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A little known fact - GW

OklahomaboundOklahomabound Member Posts: 829 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Did you know:

A friend sent this to me today and I felt it was worth passing on.
The Sergeant Major of the Army is the most senior enlisted man in the
entire U.S. Army. He only reports to and is the senior enlisted advisor
to the Chief of Staff of the Army, a 4-star general! > >At Walter Reed
Medical Center in Washington, DC recently the Sergeant Major of the
Army, Jack Tilley, was with a group of people visiting the>wounded
soldiers. > >He saw a Special Forces soldier who had lost his right hand
and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body. The SMA
wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can
you say or do in >such a situation that will encourage and uplift? >
>How do you shake the right hand of a soldier who has none? He decided
to act as though the hand was not missing and gripped the soldiers wrist
while speaking words of comfort and encouragement to him. > >But there
was anot! her man in that group of visitors who had even brought his
wife with him to visit the wounded who knew exactly what to do. This man
reverently took the soldiers stump of a hand in both of his hands, bowed
at the bedside and prayed for him. > >When he finished the prayer he
stood up, bent over the soldier and kissed him on the forehead and told
him that he loved him. > >What a powerful expression of love for one of
our wounded heroes! And what a beautiful Christ like example! What kind
of a man would do such a thing? It was the wounded man's
Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush; President of the United States. With
First Lady Laura Bush silently standing by his side. > >This story was
told by the SMA at a Soldiers Breakfast held at RedStone Arsenal, AL,
and recorded by Chaplain James Henderson. > >Pass it on...the press

It must be right, or we wouldn't do it this way!


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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Oklahomabound
    >When he finished the prayer he
    stood up, bent over the soldier and kissed him on the forehead and told
    him that he loved him. > >What a powerful expression of love for one of
    our wounded heroes! And what a beautiful Christ like example!

    Ohh you gotta be kidding. George Bush, aka Jesus Christ(to some at least).

    "Waiting tables is what you know, making cheese is what I know-lets stick with what we know!"
    -Jimmy the cheese man
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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    I don't buy it for a second.
    For one thing, where were all the cameras to record this event?

    Where were the banners (that he had NOTHING to do with, by the way) saying, "Your Savior Says, 'Mission Accomplished'"?

    AND... if this guy were REALLY Special Forces, he'd have said, "Well instead of pecking me on the head like some kinda G-ddam fruit loop, how's about restoring my V.A. benefits?"[:D][}:)][:D]
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    DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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    capecodcapecod Member Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why is this constant sarcasm necessary?? It grows tiresome to say the least!

    My Prayer: Dear Lord, Please let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.........
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    woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    Apparently it is ok for sarcasm when one is flaming from the far right, but, not when there is an expression of doubt from anywhere else. Bush avoids hospitals, funerals and anything that will not be a positive photo op for his constituency. That's just the way it is in 2004.
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    capecodcapecod Member Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry - but I don't agree. You're entitled to your opinion and I to mine. It seems that no matter what President Bush does or accomplishes - his actions are attacked without justification. As I said - it grows tiresome plus its grossly unfair.

    My Prayer: Dear Lord, Please let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.........
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    FrOgFrOg Member Posts: 2,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey
    I don't buy it for a second.
    For one thing, where were all the cameras to record this event?

    [:(!][:(!] I'm at Walter Reed every day and see dignitaries come and meet the OIF soldiers. When the president or VP comes to honor OIF casualties, there are NO cameras or reporters or TV cameras. I can't say for sure that there have never been, but there were none in the times I remember him coming by. Pardon me EMM but how dare you say something like that[:(!][:(!]



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    HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
    edited November -1
    This is C&P's from snopes: quote:According to MSG Richard Puckett of the Sergeant Major of the Army's (SMA) office, the gist of the story is true, but the detail about the President's praying with a wounded soldier is an embellishment:

    For the past several months the Sergeant Major of the Army has been speaking to groups about his visits to Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military hospitals to see soldiers injured in Afghanistan and Iraq. The story involves the SMA and a visit by the President of the United States. The SMA and the President have never visited soldiers at the hospital together. The SMA's story of President Bush's visit to one particular soldier was relayed to him by one of the Special Forces soldiers in the hospital that day.

    On one visit he spoke to a young special forces soldier who lost his hand in an accident involving a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. As he was leaving, the soldier stuck his limb to the SMA and SMA Tilley gingerly shook the bandages to not injure him further. He presented him a coin and said "God Bless You."

    The same soldier was visited several days later by the President, who was awarding medals to many of the wounded soldiers. The soldier stuck his limb up to the President as he was leaving, and President Bush cupped his limb with both hands and said "God Bless You." He then knelt down and kissed him on the forehead.

    The story that is spreading around the internet is a well-woven embellishment of the SMA's story.

    MSG Richard Puckett
    Public Affairs Advisor to the Sergeant Major of the Army
    Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army

    But isn't it typical of the Bush handlers who desperately need to embellish EVERY thing he does? If desired, I can post a letter from a nurse in Germany whose comments about the Thanksgiving drop in are illuminating, to say the least.[;)]

    There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
    Hypocrisy is the homage paid by vice to virtue.
    Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
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    p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 25,750
    edited November -1
    As bad as some folks think GW is, I shudder to think of want mischief his opponet would create should he get elected (whomever he is)

    From what's left on the field, I don't see a single one that's got a pair (or a prayer).
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    HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
    edited November -1
    P3: So long as the Executive Branch is held by one party and the Congress by the other, we would be okay. [:D] IMO, GWB can be elected if the Senate and House were demos--or sufficient in numbers to stop some of the stupid legislation.

