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USA helps illegals but what about this guy?

Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Stopped in at a truck stop yesterday and met a fella who got my temper up, not because of him doing anything but because of his situation. I walked up to the fuel desk to pay some things and noticed the guy working the counter had something wrong with him, really wrong. To look at him he looks normal, big guy with beard and grey hair, sorta looks like a biker. But as I was standing there I heard him making noises like he was ready to cry, just kept making these sobing noises and near screams but trying to hide it. After a couple seconds I asked him if he was alright, he replies "no, the pain" and turns away from me after changing me out. I stood there for a second and walked to the other counter ready to chew some * and asked the older lady if she knew about this guy and why in the hell is he being forced to work when he obviously is in serious pain. She tells me that he has some disease related to diabetes and that it is tearing the muscles in his legs sorta like a charlie horse. The only cure is to amputate both legs and he is on max medication for pain. He is forced to work because he was denied disablity, his wifes insurance only pays for part of his meds and his paycheck from the truckstop covers the rest. Him and his wife are suffering big time with this. She says he will be in a wheelchair soon and the insurance co wants to have his legs removed. So unless he works he will have no income to pay for his meds, can't get disablity unless he is off work for a minimum of two years.

So after I left I got to thinking, here is a man who has worked all his life, payed taxes and is working under conditions that would cause some folks to commit suicide, he is in great pain and it is saddening to see a man like him cry in pain trying to get a paycheck. So where is our government help at? it is paying for Mexican babies and letting him go thru total hell! How can our leaders let him live like this but on the other hand feel sorry for a border jumper?????[:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!]

You folks heading to the sports show next weekend stop at the Wilco at exit 77 on I81 outside of Harrisburg and visit with the man and see for yourself how our elected officials treat those who do really need help.



  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    That really sucks, but the last time someone brought up the idea of universal health care and health care reform, everyone on this board blasted them as communist.

    Yes, I'm talking about "Billary." The one people want Rudi Giuliani to shove in front of a subway train, the one who needs to be stopped "no matter what" from running for President because she's a power-hungry monster.

    I agree that it sucks, but health care is one of those things that the Congrees has made sure only the rich have full access to.
  • FrancFFrancF Member Posts: 35,278 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Some will disagree with me but, this is were I draw the line on health care,

    The Doctors, Hospitals, Insurance companies, and drug companies
    Should be run buy the government.

    Britain is a perfect example-

    "If you aim at nothing,
    you will be sure to hit it"
  • RoughrdrRoughrdr Member Posts: 156 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    7MM I know this man I belive, I have stopped in their numerous times, actually just got back from Carlilse. Last time I saw him it didn't appear to be that bad.

  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,509 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree we have a crisis in health care.
    The Administrator of my Hospital was involved in a bad car wreck. He suffered minor brain damage. Afterwards, his speech was a little slow, and he had seizures occasionally, controlled with medication.
    Mr. N lost his job at the hospital six months later, really he had a hard time doing this job any more. He was 49 years old.
    He was covered by the hospital insurance for 18 months more, Federally mandated under the COBRA plan.
    Then, he was on his own for insurance. He could not get insurance at any price. His only medical care then was at the VA.
    I got to be pretty good friends with Mr. N after he lost his job, he and his wife moved near where I lived in the country.
    Mr. N was a Vietnam veteran. He was an Army helicopter pilot, and he never talked about the war. One time though, while I was visiting his house, I did get him to show me his box of "Vietnam stuff". I found myself looking at a Navy Cross.
    I asked him about it, he took back the Cross, put it in the box, and put the cigar box back in the closet. He mumbled something about "rescued pilot".
    I found out later that he had rescued two carrier pilots. I know the Navy does not hand out the Navy Cross like candy canes, especially not to Army guys. Obviously Mr. N had risked his life and then some to rescue those Navy pilots.
    As a medic I had been to all the VA hospitals in central Ga. I tell you, they were not worth a damn. You wouldn't want to go to them, I met sorry nurses there, and the doctors were mostly foreigners who couldn't get a private medical license, and couldn't speak English either. If one of y'all Gunbroker members works at a VA, God bless you, I hope your hospital is a lot better than the sorry VA hospitals I had to take patients to.
    So here was a man who had fought for his country and risked his life , and now at age 50 he could get no decent health care. America was throwing this guy away like an empty pizza box.
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ag, from what I've heard from friends, the VA hospitals in White River Jct., VT and Manchester, NH do a much better job for the vets than you describe; clearly they have been more fortunate than your friend. But all vets deserve quality health care and it is an national disgrace and shame when they don't get it.

    dead ape, just what we need, another Federal bureaucracy sucking in tax dollars and returning cents . . . only to give us the high quality care people in Canada and Britain "enjoy." Sure it is universal coverage . . . and universally problematic. There was a case in the paper not last year where a man visiting the Maritimes had a medical emergency (heart attack?) and needed surgery pronto to prevent further damage. The waiting list in Canada for the procedure was like six months, so even though it was dangerous to move him, it was more dangerous for him to wait and he was flown into Boston where it the surgery was performed on arrival. And just think, all your illegal buddies could enjoy even more of this free medical treatment while the pinheads push to let more of them in or make them citizens. One way bus or plane fare back, that's it; third offense, six feet of dirt. End of problem. Last I looked, this was the USA; I'm sick and tired of people trying to make it into the Central American Welfare Agency.

