OP is around 10 miles closer than Wal-Mart. Rafter-s if for some reason you cant make up your mind as to find something true or false do this. One criterion for separating garbage from flowers. Determining a valid statement must be ableto be proven true it is that the statement. Must at least beable to be proven false. If you say something for which nothing can count as disproving it any futher discussion of the statement. Truth value is a waste of time.

    psalms 16
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    old06: I wept at your reply. I would not have taken you for a student of Karl Popper (The Poverty of Historicism). The doctrine of falsification you state is very much to the point here; unfortunately, it also flushes most statements comprising religion, history, psychology and philosophy down the toilet.
  • WarbirdsWarbirds Member Posts: 16,904 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    DWS- I was thinking the exact same thing.



    How different the world would be if we could consult the veteran instead of the politician. - Henry Miller
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Buy a couple of donkeys and put in the field with the cattle. No more dogs or coyotes to worry about.

    How you doin'!wolf_evil_smile_md_wht.gif
  • wundudneewundudnee Member Posts: 6,104 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Rafter-S, I have done what I have had to do also and completely understand the need for this action. **** sometimes will be just **** and it has to be done. I just don't know why this topic about **** had to be brought up again. It just opens the subject about the ******* **** and it serves no purpose other than stir. It's kind of like picking scabs, nearly everybody has done it, they just don't advertise it.

    wundudnee, country raised, past cattle farmer, past *** killer.

    &(%$#$* **** probably needed their &*(^&% shot, but I probably would have just done it and shut up. $%^#$( @$$ ^$@#()#@ ****[:(!]

    Whenever I see a cow eat grass, I am reminded that "This too shall pass."............ Baxter Black
  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the subject of "my dog would not do that."
    Had a customer once that their dog would not let us stop in front of their house. Customer called complaining that the work had not been done. I told the customer that the dog prevented us from doing the work. Customer INSISTED that the dog was always in the house, unless accompanied by their son. Lost that customer.

    A few weeks later, when the roads were a sheet of ice, we had just turned the corner and were going maybe 10 mph. The roads were so slick we could not have made the turn, if we were going any faster. The dog came running out after the truck, slid on the ice, and went under the tires. We went to the door to inform the owners that their dog was laying in the road, dead. The son answered the door and INSISTED that the dog does not go out of the house unsupervised.

    Later that day we talked to the parents and they said the same thing. The dog NEVER goes out unsupervised. We told them it took knocking on the door 3 times to get their son to answer it. They never did accept (and/or admit to) the FACTS.

    On another occasion, my wife was standing talking to a customer. The customer stated that her dog would not and could not, bite anyone as he had no teeth. Just then the dog lunged at my wife and bit her on the leg. No holes but left one heck of a bruise.

    It is called "responsibility." Some people have it, some don't.

    Oh, and I have to agree with wundudnee.
    Bringing this topic up again, is just plain stirring.
    But since I did not post this in the last one, I will here.
    Now I have put my spoon away. At least for a while. [;)]

    The gene pool needs chlorine.
  • Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
    edited November -1
    Rafter, not that you want or need it, but I support your action. To bad you could not replace the dog with one or two of those great Americans who choose to drop the aminal off in order to allow them to fend for themselves. What horrible people [:o)] they truly are.[:(!]


    "Many free countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers; but if she shall, be it my proudest plume, not that I was the last to desert; but that I never deserted her." -President Abraham Lincoln
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    wundudnee/pickenup: While I agree that the point of this thread is half stir, half nanner-nanner-nanner, it does serve to illustrate the difference between the assumptive basis of the first thread and the factual one of the second. I also suspect that if instead of dogs molesting cattle today a distant neighbor had come by inquiring about a dog gone missing over the weekend, a thread relating the account would not have been posted. Of course, that is only an assumption on my part.
  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Point taken. [:D]

    The gene pool needs chlorine.
  • wundudneewundudnee Member Posts: 6,104 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    DWS, I was confused. I assumed that **** **** **** was code for cats.

    And I assumed that "taking care of business was relieving himself.

