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Those divided Democrats

outdoortexasoutdoortexas Member Posts: 4,780
edited November 2003 in General Discussion
Quoted from "The National Interest" by Michael Barone
US NEWS& WORLD REPORT December 1,2003.

"The country is closely divided between Republicans and Democrats, but it's not a symmetrical division. Republicans are solidly behind George W. Bush Democrats are about evenly divided on issues like military action in Iraq and gay marriage.

"About a third of all Democrats give Bush a positive job rating.

"The Democrats seem evenly divided roughly evenly between Bush haters and people who have mixed feelings about the president. Howard Dean has made himself the favorite for the Democratic nomination by forging a bond with the Bush haters through his consistant opposition to military action in Iraq.

"Their problem will be different if Dean is nominated. Their problem will be with American exceptionalism. That is the idea, shared by most Americans, that this country is unique and special, with unique virtues and special responsibilities-a city on a hill, as John Winthrop and Ronald Reagan put it, with the responsibility to spread freedom and democracy around the world.

"Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan were all American exceptionalists. So, as we have seen with ever increasing clarity, is Bush.

"Dean doesn't seem to be, and neither do most of his followers. When they say they want to take their country back, they mean they want the United States to take it's place as just one of the many nations, with no claim to moral superiority, heeding the cautions of France, Germany, and Russia; deferring to the United Nations or NATO; seeking the respectof protesters in the streets of London or the opinion writers in Le Monde.

"Bill Clinton, with his political genius, managed to straddle his parties division on American exceptionalism by speaking eloquently about America's commitment to freedom and democracy on some occasions and apologizing for America's past sins on many others."

[:D]That's our Billy! [;)]

Added note, please click on and vote, it'll make you feel good! [:)]
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