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I guess I'm working too hard?

pietro75pietro75 Member Posts: 7,048
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I hired a new laborer last Fri. for the paver job I am doing right now. All of my men are doing different projects right now and this paver driveway is ready and on rush. So This guy is 21 years old and athletic. He requests 15 an hour and I agree.

He works w/ me on fri. and does well. He is respectful and energetic. He needs some dough for the weekend so I flip him a frogskin($100) and tell him be safe and I'll see ya' Mon. @ 6:45.

Mon. comes he is there before me, I am pretty excited thinking this young man is going to work out( Laborers and mason tenders come and go like a breeze). Mon. afternoon and we are stocking pavers and I can tell he is dragging. I understand a bit cause he is new and we did just move 48,000 lbs. of pavers.

Tues. morn. I get a call @5:30am kid says he is so sore he can't get out of bed. His dad calls me back and says he tried to make him but he won't go( still lives at home I see). I told his dad I hope he don't sit around your house playin' video games all day marinading your couch and eating all your food, good luck!

I says holy crap you're killin' me man, I wore out a 21yr old?
maybe I should stop working so hard[B)]

I told him get some rest I guess and come back in Thurs. Thursday no show no call[V] I just don't get it. Needless to say I still got in 2,800 sq.ft. of pavers so far this week stocking and laying.

I will admit that I am starting to tire a bit, but, daddy's gotta pay the rent and the show must go on!

I thank God for the men and women that raised me! I also thank God for the men that are my loyal company men. W/O them there would be NO Tacconelli Masonry!

OK my rant is over I feel better...Thanks all!

Update: he just called and wants to meet up tommorrow for the money I owe him for Mon.[:o)]


  • AlpineAlpine Member Posts: 15,093 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I know what you mean. After I retired I worked for a summer in Barstow.

    I had a 22 year old helping me put up some double 100 chain, after 2 hours in 110 degrees, all he could do is stand there and sweat.

    He went home the next day.
    ?The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.?
    Margaret Thatcher

    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
    Mark Twain
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I did the same thing, while I was still able...I have yet to see a young man who could keep pace with me...and I'd venture to say that, that would still be the case today...only difference is, we both would not be able to walk the next day. My body is shutting down, but my mind has a mind of it's own...I pay for it afterwards.
  • oldemagicsoldemagics Member Posts: 5,840 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    im closin in on 50 and still out work all the 16-20 somethins at work
    had one vanish while SUPPOSEDLY helpin set set some 4x4 steel tube supports
    he skinned a knuckle and was so injured he went home!?
    3 of them one day trying to unload a new electric motor and not making progress... i went over and lifted it off the truck onto hand truck and told them to get lost
    problem is after all the major injuries i pay for it later
    like the song says...
    "my body says you cant do this boy, my pride says oh yes i can!"
  • The Ultimate InfidelThe Ultimate Infidel Member Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    One would think work ethic was a banned thing these days. My dad is 76 as of the 13th. He is quite well off, but remains working his 2 businesses to the tune of 16 or so hours a day. I broke my back had 5 ops 300k worth of hardware, and never took a day of unemployment. Work from 7am to 10pm 7 days (didnt say i work hard the whole time) [;)]
    Hired 3 younger woman to do drop off service, all came in late, took turns not showing, and tried to close early a few times. 2 told me that welfare doesnt make them sweat. I told em Welfare has a phone and I would be calling them to let them know.
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Triple by pass and they young ones still have a hard time staying up with me at work.

    May not work the fastest, but I do not stop.
  • speedbuggy16vspeedbuggy16v Member Posts: 236 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    unfortunately they dont make em like they used to
    I am 39 and at 20 had men twice my age damn near kill me, or so I thought. Now I am the old man, and I can near kill the ones that are 20. The younger generations are getting softer and softer, and we are not getting any younger. The mere idea of a work ethic scares them now, rather than the idea of work that scared me at their age. So now like I told the wife a few days ago, "if I had worked this hard, at that age...we would be somewhere". But I didnt so here we are, and there I go, back to work....eventually a work ethic will catch up to them assuming they want anything out of life, glad I finally chose to have something better, for the rest....well darwin will sort them out.

