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John Kerry most liberal senator

BlackieBoogerBlackieBooger Member Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Fox news reported that John Kerry had the most liberal voting record in the senate (97%). He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. Just imagine what is going to happen to the country if Kerry is elected president. Scary thought for sure.

"Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, not liberty to purchase power."
Benjamin Franklin, 1785


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    A J ChristA J Christ Member Posts: 7,534
    edited November -1
    I rate him along side the Clintons, Rosie, ted kennedy, schummer and that crowd. Best part of him ran down his mama's leg.
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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I wonderwho the most liberal president has been. Considering the issue of spending, George Bush would certainly be in the running for the biggest spending president in US history.

    "Waiting tables is what you know, making cheese is what I know-lets stick with what we know!"
    -Jimmy the cheese man
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    Salvage33Salvage33 Member Posts: 1,182 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I vote for Jimmy Carter, peanut dude, as the most liberal president!

    And whoever said that about the best part of John Kerry...RIGHT ON!!!

    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not shooting at me!
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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    "He's 97% liberal!" What is this? Sounds like they're marketing a fruit juice... "Now with 97% REAL juice!"

    And what about Feinstein? There is no way on God's green Earth you're telling me anyone outdid her!

    And how dd they qualify "liberal?" If it's by spending, then GW Bush has everyone in the Senate beat... and he's not even a Senator.

    Is it by voting against military procurement? Well, Rumsfeld just axed the Comanche... does that make Rumsfeld a stark-raving liberal?

    Or was it by voting against foreign intervention? After all, liberals just LOVE to talk when action is called for... guess that's why Bush is talking about North Korea and Haiti...

    Just more Fox News BS so people can say, "Did you know that Kerry is THE most liberal Senator? I heard it on Fox News!"
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    dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1

    Is that desperate denial I hear?[;)]

    How you doin'!wolf_evil_smile_md_wht.gif
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    BlackieBoogerBlackieBooger Member Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The facts sure struck a nerve,

    "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, not liberty to purchase power."
    Benjamin Franklin, 1785
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I would love to hear EMM, Hairy or Highball admit to any of Kerry faults.

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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    Not denying Kerry's a liberal, I'm just wondering how in the heck they came up with "97%."

    I mean, I could say, "Well, Bush is 100% dumb-*," and it doesn't mean a thing if my definition of dumb-@$$ is "Is Named George Bush and is president of the United States."

    It's not the Kerry-slamming I object to, it's the pseudo-scientific nonsense that Fox News puts out.

    And not a single one of you answered my questions. If, by "liberal" they mean stereotypical liberal, then why isn't anyone accusing the current administration of being chock full of liberals? I mean, they spend like them, talk like them, and walk like them... so why not just call it like it is? Or does the truth really hurt that much?
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    dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey
    Not denying Kerry's a liberal, I'm just wondering how in the heck they came up with "97%."

    I forget who had come up with the number, but it wasn't Fox news. They were just reporting what some organization had put out. I wish I could remember the name, but none the less, it was a review of support and voting records, and Kerry came out worse than Hillary. He had voted the "liberal" line 97% of the time, out pacing Hillary and Teddy.

    I'm sure if you do a little research, you can find the facts. I'm afraid that some folks are going to have to face the facts that he is as liberal as they come. I know that will make it harder for them to cry how liberal Bush is, but so be it.

    How you doin'!wolf_evil_smile_md_wht.gif
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    BlackieBoogerBlackieBooger Member Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The 97% comes from a rating system (Can't remember the source)It also rates conservative % also. It is based on the politicians voting record.

    "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, not liberty to purchase power."
    Benjamin Franklin, 1785
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    dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1

    It looks like it was the National Journal who gave the rating.

    Kerry Is Senate's Biggest Leftist, Rating Shows

    Melanie Hunter,

    Friday, Feb. 27, 2004
    Based on its ratings of congressional votes, the National Journal has pronounced John Kerry the most liberal senator in 2003, more liberal than his fellow senator from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy.
    National Journal gave Kerry a composite score of 96.5 out of 100, based on how he voted on a range of issues, but acknowledging that Kerry missed a good number of votes while he was out campaigning.

    National Journal said Sen. John Edwards had a composite liberal score of 94.5, making him number four on the most-liberal list.

    The Bush-Cheney campaign is making Kerry's very liberal voting record an issue, prompting Kerry to respond that Republicans are attacking his patriotism.


    How you doin'!wolf_evil_smile_md_wht.gif
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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1

    Thanks for the info.

    More liberal than Feinstein? That is one heck of a gold medal to be winning, I'll grant you that...

    Still prefer Edwards to Kerry and anyone to Bush. Kerry can be as liberal as the day is long, but if he wins and we're lucky enough to get a conservative Congress, it'll balance things out.
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    Instant KarmaInstant Karma Member Posts: 302 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:And not a single one of you answered my questions. If, by "liberal" they mean stereotypical liberal, then why isn't anyone accusing the current administration of being chock full of liberals? I mean, they spend like them, talk like them, and walk like them... so why not just call it like it is? Or does the truth really hurt that much? If spending was the only issue then the whole bunch in D.C. are liberals.Problem is that abortion rights,gay rights,illegal immigrant rights,and all the other fringe elements too numerous to list ad infinitum have aligned themselves with the Democratic party. That is why I will vote for whoever opposes that mind-set.

    "Instant karma gonna get you,gonna knock you right in the head,better get yourself together,pretty soon you're gonna be dead" John Lennon
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