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Is This True?

TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
I was looking at some collector ammo auction listings and one seller said it costs $10 to ship one cartridge due to carrier regs and charges.

Is this true? Is it that much?


  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    > Subject: Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers

    > >Quite a few of us grew up with Captain Kangaroo, as you or your
    > >children probably did. I knew nothing of his background, only that his
    > >show was both entertaining, educational, and as kids, we looked forward
    > >to it with great anticipation. Captain Kangaroo turned 76 in 2002 (DOB:
    > >6-27-1927), which is odd, because he's never looked a day under 76.
    > >
    > >It reminded me of the following story. Hope you enjoy it as much as I
    > >did.
    > >
    > >Some people have been a bit offended that Lee Marvin is buried in a
    > >grave alongside 3 and 4-star generals at Arlington National Cemetery.
    > >His marker gives his name, rank and service (USMC). Nothing else.
    > >Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why
    > >the heck does he rate burial with these guys?
    > >
    > >Well, following is the amazing answer:
    > >
    > >I always liked Lee Marvin, but did not know the extent of his Corps
    > >experience. In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country in
    > >the armed forces, often in rear-echelon posts where they were carefully
    > >protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war
    > >bond promotions, Lee Marvin was a genuine hero. He won the Navy Cross
    > >at Iwo Jima. There is only one higher Naval award...the Medal Of Honor.
    > >
    > >If that is a surprising comment on the true character of the man, he
    > >also credits his sergeant with an even greater show of bravery. While a
    > >guest on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Johnny Carson said, "Lee,
    > >I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the
    > >initial landing at Iwo Jima ... and that during the course of that
    > >action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded."
    > >
    > >"Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the butt and they gave me the Cross
    > >for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi ... bad thing about
    > >getting shot up on a mountain is guys gettin' shot hauling you down.
    > >But Johnny, at Iwo I served under the bravest man I ever knew ... We
    > >both got the Cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made
    > >mine look cheap in comparison. The dumb guy actually stood up on Red
    > >Beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the
    > >beach.
    > >
    > >That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought me
    > >off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it
    > >to me lying on my belly on the litter and said, 'Where'd they get you,
    > >Lee?' I replied, "Well Bob... if you make it home before me, tell Mom
    > >to sell the outhouse!" Johnny, I'm not lying.. Sergeant Keeshan was
    > >the bravest man I ever knew ...
    > >
    > >Bob Keeshan ... You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo."
    > >++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    > >On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who just passed away)
    > >on PBS, gentle and quite. Mr. Rogers is another one of those you would
    > >least suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth.
    > >
    > >But Mr. Rogers was a US Navy Seal, combat proven in Vietnam with over
    > >25 confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long sleeve sweater to cover
    > >the many tattoos on his forearm and biceps.
    > >
    > >A master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat, he was able to disarm
    > >or kill in a heartbeat. He hid that away and won our hearts with his
    > >quiet wit and charm.
    > >
    > >America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did, they quietly go about
    > >their day to day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our
    > >respect and the freedom's that we all enjoy.
    > >
    > >Amazing what we do NOT know about people.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ive always heard that fox squirels would run off Grey squirels? I dont know if its true. But I usually dont find them co existing, I have been told that Fox squirels would try to nueter grey's and run them off? Where I usually find fox squirels is where the woods joins a field and there arent many if any grey'seen in that area. Has anyone else heard this or is it just a long time myth?
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was at a gun store today. I overheard the clerk say that the .380 and the .38 special round are the same, except that the .38 has a longer case. Is this true?
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Got this from another website. It is a home-made recipe for a pesticide/fire ant killer. If it's true, seems like I could save alot of $$ compared to the stuff I buy at the store.

    Take an amount of chewing tobacco about equal to half a handful. Soak it in a gallon of water overnight. Then take ONE OUNCE OF THAT MIXTURE AND MIX IT WITH ONE GALLON OF WATER and put that in a spray bottle and spray the mounds.

    In the initial gallon you mixed up you will have enough base to make 640 gallons of pesticide.



