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I'm no fortune teller--but Dems "gun safety" scam

offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
ALERT: Gun Safety is about to become a dirty phrase.

I wrote on here within the last two weeks wondering about a crew of "gun safety" seminarists in our town, proselytizing at schools and public forums on what they described as nothing but gun safety. Sounds harmless? I didn't attend (wasn't invited) but they got TV news coverage and I could see right away that among their "visual aids" they were illustrating assault weapons as scare tactics and "evil" guns. I smelled a rat. Where did this traveling team come from?

Well, guess what: This month's American Rifleman just arrived and La Pierre's column warns that the liberals and Democrat strategy planners want to do something they call "take back the Second Amendment" (hah!) by changing a term they have made dirty -- gun control -- for a new, even less honest term -- "gun safety."

Just as they changed the name of Handgun Control Inc. to something dishonest, now they want to get in under your radar by bringing "gun safety" to your community -- but it won't be Eddie Eagle. It will be Betty the Banning BS Artist. These "gun safety" programs will be funded by -- gun banners. And this whole business is being organized at the national level.

I was apparently on target when my alarm bells started ringing over this mysterious gun safety group lecturing in town. They may even have been a liberal marketing squad designed to see if this "gun safety" scam will work in a pro-gun heartland community. Indiana votes Republican, has a gun rights majority, and is a shall issue CCW state. All reasons to come up here and screw with us, I guess. I can say with confidence it WON'T work when people find out who's backing it and what their real agenda is.

So -- BEWARE of people saying "gun safety" out of one side of the mouth and "bad "semi-autos" out the other side -- they will undoubtedly NOT be good NRA or GOA members. This IS the new national anti-gun approach for liberal gun banners and their Democrat shills. They will try to "take back" the Second Amendment by carving out only hunting as their "gift" to you. The rest will be literally "up for grabs." How dishonest can they get? Now you know.

BY THE WAY -- One of their come-ons may be "free gun locks" -- purchased with HCI donations to get you into their propaganda sessions about bad black guns. Not that I'd go for a gun lock in any case, but the word "free" gets unsuspecting people's attention, at least until they get a whiff of the rot underneath.

T. Jefferson: "[When doing Constitutional interpretation], let us [go] back to the time when [it] was adopted. [Rather than] invent a meaning [let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed."

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  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,859 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    Well they have to resort to lies, because there are no facts that support their cause.

    I think the truth will prevail. The American people can only be duped for so long before they figure out the facts.

    I know it is a heavy burden for us most pure Americans, you know, those of us that belive in the WHOLE Constitution. All we can do is keep pushing forward and battle untruth with fact.

    81st FA BN WWII...Thanks Dad
    U!S!A! ALL THE WAY!!
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