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You PA guys explain your "Sportsman" permit to me

richbugrichbug Member Posts: 3,650
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
I just heard that in order to shoot recreationally in PA I need to have a "Sportsman" permit. Can any of you guys elaborate on it for me? I tried all of the usual places like and the state codes, but they are about as clear as mud. I ocasionally go out to my parents place to shoot, and go to a few shooting matches in PA, am I being bad?

My border collie is smarter than your honor student.


  • CS8161CS8161 Member Posts: 13,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I used to live in PA and as far as I know the Sportsman's permit is only required if you are carrying a handgun while hunting. I may be wrong. You do not need any type of permit to engage in recreational shooting at an indoor or outdoor range or on public lands. You do need a permit if you wish to carry concealed.

    Admit nothing, deny everything, demand proof!
  • richbugrichbug Member Posts: 3,650
    edited November -1
    Ok, that makes a little sense, but nowhere in the hunting regs that I can find does it say that. Go figure.



    My border collie is smarter than your honor student.
  • gunpaqgunpaq Member Posts: 4,607 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The sportsman permit is for hunting with a handgun on public property. You do not need a permit to target shoot on a state range as long as you are not carrying.

    If you are considering getting the sportsman permit you may as well apply for the concealed carry as you must pass the same background check and qualifications. You will have more options available to you with the carry permit and less worry about making an innocent violation. PA has a collectors, sportsman/hunting, and concealed carry permit.

    According to the State's constitution your rights as a citizen to bear arms shall not be restricted.

    Pack slow, fall stable, pull high, hit dead center.

    Don't fly the river!
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    In PA you do not need a permit to own a handgun, gun must be registered though. In order to carry it concealed and loaded you need a permit stating PROTECTION on it, they do not call them CCW here, they are called License To Carry Firearms and on that license you can have Protection, Target, Hunting&Fishing and Collecting. The License To Carry Firearms is obtained thru the county sheriff. If you do not wish to get a License To Carry you can go to the courthouse and get what is called a Sportsman Permit, there is no background check and all that is required is a photo Id, the Sportsman Permit is only good for hunting & fishing, target or collecting not concealed carry for protection. In PA the law states you must have either permit to transport the gun anywhere in the state, kinda dumb but that is the law. Under the Sportsman Permit the only time you may carry the gun loaded is at a target range, in the woods or fields while hunting or at water fishing and the gun must be openly carried, not concealed. When transporting it in a car the gun must be unloaded and in plain view. Now if you have a License To Carry Firearms issued thru the county sherrif then the gun can be loaded at all times and concealed, the License To Carry Firearms overrides the Sportsman Permit. In short the Sportsman Permit is the bare minimum required to carry or transport a handgun and has restrictions, it is better to go to the sherrif and get a License To Carry.

    Sportsman Permit - Hunting & Fishing, Target and Colloecting, needed to transport gun anywhere and gun may ONLY be loaded while hunting, fishing or at target range.

    License To carry Firearms - All of the above as well as concealed and loaded carry permitted, better choice of the two.

  • richbugrichbug Member Posts: 3,650
    edited November -1
    So for me to go to a match or just travel through PA with a handgun I need to have a permit, even if locked and unloaded in the trunk? As far as registering the pistols, who are they registered with. I am planning on moving to PA in the next couple of years, who would I register my handguns with?

    My border collie is smarter than your honor student.
  • gunpaqgunpaq Member Posts: 4,607 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was just looking through the regs here and did not see anything about requiring a permit to possess, properly transport(secured/ammo separate), use out of secure case at state range, or use or opens/conceal carry on private property.

    Pack slow, fall stable, pull high, hit dead center.

    Don't fly the river!
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The guns are registered with the Pa State Police done thru an FFL dealer or the sherrifs office. The law stating about the permits is never enforced but it is on the books. It is best to just get the License To Carry Firearms and be done with it, when you get the license do like I did, check ALL the boxes on the application for reasons to carry[:D] The Sportsman permit only shows that you paid the state $5 for the permit and really does nothing for you but if a cop wants to be a pain in the rear he can ask you for a permit and if you have neither permit a citation can be issued and if you are carrying loaded or concealed without a permit a misdemeanor can be charged. If you wish to carry in the trunk that is fine and will not get you in trouble but DO NOT put in under the seat or in the glove box without a license to carry, best is to leave it lay on the seat with cyl or action open.

    Best way to get an answer so that you have the correct info is to call the PA State Police, here is a number you can call, 814-627-3161, ask for CPL Stewart, I know him quite well and he will give you an honest straight answer to any firearm questions you have.

  • gunrunner68gunrunner68 Member Posts: 582 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Firearms not to be carried without a license.

    (a) Offense defined.--Any person who carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license under this chapter commits a felony of the third degree. (b) Exceptions.--The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to: 11. Any person while carrying a firearm in any vehicle, which person possesses a valid and lawfully issued license for that firearm which has been issued under the laws of the United States or any other state.

    (b) Exceptions.--The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to:

    1. Constables, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens, or their deputies, policemen of this Commonwealth or its political subdivisions, or other law-enforcement officers.

    2. Members of the army, navy or marine corps of the United States or of the National Guard or organized reserves when on duty.

    3. The regularly enrolled members of any organization duly organized to purchase or receive such weapons from the United States or from this Commonwealth.

    4. Any persons engaged in target shooting with rifle, pistol, or revolver, if such persons are at or are going to or from their places of assembly or target practice and if, while going to or from their places of assembly or target practice, the cartridges or shells are carried in a separate container and the rifle, pistol or revolver is unloaded.

    5. Officers or employees of the United States duly authorized to carry a concealed firearm.

    6. Agents, messengers and other employees of common carriers, banks, or business firms, whose duties require them to protect moneys, valuables and other property in the discharge of such duties.

    7. Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing, or dealing in firearms, or the agent or representative of any such person, having in his possession, using or carrying a firearm in the usual or ordinary course of such business.

    8. Any person while carrying a firearm unloaded and in a secure wrapper from the place of purchase to his home or place of business, or to a place of repair or back to his home or place of business, or in moving from one place of abode or business to another or from his home to a vacation or recreational home or dwelling or back, or to recover stolen property under section 6111.1(b)(4) (relating to Pennsylvania State Police) or to a location to which the person has been directed to surrender firearms under 23 Pa.C.S. ? 6108 (relating to relief) or back upon return of the surrendered firearm.

    9. Persons licensed to hunt, take fur bearers or fish in this Commonwealth, if such persons are actually hunting, taking fur bearers or fishing or are going to the places where they desire to hunt, take fur bearers or fish or returning from such places.

    10. Persons training dogs, if such persons are actually training dogs during the regular training season.

    11. Any person while carrying a firearm in any vehicle, which person possesses a valid and lawfully issued license for that firearm which has been issued under the laws of the United States or any other state.

    The sportsman permit is to carry a pistol loaded while hunting. Read number 4
  • gunrunner68gunrunner68 Member Posts: 582 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • richbugrichbug Member Posts: 3,650
    edited November -1
    I just mailed my application for my Non-resident CC permit to be on the safe side. Thanks for all the input.


    My border collie is smarter than your honor student.
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