    And it takes a good eye to see a 10# cumulative loss on 60 head of heifers.

    This was no more informative than the first load.

    Whenever I see a cow eat grass, I am reminded that "This too shall pass."............ Baxter Black
  • soopsoop Member Posts: 4,633
    edited November -1
    KILL EM! I`ve been there and done that.Let others who have never had to deal with it with it.
  • jjmitchell60jjmitchell60 Member Posts: 3,887
    edited November -1
    If it were mine doing it I would be the first to do the dirty deed. I have blue healers that are bred to work cattle. My blue healers do not chase cattle or other livestock unless I tell them to. What they would do in a pack, I have no idea but I would venture to say if the rest of the pack was chasing livestock, they would be too. The difference is all my dogs are supervised at all times! Haveing any animal as a pet requires you to take responsibility for that animal. Too bad you cannot seek legel action against the owners if known! Just my 2 cents worth.

    "we are but men... no more, no less..."
  • old06old06 Member Posts: 577 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There's a big difference between something being true because we believe it and something being true wether we believe it or not. Would you not say so DWS. I think the opposite would bein Rafter-S case.

    psalms 16
  • Rafter-SRafter-S Member Posts: 2,173 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, it's 4:30 and I just got back from working the problem of this morning. Just burns me up that my cattle have been run, and more so that folks won't be responsible with their own pets.

    By the looks of the heifers, they had been chased since daybreak or so before I broke up the party. No doubt they ran off 10 pounds each--maybe more...and this is a year we've had a drought and the grass is poor.

    I raise these animals to breed and sell--they sell by the pound. Hopefully I can put the weight back on in the next 2 weeks or so. With 60 head and at the current price of beef, I figure this morning's weight loss cost me about $500.

    This post is not intended to stir or anoy. I don't expect your support, though it's appreciated. And I don't care if you have a problem with my actions--you will have to live with it. I just hope you tell all your town friends what us ranchers do to the **** they are tempted to drop off in the country. It ain't near as pretty as the city pound.

  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Obviously, nothing is true simply because we believe it. Else, knowledge and belief would be the same thing.

    In Dostoevsky's Notes From the Underground, the antagonist argues against the impossible tyranny that 2 + 2 = 4, and insists that he should have the right to believe that 2 + 2 = 5. And he certainly does have that right. But if he stands between two railroad tracks and jumps 2 + 2 feet away, thinking he has yet a foot to spare, and a train comes by, that belief of his will not save him from being a mangled and bloody mess on the tracks. And while we can say in this case that his belief that 2 + 2 = 5 has indeed been falsified, we cannot similarly say the same about his belief that he is going to heaven, much less his belief that there is a heaven to go to.
  • old06old06 Member Posts: 577 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    DWS: Sir you truly the subtle ingenious master of being contrived. Once more leaveing me speechless.

    psalms 16
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,063 ******
    edited November -1
    If you see MY dog worrying your cows, SHOOT the SOB and leave him for the coyotes. No hard feelings.

    SIG pistol armorer/FFL Dealer/Full time Peace Officer, Moderator of General Discussion Board on Gunbroker. Visit the best gun auction site on the Net! Email
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by old06
    DWS: Sir you truly the subtle ingenious master of being contrived. Once more leaveing me speechless.

    No doubt you are mute because your point is moot.
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    If you see MY dog worrying your cows, SHOOT the SOB and leave him for the coyotes. No hard feelings.

    SIG pistol armorer/FFL Dealer/Full time Peace Officer, Moderator of General Discussion Board on Gunbroker. Visit the best gun auction site on the Net! Email

    How about if he just comes into my yard?
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why would you allow your dog to wander without any bounderies? If you do this, why have a dog at all?

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • 1armbandit1armbandit Member Posts: 432 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    looks like when he gets them in the yard he saves $500
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1armbandit
    looks like when he gets them in the yard he saves $500

    So knowledge and belief are the same thing?
  • 1armbandit1armbandit Member Posts: 432 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    what ever you say
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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