    "If guns kill people, then I can blame my pencil for my spelling mistakes!" -- Larry the Cable Guy
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The following is the total body of an e mail received today. Says it has been confirmed as true, anyone previously seen or heard this? If true seems if the brass of ABC should be dragged onto the street put against a wall and shot

    Subject: ABC News Bans Flag Lapel Pins]

    I rec'd the following from a friend and before forwarding it, I checked on the "Truth and Fiction" site and it is true that they issued the ban yesterday.
    It"s a obama thing !
    Subject: ABC News Bans Flag Lapel Pins]


    Barbara Walters said that this was
    going to hurt ABC bad. As
    you know she works for ABC ..






  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ive heard that theyre several people much richer than Bill Gates, but they do not want to be identified or know of.

    Is this true? Or just a rumor?


    Come and Take it

    Dont mess with Texas
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I saw this posted on another site ..... any truth to it?

    "Hoping you weren't paying attention, the UN voted 133-0 in favor of passing the UN Small Arms Treaty".
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1


    This was written by a guy from KVLY-TV in Fargo ; see bottom of msg.
    This is true. Scary!

    This is something that happened to us on the way back from vacation
    last week. At first I didn't think much of it until now. The reason
    we were a little suspicious is we had been riding in a jeep all day
    with 100 degree temps and we stopped at a truck stop for something to

    When I was leaving, a young girl followed me out and asked what kind
    of cologne I was wearing. Well, after 7 hours in the car sweating, I
    don't think you could tell if I was or was not wearing any cologne.
    Wejust got in the jeep and said no thanks.

    Then it was about 3 weeks ago, I was at a service station in
    Birmingham getting gas. It was about 9:30 pm. I was approached by 2
    men and 2 women in a car. The man that was driving asked me 'What kind
    of perfume do you wear?' I was a bit confused and I asked him 'Why?'
    He said, 'We are selling some name brand perfumes, at cheap prices.' I
    said I had no money. He then reached out of the car and handed me
    paper that was laminated; it had many perfumes on it. I looked
    quickly at it and gave it back. I said, have no money.

    He said it is OK, we take check, cash, or credit cards. Then the
    people in the car began to laugh. I just got in my car and said no

    Then I received this e-mail yesterday and it sent chills up my spine.
    Please read this. It is no joke . Here is the e-mail I was sent:

    Dear Friends:

    I know not all of you are women that I am sending this to, but am
    hoping you will share this with your wives, daughters, mothers,
    sisters, etc.

    Our world seems to be getting crazier by the day. Pipe bombs in mail
    boxes and sickos in parking lots with perfume. Be careful.
    I was approached yesterday afternoon around 5:30 PM in the Wal-Mart
    parking lot by two males asking what kind of perfume I was wearing.
    Then they asked if I'd like to sample some fabulous scent they were
    willing to sell me at very reasonable rate. I probably would have
    agreed had I not received an e-mail warning of a 'Wanna smell this
    neat perfume?'
    The men continued to stand between parked cars, I guess to wait for
    someone else to hit on. I stopped a lady going towards them, pointing
    at them and told her about how I was sent an e-mail at work about
    someone walking up to you in the malls or in parking lots and asking
    you to SNIFF PERFUME that they are selling at a cheap price or at
    least compare to which one you like best.

    When you sniff it, you'll pass out. They'll take your wallet, your
    valuables and heaven knows what else. If it were not for this e-mail,
    I probably would have sniffed the 'perfume' but thanks to the
    generosity of an e-mailing friend, I was spared whatever might have
    happened to me. I wanted to do the same for you.


    Ladies, this happened to me yesterday and I didn't smell the perfume
    either, thanks to this email This is true. Believe me, I know. I was
    over by Big Lots in the parking lot at lunch time when I was
    approached. So either day or nigh t, it does not matter. There were 3
    guys together when I was approached. I called the police when I got
    back to my desk.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the
    Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Alaska was $80,000.00.
    At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively
    saved animals were being released back into the wild
    amid cheers and applause from onlookers.

    A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Subject: FW: America's Top General Resigns - because of this administration.