    There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
    Hypocrisy is the homage paid by vice to virtue.
    Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Why is this constant sarcasm necessary?? It grows tiresome to say the least!

    In some folks eyes the only thing GWB could do right is to drop dead[V]
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    bigtirebigtire Member Posts: 24,800
    edited November -1
    If Kerry were in the whitehouse you think he would do the same. Don't bet on it! He might drop by the hospital to call them war criminals, and maybe cut their disability benefits![:(!]

    And everything in between.
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    capecodcapecod Member Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm Nut - I rest my case!

    My Prayer: Dear Lord, Please let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.........
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    DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What amazes me is that even after this story has been shown to be an urban legend, there are those who insist that the truth of it doesn't matter. Worse, that any one who would dare present the truth is not so much being truthful as being sarcastic. This goes beyond even ignorance; it is idolatry.
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    capecodcapecod Member Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    DWS - I do believe that people can disagree, dislike and criticize someone including our President without resorting to sarcasm. The article posted was posted in good faith even though it wasn't accurate. I am not defending the article but rather I am disturbed by some of the responses and the unecessary sarcasm.
    We all have our own beliefs and opinions and I respect that but I can't condone or understand the need to phrase a response in a sarcastic manner. I think its demeaning and wrong.
    Simply state an opinion in a gentlemanly manner - I think we all deserve that consideration.

    My Prayer: Dear Lord, Please let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.........
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    mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    "But isn't it typical of the Bush handlers who desperately need to embellish EVERY thing he does?"

    And isn't it typical of the "Bush-whackers" on the forum to tear down our President at every opportunity.

    I know this isn't going to break your hearts but anymore I've taken to:
    1)Not opening threads you originate and
    2)Bracing for the vituperation you spew on whatever posts I happen across.
    I can't, for the life of me, recall anything positive you've said about pretty much anything.
    You guys REALLY need to give it a rest now and then.

    Mudge the fed up

    Please pardon the shouting but I just get so "up to here" with these guys......

    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!<BR>
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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    Bigtire wrote: "He [Kerry] might drop by the hospital to call them war criminals, and maybe cut their disability benefits!"

    Dude, too late. Bush already did that.

    FrOg wrote:

    "I'm at Walter Reed every day and see dignitaries come and meet the OIF soldiers. When the president or VP comes to honor OIF casualties, there are NO cameras or reporters or TV cameras. I can't say for sure that there have never been, but there were none in the times I remember him coming by. Pardon me EMM but how dare you say something like that."

    Quit being so touchy about your boy. If it had been Clinton in this little fabrication, I'd have probably made some crack about him feeling up an ugly nurse. Chill.
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    DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    capecod/mudge: Could you possibly be more transparent? Not surprising is that your admonishment is reserved only for those to whom you refer as "Bush-whackers"; that the author and proponents of the I Vehemently Detest You Liberal Dipshirts thread and the many others like it conveniently and consistently escape your notice and concern; that what you are really saying is that sarcasm and negativity are not acceptable unless they are directed at someone other than with whom you agree or are of in support; that this is your sandbox and you are the ones to determine for whom and for what and when fair play and decorum are appropriate; and that we don't all deserve equal consideration of an opinion expressed in a gentlemanly manner--only you do.
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    dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 31,965 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 7mm nut
    Why is this constant sarcasm necessary?? It grows tiresome to say the least!

    In some folks eyes the only thing GWB could do right is to drop dead[V]

    They would just claim it was a photo op.[}:)]

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
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    capecodcapecod Member Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    DWS - Now you are growing tiresome and I have no intention of spending my time arguing with you - but, if you read my post(s) carefully you'll see that I'm not siding with either side of the political arena. It doesn't matter whether one is a Kerry supporter or a Bush supporter - I still maintain there is no valid reason for sarcastic posts or responses from either camp.
    Its nothing more than a "When in doubt as to what to say - attack" syndrome. We're seeing enough of that in the media these days and I for one, have had my fill of it.
    FYI I don't vote any party line - I vote based on the issues. Frankly,
    I do not have a great of respect for or trust in any politician - so in essence, I'll vote for the man or woman who has a platform that most closely coincides with my beliefs and opinions.
    Enough said - I again rest my case.

    My Prayer: Dear Lord, Please let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.........
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    jsergovicjsergovic Member Posts: 5,526
    edited November -1
    The guy is doing the best job he can.
    Just let him get on with it.
    If you don't like it, say it with your vote.
    I'd hate to see a different man in that position with only hanger-on's to plop into sensitive positions just because they were "school chums".
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    HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
    edited November -1
    jser: quote:I'd hate to see a different man in that position with only hanger-on's to plop into sensitive positions just because they were "school chums". But Daddy's old friends are okay? They needed a job? C'mon, get real. [;)]

    There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
    Hypocrisy is the homage paid by vice to virtue.
    Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    Okay, you want facts, here's facts supporting why Bush deserves nothing but sarcasm and scorn when he supposedly shows great compassion for our veterans:

    In March of 2003, Bush's 2004 budget called for a $844 million CUT in the VA's budget. Not an increase, a cut.

    In the same budget, it proposed cutting off disability payments to over 500,000 veterans as a way to save money.

    As of January 2003, the Bush Administration ordered VA hospitals to stop informing veterans of the benefits that are due to them. After all, if they don't know about them, they can't claim them.

    So, he can kiss all the soldiers he wants... and if that makes y'all feel better about how he's kicking them in the @$$, by all means, please say so.
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