    7mm, I couldn't agree more. If they aren't here legally, tuff. They can always go home and get treatment where they belong, we should take care of our own, like this poor guy, first - and we aren't.

    "There is nothing lower than the human race - except the French." (Mark Twain)
  • chunkstylechunkstyle Member Posts: 2,463 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    American often hold up the Canadian system as a good model, and hope to base our on it, but in fact, it's one of the worst out there, except our own. Britain's actually is pretty good, but the French, Scandinavian, Dutch, Japanese, and German ones are even better. If we could base our system on the Japanese, (who have the longest lifespan in the world) that'd be great!

    "Go to Lakedaemon, stranger passing by;
    And say there, that in obedience to her law, here we lie"
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1

    Tell me why the Canadian system is one of the worst when you can get treated there and never see a bill?
    If your HMO doesnt pay, you arent sent the bill...No one is turned away because of "lack of money"....
    From what I read in 7mm post, the canadian system looks pretty damn good compared to what is here right now...


    Lil' Stinker's Opinion

  • bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    I have no problem with paying for services rendered by a Doctor, but so much of the cost is pure overhead from malpractice insurance, medical school bills and the regular costs of running a business that they have priced themselves above and beyond what I can afford. As a result my family is limited to seeking medical care only when it is a life threatening problem.

    Big Daddy my heros have always been cowboys,they still are it seems
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,509 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I know a guy who is a school teacher in Atlanta. Two years ago he was on a trip to Canada. While in Canada he had a severe heart attack. I know he "died" during the event and was resuscitated. I know he was in Canadian ICU for some time, and I believe he had heart surgery, not quite clear about that. The guy is an old pal of my fiancee's and I got the story through her.
    At any rate, Donald sings the praises of Canadian health care to any who will listen. He says they saved his life, and he believes they did a better job than he would have gotten in America.

    At any rate, something has to be done about the American system. I know three couples who do not have health insurance. Dennis has a masters degree in biology and has a contracting business, his wife is a housewife. Tom is a former Army lieutenant with a degree from Auburn who does contracting, his wife has an acupuncture practice. Mr N is a former Army pilot, his sad case was described above.
    None of these people are drinking Ripple and sleeping at the Salvation Army. They are all white, middle class, highly educated, and around 50 years old. As Dennis told me, his premiums were very high, and when he filed a claim he could hardly get the ins company to pay. So he dumped the ins and is waiting till he can get Medicaid in 15 years. These people are all playing financial Russian roulette, one big claim and they will be filing bankruptcy.
    Meanwhile, the case of Mario of Guatemala, the illegal alien. One day Mario brought me a bill to read. I was the company translator, in Dennis' little construction company. It was a bill from Northside Hospital in Atlanta, for $51,000. Mario's wife had had a bad pregnancy, she went into ICU for a week and had a miscairrage. It said on the bill "Indigent do not pay". Mario made $24K the previous year, but it was off the books. On paper he had no income, so Northside wasn't even trying to collect a dime.
    Here is the irony. If Dennis, the boss, had the same claim, he would, as a citizen with a SS# and a credit rating, have been held accountable, and lacking insurance, Dennis would have had to file bankruptcy.
    These illegal Latinos think America is one great country, just ask them. They tell me that in Guatemala, they can't even see a doctor, much less a hospital. They don't understand that the enormous expense of American hospitals is borne by the taxpaying middle class.
    Two months after her free medical adventure at the American hospital, Mario's wife hopped the bus and went back to Guatemala.
  • jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    Tell your friend to do this.
    Go south of the border, aquire citizenship, get a good tan,have name legally changed to Jose Jimenez, come back across the border illegally, and go to the hospital.


    "If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace" -Thomas Paine

    If the people have become so apathetic that they will not vote out all the liberal scum (republican and democrat alike), the only solution is Constitutional Convention II the sequel. Let's get it right this time.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If the man 7MMNUT refered to lived in Canada or Britain he would have to wait a minimum of 8mo's to have the surgery as it's not life threatening. Socialized medicine? NO thanks!
  • jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    I hear ya trap, my way is much quicker.


    "If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace" -Thomas Paine

    If the people have become so apathetic that they will not vote out all the liberal scum (republican and democrat alike), the only solution is Constitutional Convention II the sequel. Let's get it right this time.
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