    General J. F. Dunford is a great loss to our military leadership at a time when America's national leadership is sorely and dangerously lacking.


    America's Top General Resigns


    General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., USMC resigns his job as highest ranking USMC General, but not before he inflicts some major damage to the idiots in the White House and this socialists administration.

    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, in concern for the lives of current and future US military personnel and to honor those who have gone before, I must speak to the nation today.

    I've called this press conference to announce that I am resigning as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and I am retiring after 39 years on active duty, which included combat service in Iraq leading the finest Marines in the world.

    I am resigning as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and retiring from the Marine Corps for the following reasons:

    For the last seven years during the Obama Administration:

    I have watched and remained silent as hundreds of senior officers were forced to resign or were forcibly retired because of their disagreements with the current policies wrecking the military.

    I have watched and remained silent as people who have never served a day in uniform laid siege to the glorious traditions of the US military.

    I have watched and remained silent as male ROTC cadets paraded in red high heels, male soldiers conducted physical training wearing pregnancy simulators, combat units dealt with breastfeeding and lactation issues in the field and sensitivity training became the standard operating procedure of the US military.

    I have watched and remained silent as trans-genders were authorized to serve in the ranks, and three females graduated from the US Army Ranger School, under what I believe are the most dubious of circumstances.

    My predecessors in the JCS chose to look the other way, and like Pontius Pilate, wash their hands of these egregious affairs.

    My predecessors in the JCS were more concerned about their careers than about the welfare of the nation and the troops they led every day.

    Now the final nail in the coffin of the US military has been hammered in.

    On April 1, 2016, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, with the full backing of the President of the United States, authorized the legal inclusion of women in the combat arms branches and special operations units of the United States Armed Forces.

    In good conscience, I can no longer remain silent. The stakes are too high for this nation and for the women in the US military who, I believe will be greatly harmed by their inclusion in the combat arms and special operations.

    I can no longer watch the US military be annihilated. While many have chosen to sit on the sidelines, I must step forth and report to the nation concerning the mortal danger the US military is in tonight because of its commander in chief, President Barack Obama and his cabinet and advisers.

    The evidence against women in direct combat from the Center for Military Readiness and the Marine Corps' 36 million dollar, 9 month study and the performance of women at the Marine Infantry Officers Basic Course is overwhelming. Yet, the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Army refuse to acknowledge that the evidence even exists.

    It does exist and it indicates that while women perform spectacularly in 80% of the jobs in the military, the combat arms and special operations should be closed to them; permanently.

    Women are simply prone to more injuries than men, have less muscle mass, do not have the upper body strength, the same aerobic lung capacity and the aggressiveness to fulfill the military's combat readiness requirements and missions.

    The so-called experts often say that women have already served in combat. In the last two conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, females did engage the enemy and many performed heroically and beyond the call of duty. But, returning fire during a military police security operation is not the same as being in a combat arms unit that has the mission of finding, fixing and killing the enemy. That is like comparing Pop Warner Football with the NFL.

    Reality says that women serving in the combat arms and special operations is not just a bad idea, but a horrific decision that puts this nation in mortal danger.

    The President and the Secretary of Defense are not dealing with reality, but with a feminist based fantasy based on false premises of gender neutrality. They see the world the way they want it to be, not the way it is. These policies are based on the illusion that genders are neutral and that none of this will affect the military's readiness, esprit de corps and ability to wage and win wars.

    There is no gender neutrality on a battlefield.

    It is the responsibility of America's military leaders to protect the nation and to obey the lawful orders of those appointed above us. But, our military leaders are not martinets. There is no Fuehrerprinzip in America. An order is not just an order. The nation's military leaders have a moral duty to inform our elected officials when policies they support and implement are destructive to the nation itself.

    Silence is not golden. It is pure and unadulterated moral cowardice.

    Congress also has a duty to protect the nation and to insure that the military is strong and readiness is maintained. On the issue of women in combat, Congress has been full of sound and fury, while signifying nothing. Except for a few concerned veterans like Senator John McCain and Congressman Duncan Hunter, Congress has remained silent because a majority of Congress has never served and is largely ignorant of the issue itself.

