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threats to border patrol (c&p)

rcdisrcdis Member Posts: 994 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
The following was written by the mother of a slain border patrolman. Line Politics.htmJanuary 19, 2004

Dear Concerned Friends and Family Members,
Permission has been given for me to send this message and let you all know of a serious incident that has recently happened at Organ Pipe and the surrounding Tohono-O'odham Indian Reservation. Because of the increase in drug trafficking and arrests by the Shadow Wolves and the Organ Pipe Rangers, the Mexican drug cartels/mafia have been vowing to get even. They are now putting out hits on our Federal Officers and this is causing even more extreme cautions to be put in place. When the Rangers or Shadow Wolves have pictures taken with loads or in uniform, they now have to blacken their faces and cover their nametags in case some bad dudes get hold of this information.
The most dangerous threat has been directed specifically at Bryan Nez. Toward the end of the year, information came to the Shadow Wolves and Bryan that there was a specific hit planned on him. Pictures of Bryan were being distributed around the restaurants, bars, and hangouts of the drug thugs. They were spreading the information of who Bryan was, about his interviews in the Smithsonian Magazine last January, the National Geographic Adventure Magazine in Feb, and about the Reader's Digest article this past summer entitled, "Manhunters." These criminals were flashing around new assault weapons with high-powered scopes and said they could get him anytime. They also were flinging around night vision goggles (American made) and laughed about how it could take place night or day. They told about where he lived, his route to work everyday, and his daily work schedule.
They stated that they took care of Kris Eggle and they were going to get Bryan Nez next. (We know these scum didn't murder Kris, but they certainly were not upset about it. This mafia group is now taking credit for it, even if they were not the direct hitmen.) Because of these dire warnings, Bryan was advised to leave the area for a while. He has stayed in contact with a very few of us, but has been on the move evading possible tracking of him by the Mexican mafia (the Seven Nines) who put the hit on him. He is very restless and wants to get back to work, but right now is being advised to stay low and keep in "hiding."

This is not who Bryan Nez is. He is a WARRIOR. He is a FIGHTER. He is a TRACKER OF DRUGS AND WEAPONS and the SMUGGLERS, and he wants to get back to doing his job. He wants to help his people and country...even though many of his own countrymen don't seem to care that much about what he and the many other Officers continue to do to sacrifice for all the rest of us. They are so courageous and brave... real heroes, even willing to give up their lives, if necessary, for you and me, for the drug dealers and users in this country, for the apathetic public who sit back and know someone else will do it, and for our elected and appointed leaders who choose to worry more about their agendas and not do much of anything about these critical life and death situations.
The Shadow Wolves and the Law Enforcement Rangers (and all other L.E. Officers) took a sacred Oath of Office. Part of the words say, " I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic... So help me God." These words mean something to these men and women. May God's blessings and protection be on them all as they do this thankless work for the United States of America.
Please pray that Bryan and all the Shadow Wolves will be kept from harm. Also pray that the Rangers at Organ Pipe and other Parks, Reserves, Seashores, and Forests will remain safe from the insidious evils that lie on the other side of that broken-down, barbed-wire fence. I would ask you, plead with you, to contact your Senators, your Representatives, the President, Tom Ridge, Asa Hutchinson, John Ashcroft, and any other people you think could help make a difference. INSIST THEY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE SERIOUS CRIMINAL PROBLEMS. TELL THEM YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS PANDERING AND EXCUSE-MAKING--IT IS WAY PAST TIME FOR ACTIONS. INSIST THEY CLOSE THE BORDER and STOP THE ILLEGAL INVASION.
Thanks for you help. Please remember this message and the importance of sending it on.

Bonnie Eggle,
Mother of Kristopher William Eggle, the NPS Ranger who was murdered by a drug smuggler on the AZ/Mexico border
August 9, 2002



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