  • Ox190Ox190 Member Posts: 2,782 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'll never forget my first humbling experience. I worked out in high school and was in fairly good shape. Well right out of high school my freshman year of college I got a job as a package handler for FedEx. I hadn't worked out all summer as I had just graduated high school and my folks let me take the summer off to have a good time. First day of actual work was a Friday. Woke up Saturday morning and muscles I didn't even know I had hurt. I had hell getting out of bed. Worked there for 13 months, lost a ton of weight, and was a working machine. I was still a big guy but I could shake and move when it was time to work. Now that I'm in sales the thought of physical labor makes my knees cry I've gotta get back in the gym.
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've completely given up hope on anything under 30 years old.....(except for you Jacob.) I hear WAY too many "last night" stories during the middle of the week from a certain age group. Do they not understand that getting together with a bunch of friends and playing around is something you rarely do if you care about your responsibilities? I'm all for having fun.....but what happened to working...taking care of your home and family....and when you think you are going to loose your mind going out and having a BIG time with people?

    The people in their 20's that I know go out several times a week....have plans for every event that comes to town....every holiday that comes around is a reason to have a party....even get together for certain TV events. I don't see how they have gas money...much less any funds to pay any bills or HAVE anything.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:I've gotta get back in the gym.

    Was laid off in Nov. Noticed I was starting to have a hard time getting around and had really put on some weight. End of March the Local YMCA was giving a 3 months free membership. If you were laid off. Well I took myself right down and signed up.

    They set me up with a routine 3 times a week. Sincethen only missed one day. Last Sat. Went on a PGR Funeral Mission and got way too much sun. Peeling now.

    Today went in and extended my membership past the 3 months. Will start with a 5 day a week program next week. Have not dropped any weight, but do have muscles that are showing better definition.
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1 I feel like a super fatty. I actually "winded" myself cleaning the glass front door. How sad is that?
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • slumlord44slumlord44 Member Posts: 3,702 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am 64. My son-in-law is 35. When it comes to physical work, he will always drop long before I will. I am good shape for my age, not great. A lot of the younger generation does not seem to be in to physical work.
  • Ox190Ox190 Member Posts: 2,782 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Locust don't give up complete hope there are some good ones still in our 20s...I'm 27. I used to enjoy going out and socializing but now if I have more than 1 or 2 drinks I feel like death at 6:30am. I think the biggest problem with the generations below me is so very few were raised by their parents. They were raised by babysitters, day cares, schools, or the TV. I belong on a local hunting forum and several of us got together at a local establishment for dinner last night and were discussing this very thing. One of them was telling us about his nephew, 14 years old, this kid lives on 20 acres but never steps foot outside the house. His dad was out of the picture at a young age and his mother knows nothing of hunting and fishing. Now he's offered to take the kid hunting and fishing several times but the kid would rather play video games.
  • speedbuggy16vspeedbuggy16v Member Posts: 236 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    the refusal to take him up on the offer is only the tip of the iceberg. the reality is no one MAKES him get up and do things. I got soft in my teens, but when I was young, it was not a question of if I would do it, it was a question of how bad of a beating I would get if I didnt do it RIGHT NOW. The lack of parenting, and the inability to do such without government intrusion was just the start of the mess. Dont get me wrong, no one should out and out beat a child, but a good lesson in honor thy mother and father seems to be in order for a lot of todays youth...didnt hurt me any in the long run.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    I've completely given up hope on anything under 30 years old.....(except for you Jacob.) I hear WAY too many "last night" stories during the middle of the week from a certain age group. Do they not understand that getting together with a bunch of friends and playing around is something you rarely do if you care about your responsibilities? I'm all for having fun.....but what happened to working...taking care of your home and family....and when you think you are going to loose your mind going out and having a BIG time with people?

    The people in their 20's that I know go out several times a week....have plans for every event that comes to town....every holiday that comes around is a reason to have a party....even get together for certain TV events. I don't see how they have gas money...much less any funds to pay any bills or HAVE anything.
    I used to do work that needed done before it even needed done. Since I hurt my foot and my back is jacked up, I still do it, but I do take a break in the middle. I normally cut grass before lunch, eat lunch, finish... Gives me a break without wasting time. I LOVE to be outside, and do manual labor, but looks like im not gonna be doing much of that. I still REFUSE to EVER be put on disability or government funding of any kind, unless I paid into it to receive when I was older, or am in a wheelchair with NO way to do anything. I could not sit around being a lazyazz taking money from the government that others have to work and pay hard earned money into, and still be able to do something. If I still have thumbs, wheelchair or not, I can make money.
  • pietro75pietro75 Member Posts: 7,048
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    I did the same thing, while I was still able...I have yet to see a young man who could keep pace with me...and I'd venture to say that, that would still be the case today...only difference is, we both would not be able to walk the next day. My body is shutting down, but my mind has a mind of it's own...I pay for it afterwards.