    I cannot in good conscience promote policies that will order American women, ages 18 - 26 to register and be eligible for a military draft which could place them in combat arms units in wartime.

    I cannot in good conscience serve as the highest ranking military member of the US military, when I am completely at odds with the social engineering directives emanating from the Secretary of Defense and the President.

    The military has one sole mission. That is to wage war and to vanquish the enemies of this nation on land, on the seas and in the air. It must never be used as a social engineering project by naive and uninformed politicians and lobbyists.

    As the military prepares for this cataclysmic change, the enemies of this nation are lining up against us. They know that this is a lose, lose situation for us and a win, win situation for them. They know that we are now going to wage war with a much weaker force and that our readiness is withering by the hour.

    It is very possible that the United States of America may never win another war. I do not believe this is hyperbole. I believe this is a fact.

    The fate of the republic hangs in mortal jeopardy. I pray that my successor and a new President elected in 2016 have the courage and the wisdom to amend the policies that might very well destroy this great nation I have served for nearly four decades.

    I bid you farewell. Semper Fi
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was having a conversation with a person in a bar the other night and we got on the topic of health care (it was a LAME night). He stated that a person with NO INSURANCE could go to the hospital emergency room with, say... a broken arm, get patched up and then just leave. When the bill comes in the mail they could just take it and throw it out because the hospital cannot come after a person for an unpaid medical bill. Months go by and the person still hasn't paid and the hospital goes and makes a black mark on their credit report. Now the person can turn around and sue the hospital because it is illegal to post medical expenses/information on a credit report. If the hospital sells the fee to another company the person can still sue. Basically this person I was speaking to said that you don't have to pay medical bills and not too many people know about this loophole except for lazy * and illegal aliens. Is this true, or a bunch of crap? I'm leaning towards crap but this guy was swearing he was right (and no he wasn't drunk and yes I was... and I walked home in case you're wondering[:D]). - Toe
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just read in an auction description for ammo (on Gunbroker) that "If the Republicans don't kill the heavily modified assault weapons ban you will be restricted to how many rounds of ammo you can have in your house."
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I went to a gunstore yesterday and saw that there was a Baby Eagle .40 with I think a 4.7 inch barrel, and a Glock 17 with a stainless steal slide for sale. Ive havnt heard much about the Baby Eagle so I ask the sales clerk if it was as durable and accurate as his glock 17. He said the Baby Eagle should be more accurate than a Glock 17 because they have the same type of barrel and the Eagles is longer. He also said the Baby Eagle is more durable to, becuase if sand gets into the glock and you shoot it, some of the sand can be blasted into the plastic which can cause problems. Im no gun expert, so I took it that he was telling the truth. But I got thinking, if the Baby Eagle is a little better than a Glock how come I havnt heard much about it, or seen it in any gun magazine. he telling the truth or is he just trying to get a sell. They both cost about $475 the Baby Eagle might be a little less. OOO ya...any websites about this Baby Eagle would be a great help.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was told that if someone in Ohio wants to buy a gun that is in a store in WV they don't have to have the gun shipped from the WV dealer to an Ohio dealer. They said all they needed to do is go to the store and buy the gun same as if they lived in the state they were purchasing it in. Is this true? Is this some kind of agreement that only exists between WV and Ohio, or can anyone go to a neighboring state and buy guns? I was under the impression that you had to have the firearm transfered to a dealer in your resident state. I was told that he was not sure about handguns but knew you could buy long guns in this way. Anyone have an answer?

    "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet."
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I heard that,if a muslim farts during his prayers, he has to start all over.

    Proud member of the NRA

    When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
    Abraham Lincoln

    If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith.
    Albert Einstein
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    We have a friend that got arrested last night. He is not guilty.
    Long story: His enstranged, not yet ex wife attacked him during chid exchange. He has witnesses. He fought her off and left. She calls cops and reports he attacked her. HE gets arrested for Felony Domestic Abuse in front of a child.
    Anyway, he's bonded out. We have encouraged him to fight the charges. Especially since he has a witness to what actually happened. But he is relucant because he can't afford a lawyer. Said they told him that if you bond out, you lose the right to free counsel.
    Is this true.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Is this true?

