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Fuel Oil
Member Posts: 12,211
Keep hearing about home heating oil cost, and I cant help but wonder why more people are not switching to somthing else. With the money spent on heating oil you could buy a electric furnace or a natural gas where available. I know at home we have a LP gas furnace and thats not cheap but probably still cheaper than a fuel oil furnace. My Grandpa still uses wood heat but has a gas furnace for back up.
J. Patrick Tatum
1. wood
2. electricity
3. oil
4. l.p. gas
5. nat. gas
6. electric heat pump (above 20 deg. far.)
note: some red neck will come on and say "I cut my oun wood and get it free", if he would sell the wood and buy gas he'd have money in his pocket.
They need a town of around 1000 all commited to natural gas before they will even consider it.
The nearest line to me is 5 miles and the natural gas company won't run a new line unless it is cost effective.
They need a town of around 1000 all commited to natural gas before they will even consider it.
Sounds like cable TV. Back when I lived up in Evergreen, my house was located 500 feet (that's FEET not MILES) from the end of their existing service line. I offered to pay whatever it would cost to dig or string the cable the 500 feet. They refused.
Now that I have 2 strong teenage sons I am thinking of getting a wood stove again[:p]
All my wood is free except for the gas to run the splitter and chain saw. I have more wood then I know what to do with it. So wood heat is by far the cheapest in my book.
I have untold cords of wood stacked here and there but can't do much with them right now.
Hey MW - are the costs not even close? In some markets, might they be in a different order? Just curious - we use Natural Gas here, in a pretty big house - bills for heating uses and cooking all amount to only about $80/month in heating season.
Ouch! I have a relatively small house, on propane, average $500/month in the heating months. We're well insulated too. [xx(]
We were running $325/mo for Natural gas heating, bought two electric space heaters $100, our gas bill dropped over $100/month. Paid for themselves in a month.
fuel costs from most expensive to least (I'm a hvac dealer and sell all of them)
1. wood
2. electricity
3. oil
4. l.p. gas
5. nat. gas
6. electric heat pump (above 20 deg. far.)(and what cubslover said)
I don't know about natural gas being 2nd to cheapest, depends on the gas co.! I spend up to 325$/mo on gas bills in the winter, some other dudes in the neighborhood have spent 375$. if I don't use any gas or hot water for a month (no bath) I still get a 29$ gas bill. mebbe nat. gas is cheaper, but not when you get it from the gas co.
btw, if cubslover's electric heaters are both 1500 watts, and electricity is about 8c/KWH, he could run them 24/7 all month and it would cost $172.80
We are natural gas.