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Go figure...

trooperchintrooperchin Member Posts: 2,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
For my independant research project I will be having a forum/Q&A about assault weapons, featuring four local experts in the field. Two will be pro-gun and two will be anti-gun. I contacted them all last monday. (trying to be objective! its hard...) I recieved emails from both of the pro-gun guys, yet not a peep from either antis. Interesting thing is that Maryland will be passing a bill,SB-288 which will eliminate almost ALL semi-auto rifle with a detachable magazine. I asked my delegate, who is a major sponsor of the ban, from Howard County to attend the discussion. No response yet... Just shows me how dedicated these people really are.
Help marylanders keep their 2nd Amendment rights...


Go Army Beat Navy
IF you wanna have fun join the cavalry


  • headzilla97headzilla97 Member Posts: 6,445
    edited November -1
    thats going to be interesting i bet

    We're men. Its our God given right to watch sports and smut" - Al Bundy
  • jujujuju Member Posts: 6,321
    edited November -1
    Trooper, good for you, I like what you have put together.
    What you have to realize is that most anti-gun (for lack of a better term) people dont want to debate the issue, in a debate their arguments are easily shown to be full of fallicies and in-effectual.
    They are easily shown to be heavily biased with no means or facts to defend their position, hence you only see them in arenas surrounded with their like minded cronies such as the liberal press. You wont see them interviewed on FOX news or O'reilly for those same reasons.

    If they do show, please post here on how it goes. I would interested to hear.

    JuJu(who would love to debate a anti-gun individual or group)
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Print this and show it to the anti people....

    Ten years ago this month, a controversial "concealed- carry" law went into effect in the state of Florida. In a sharp break from the conventional wisdom of the time, that law allowed adult citizens to carry concealed firearms in public. Many people feared the law would quickly lead to disaster: blood would literally be running in the streets. Now, 10 years later, it is safe to say that those dire predictions were completely unfounded. Indeed, the debate today over concealed-carry laws centers on the extent to which such laws can actually reduce the crime rate.

    To the shock and dismay of gun control proponents, concealed-carry reform has proven to be wildly popular among state lawmakers. Since Florida launched its experiment with concealed-carry in October 1987, 23 states have enacted similar laws, with positive results.

    Prior to 1987, almost every state in America either prohibited the carrying of concealed handguns or permitted concealed-carry under a licensing system that granted government officials broad discretionary power over the decision to grant a permit. The key feature of the new concealed-carry laws is that the government must grant the permit as soon as any citizen can satisfy objective licensing criteria.

    Concealed-carry reform reaffirms the basic idea that citizens have the right to defend themselves against criminal attack. And since criminals can strike almost anywhere at any time, the last thing government ought to be doing is stripping citizens of the most effective means of defending themselves. Carrying a handgun in public may not be for everyone, but it is a right that government ought to respect.


    "I dont care how thin you make a pancake, it still has two sides"

    "A wise man is a man that realizes just how little he knows.
  • trooperchintrooperchin Member Posts: 2,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Classic, ever read anything by John Lott? Very good author, wrote : More guns: Less Crime, The Bias Against Guns and more. He did some really in depth research.


    Go Army Beat Navy
    IF you wanna have fun join the cavalry
  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree with juju. Their arguments can not stand up under fire.

    The gene pool needs chlorine.
  • outdoortexasoutdoortexas Member Posts: 4,780
    edited November -1
    Here's another for you to check out...

    Printed in the Winter 2004 issue of "Women in the Outdoors".

    Source: Mark Damian Duda, president of "Responce Management".

    Firearms account for less than 1 percent of all accidential deaths in the US. Motor vehicle accidents are the biggest killer, accounting for almost half (44%) of all unintentional deaths each year, followed by poisonings, falls, suffocations, fires, and drownings.

    The number of firearms-related deaths is declining. During the 1990's, gun-related accidental deaths dropped 45 percent.

    Since 1975, the number of fatal firearms accidents among children has decreased by a dramatic 84 percent. That means for every 100 incidents in 1975, there are now 16.

    The death rate from unintentional firearms-related incidents has steadily declined even though the US population continues to rise. Since 1981, the death rate per 1,000 people has declined from .8 percent to .3 percent in 2001, according to the National Safety Council.

    There are fewer firearms-related accidents treated in hospital emergency rooms across the country than many other recreational-related activities. For example, in 2000, emergency rooms treated 600,000 people related to basketballl, 400,000 related to football and 309,000 related to baseball and softball.

    If you can't use these figures, pass 'em on to the two pro-gun people! [;)]
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