    From an e-mail:

    President Barack Obama has signed an executive order allowing hundreds
    of thousands of Palestinians to resettle in the United States. Sure,
    what can go wrong when we allow hundreds of thousands of people who
    have been, as Mark Steyn memorably described, "marinated" in a "sick
    death cult," who voted for Hamas, and 55% of whom support suicide
    bombings live here and at the American taxpayers' expense:

    By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure
    of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees
    and conflict victims in Gaza.

    The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of
    Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was
    signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

    President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was
    necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs" of the

    Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket
    replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have
    displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance
    Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

    Let's review some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since he was

    His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas,
    leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

    His first one on one interview with any news organization was with Al
    Arabia television.

    He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

    He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

    He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.

    Today we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of
    Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer

    Anyone else seeing a pattern here?
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by CaptFun
    We get this question a fair amount from sellers, I ask them if they lock the door to the store and only let in people they know. Once they admit that no they don't , then we talk about the percentage of sales NR buyers generate on the Auction side. (usually between 15% and 25% of all sales). It's similar to the California shipping issue. California buyers purchase more items on GunBroker than buyers from ANY OTHER STATE except Texas and Florida. If you want to automatically restrict the number of potential buyers for your product, just say you won't accept bids from NR bidders and you won't ship to CA. Just please don't come back complaining that you didn't get what you thought you should on the Auctions.
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sent by Retired Vice Admiral Bob Scarborough, of Arlington , Va.

    "I wanted to give you all some disturbing information on our wonderful president. I work with the Catch-A-Dream Foundation which provides hunting and fishing trips to children with life-threatening illnesses. This past weekend we had our annual banquet / fundraiser event in Starkville . "As a part of our program, we had scheduled Sgt. 1st Class Greg Stube, a highly decorated U.S. Army Green Beret and inspirational speaker who was severely injured while deployed overseas and didn't have much of a chance for survival to come. Greg is stationed at Ft. Bragg , NC and received permission from his commanding officer to come speak at our function. Everything was on go until Obama made a policy that NO U.S. SERVICEMAN CAN SPEAK AT ANY FAITH-BASED PUBLIC EVENTS ANYMORE. Needless to say, Greg had to cancel his speaking event with us.. Didn't know if anyone else was aware of this new policy. Wonder what kind of news we all will receive next. You're just starting to see the Obamanation. Your religion is on the list next.? I don't know about you, but this makes me furious.

    This is just how the Nazis did it in the 30's, slowly, one step at a time. If you don't see the similarities you are truly blind.
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    Anytime you hear or read something like this, go to
  • TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,282 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Woodshermit, I couldn't remember the site, thanks, thats why i asked.
  • sharkman69sharkman69 Member Posts: 858
    edited November -1
    Both stories are a load of crap. That is a great site to browse.
  • glabrayglabray Member Posts: 679 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    How about John Wayne? Didn't he spend all of WWII in Hollywood? He didn't hesitate to make big bucks off the war afterward when it was safe though.
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    Lee Marvin was indeed a Marine. I am not sure about the rest of this. I do know that there are alot of quiet heros out there that do not believe they are heros. My 2 cents [8D]

  • HeavyBarrelHeavyBarrel Member Posts: 1,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    John wayne had bad knees. He was no Audie Murphy though.
  • jl45jl45 Member Posts: 708 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Audie Murphy is the Man. When you see pictures of him taken during the war he looks like he's twelve years old, but then again a lot of the guys who put it all on the line for us were just kids at the time.
  • kuhlewulfkuhlewulf Member Posts: 591 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I remember a guy back in Texas who used to claim that he was a Navy SEAL. Talked a lot of big snot to all us Army legs about everything we did. Finally A friend of his came over and said we should hang out that evening at his apartment. He promised "a good show", being cautious and level headed I of course bought a 12 pack and went on over. When Jimmy "the SEAL" arrived his friend made a phone call. About five minutes later 3 guys showed up. One was an active duty SEAL team member and the other two were retired. Seems that the SEAL/UDT school chums stick together and have a sort of hotline to report suspicious SEAL sightings. They then verify the imposters name isn't on the UDT roster as a graduate and then try to see if some of the current or past teammates are near enough to pay a visit. Jimmy got a serious talking to and looked about as scared as I do believe I've ever seen any grown man. Didn't see him much after that. [:D]


