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Thanks to Howard Dean (C&P)

HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Here's a perspective from one of our Chron columnists...

Friday, February 6, 2004
c2004 San Francisco Chronicle


Like a lot of people, I was grateful when Howard Dean started sounding off about the war in Iraq. It was easy to hear him because almost every other politician had been bullied by the administration into silence.

He said the magic words, and yet lightning did not strike him down. People did not shun him as a traitor. No one knew who the hell Howard Dean was -- I'm still not sure, to be candid -- but they were really happy that someone was breaking the silence.

Imagine: an elected Democrat who said out loud that Sept. 11, 2001, did not justify all excesses, did not explain all malign or stupid decisions. An elected Democrat who gave other elected Democrats permission to find their courage. Even better: an elected Democrat who demonstrated that Bush-bashing might be a noble and necessary occupation.

So now we've had 2.5 rounds of primaries (Iowa is its own thing, a quasi- democratic photo op of limited significance), and Howard Dean seems to be pretty much out of it. I do not pretend to understand the reasons; it is my guess that people who say they understand the reasons probably don't either.

Was it the Scream? The Wife? The Warmth Issue? The Impatience Problem? I dunno. Maybe it's just hard for a truly obscure and inexperienced candidate to endure the ritual bear-baiting we call an election. Would you want to run for office? Yes, please, dig up something stupid I said in 1987 and confront me with it on national television -- that sounds like fun.

Nor do I have any particular opinion about John Kerry. I'm glad he's bringing up the chickenhawk issue because it really is maddening that various folks who spent the Vietnam War in undisclosed locations are now sending 20- year-olds to die and kill for unclear or bogus reasons. These are the guys who think that four-star Gen. Colin Powell, the man who was in charge of Operation Desert Storm, is a wimpy little appeaser who is too soft on Saddam Hussein.

Excuse me, but: How dare they?

I'm also glad that Kerry brought Max Cleland back from political obscurity. This triple amputee and standard bearer for veterans' rights was savaged and slandered by Republican operatives working for the Rove machine; I'm glad he's getting a chance to return fire.

And I'm glad Wesley Clark got in the race because it's not possible to out-patriotic him. Clark has made speeches about the dangerous nature of the Patriot Act and its dreadful little brother, the PROTECT Act. John Ashcroft, who used his family connections to dodge the draft during the Vietnam War, seems to have forgotten that U.S. soldiers in Iraq are fighting for freedom, not for a police state.

And it's all because Dean made it possible. You were around a year ago -- you remember how hopeless it seemed, how many people were saying that Bush could not be beaten. You were looking into Canadian real estate, and Howard Dean was deciding to run for president. See what I'm saying?

Now people believe that Bush can be beaten. His popularity rating has dipped below 50 percent for the first time since the election (when it was also below 50 percent but, hey, let's not go there again). Now people are voting for John Kerry on the interesting thesis that he has the best chance of beating Bush. Imagine that.

Meanwhile, Bush is getting careless. His latest budget will put a $100, 000 debt burden on every man, woman and child in the United States. I didn't say that, David M. Walker, the comptroller general of the United States, said that. Sometime, this unwieldy construction of lies is bound to fail.

Maybe Abe Lincoln was right after all: You can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Whoever the Democratic nominee is, he should thank Howard Dean for leading his party out of the darkness. The electorate is energized; people are finally paying attention to the Bush bunco schemes. Good going, Howard; whatever happens, you done good.

Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.


  • AlpineAlpine Member Posts: 15,093 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "Leading his party out of the darkness"? Oh yeah right, like the Demo party has got a clue in the first place. Whineing bunch of liberals.

    "If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there."
    ?The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.?
    Margaret Thatcher

    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
    Mark Twain
  • trstonetrstone Member Posts: 833 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    " Oh yeah right, like the Demo party has got a clue in the first place. Whineing bunch of liberals."

    As opposed to scheming fake conservatives who abuse civil liberties in the name of "combating terrorism" while spending money like drunken sailors and pandering to Hispanics for votes by paving the way for their illegal relatives with their so-called amnesty...right?

    Frankly, I'd rather take my chances with some idiot Democrat who doesn't have much of a "plan" (and who would be saddled with a Republican House & Senate), than face another four years under the "devil we know", especially in light of what he's done to individual liberties and the budget, and what he WILL do to the Second Amendment when the AWB comes up for renewal....
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No problem, if it's a democrat it would not have much of a plan.

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • Chaser11Chaser11 Member Posts: 251 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    [:D] They have a plan disarm all lawabiding Americans so we don't hurt ourselves,[:(!]

    American used to Roar like Lions for Liberty- Now they Bleat like Sheep for Security.
    Always Remember Security without Liberty is called PRISON! -
  • FrOgFrOg Member Posts: 2,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we have Patriot Act-like legislation during WWII to find German and communist spies? Isn't such legislation a temporary part of every war?



  • HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
    edited November -1
    FrOg: Yes, and we also had our version of concentration camps for those AMERICANs who were of Japanese descent. The Supreme Court finally agreed that it was illegal under the Constitution and awarded them some compensation. The primary item not compensated was those Japanese whose farms were stolen from them and not given returned. (It would have been too much of a hardship for the new owners!!!!!)[:(]

    Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
  • mpolansmpolans Member Posts: 1,752 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Only took 'em about 40 years to do it too. [V]

    quote:Originally posted by HAIRY
    FrOg: Yes, and we also had our version of concentration camps for those AMERICANs who were of Japanese descent. The Supreme Court finally agreed that it was illegal under the Constitution and awarded them some compensation. The primary item not compensated was those Japanese whose farms were stolen from them and not given returned. (It would have been too much of a hardship for the new owners!!!!!)[:(]

    Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
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