    Hang in there Eric! we got alot to talk about!

    I am down to the narrow run up the drive now so things are going to be smooth from here on out. I just don't understand...this kid is broke and wants a job now he has one and can't come to work. WTH?
  • pietro75pietro75 Member Posts: 7,048
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by speedbuggy16v
    the refusal to take him up on the offer is only the tip of the iceberg. the reality is no one MAKES him get up and do things. I got soft in my teens, but when I was young, it was not a question of if I would do it, it was a question of how bad of a beating I would get if I didnt do it RIGHT NOW. The lack of parenting, and the inability to do such without government intrusion was just the start of the mess. Dont get me wrong, no one should out and out beat a child, but a good lesson in honor thy mother and father seems to be in order for a lot of todays youth...didnt hurt me any in the long run.

    I hear ya' spare the rod..spoil the child.
  • speedbuggy16vspeedbuggy16v Member Posts: 236 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    great outlook jacob, I tried to raise mine to be like you, we will see how they turn out. But it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and are willing to "put your back into it". Just dont * yourself if the process either, like you said as long as you have thumbs..well you have a brain to, keep with school, work it instead if you can, not all good honest work comes from sweat.

  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by speedbuggy16v
    great outlook jacob, I tried to raise mine to be like you, we will see how they turn out. But it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and are willing to "put your back into it". Just dont * yourself if the process either, like you said as long as you have thumbs..well you have a brain to, keep with school, work it instead if you can, not all good honest work comes from sweat.


    Im already dang near crippled at the ripe old age of 16 1/2.. Nearing 17. My dad goes to work every day with a broken back- He cant feel one whole side of his body from his waist up, then the upper half just hurts like hell. Still rides the tractor every day and never complains. Something is fused together in his back. I think its vertebrae.. that is a result of work also. The only thing he got was workers comp. and I think unemployment.. He could easily walk into any doctor, say he needs tested for disability and walk out with disability checks any month. Few years to retire. I cant STAND knowing someone else has to pay my way the rest of my life. I have been raised good. I am no where near perfect, I am still stupid at times, but everyone makes mistakes
  • speedbuggy16vspeedbuggy16v Member Posts: 236 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    well jacob some are stuborn, or proud, call it like you want, there is nothing wrong with working, or working through pain. but at your 16 and a half, and allready broken, school school school man...
    I am telling ya, I am paying for the wife to go, and once thats done its back to school for me too. get your diploma, then keep going. if your half as smart as you seem from the idea of self reliance, and drive. Get your butt to college, between grants and loans anyone can do it, hell obamah says so!, LOL
    get an education, and work that noodle, leave the heavy lifting to your classmates that cant get their heads around the concept.
    take care
    gotta go to bed two hours ago
    I have a back to break in the AM

  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My dream was to own a mechanics shop and an inside gun range. I dont see the mechanics shop falling through as no one can afford to take cars to mechanics any more it seems like.. Cheaper to buy a used one that runs good, or hire a shadetree mechanic (which I have done with dad)... The gun range will prolly be a later in life deal, if at all. The rate the gun laws are going now, it'll be illegal to have a gun keychain if people dont step up and take action.

    I could be a lawyer, I kick butt at arguing and convincing people im right [:D][:D]
  • dakotashooter2dakotashooter2 Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November -1
    If you are not used to physical labor it's gonna "hurt" for a while. What they don't realize is that if you work through the pain in a day or so you will really start to feel good.
  • oldemagicsoldemagics Member Posts: 5,840 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dakotashooter2
    If you are not used to physical labor it's gonna "hurt" for a while. What they don't realize is that if you work through the pain in a day or so you will really start to feel good.

    how true, the burn of useing your whole body WORKING!
    and it is a different "strength" than any of the gym types will ever get
    no weight machine can come close to picking rock, pitching bales, chopping/stacking wood... it takes the whole body working smoothly
    after all the busting up and remove/repair on this body it is a rare morning i wake up without pain somewhere, but after being told i would never walk, then that i would never lift more than a few pounds, and later another round that they said i would never walk un-assisted again... i still love just getting up and going
    i cant understand how these kids rush through every task so they can sit on their butts?
    i actually feel better/less pain when i stay moveing, plus the time goes a lot quicker
  • victorlvlbvictorlvlb Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November -1
    When I was working it was nothing to climb a ten foot ladder fifty times a day. I've been retired almost three years and climbing a six foot ladder ten times in one day is a killer. I can still remember when , but don't feel like doing it again.[:D][:D][:D]
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