    Whats next? A ban on automatic transmissions?
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by kuhlewulf

    Seems that the SEAL/UDT school chums stick together and have a sort of hotline to report suspicious SEAL sightings. They then verify the imposters name isn't on the UDT roster as a graduate and then try to see if some of the current or past teammates are near enough to pay a visit.

    Thank God there is a network of faux SEAL/SF/RECON exposers out there to make the world safe from wannabes. That such men willingly give up a part of their lives to do this thankless, dirty job is a tribute to the tenacity and fearlessness they learned on the sands of Coronado and the jump towers of Bragg. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
  • sharkman69sharkman69 Member Posts: 858
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by DancesWithSheep
    quote:Originally posted by kuhlewulf

    Seems that the SEAL/UDT school chums stick together and have a sort of hotline to report suspicious SEAL sightings. They then verify the imposters name isn't on the UDT roster as a graduate and then try to see if some of the current or past teammates are near enough to pay a visit.

    Thank God there is a network of faux SEAL/SF/RECON exposers out there to make the world safe from wannabes. That such men willingly give up a part of their lives to do this thankless, dirty job is a tribute to the tenacity and fearlessness they learned on the sands of Coronado and the jump towers of Bragg. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

    Just like the large number of phonies who claim to have been Airborne Rangers. A good way to find out if they're for real is to simply ask them what they thought of RIP. Real Rangers know what that means, but most phonies don't have a clue.
  • Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
    edited November -1
    Roger, RIP/ROP... and since you can still go through Ranger School as a leg, not all graduates of the course will be ABN Rangers. Now get back in the worm pit, Ranger.

    Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.

    Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.

    Never shall I fail my comrades I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.

    Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

    Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

    Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.


    "Many free countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers; but if she shall, be it my proudest plume, not that I was the last to desert; but that I never deserted her." -President Abraham Lincoln
  • woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    I don't think Captain Kangaroo had anything to do with this "legend". Lee Marvin never said much more about his service than that he got shot in the a**. John Wayne was just a glorified movie star. Our priorities as a nation are often misplaced. Be skeptical.
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by woodshermit
    I don't think Captain Kangaroo had anything to do with this "legend". Lee Marvin never said much more about his service than that he got shot in the a**. John Wayne was just a glorified movie star. Our priorities as a nation are often misplaced. Be skeptical.

    The fact that Americans (real one's, not the usual anti-American jerks with no profiles) still look up to MEN that did those heroic acts, even IF some are urban legends or silver screen, tell me some priorities are not misplaced at all.

    The spectators can only jeer at the real players in life. What sadness a soul must feel to look back over a wasted life?

    I would bet any amount of money that Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen, or Hanoi Jane will ever win a Medal of Freedom or have a pro-American urban legend started about them.

    What men call a merely a man who is seen doing what a brave man does as a matter of course.
    A man who is in love with learning is a man who is never without a bride, for there is always more. L'Amour
  • woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    My point is that Lee Marvin did not brag about being a Marine, he served his country and survived without making a big deal of it. He was matter-of-fact about it and undoubtedly realized that he was lucky. Our culture glorifies pampered athletes, movie stars and entertainers. An entertainer exposes herself on national tv and we hear about it for weeks. Movies that glorify gratuitous violence make millions as entertainment. John Wayne was a competent actor who portrayed heroes. It is called acting. The most heroic thing he ever did was to allow the public to see him wasting away as a result of a lifelong tobacco habit. Those commercials may have saved some lives and he should be remembered for that.
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