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Pit Bull-Natural Born Killer

earthmvrearthmvr Member Posts: 473 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Back in Nov. 3 pit bulls went on a rampage in a rural area in Colorado. They killed one women and injured at least one other man before they could be stopped. Not sure how they were finally stopped but one man was shooting at them with a shotgun to keep them away.

It seems you here so many horror stories about pit bulls, I am just wondering if they are born killers or if people make them that way. I'm sure not every pit bull is a killer but I've never been around the breed. So I was wondering if any of you own pit bulls or have been around them. What triggers them to go on a killing spree? What are your experiences?

Proud member of the NRA and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was


  • Travis HallamTravis Hallam Member Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes they are natural born killers. I may be wrong but I believe they were crossed from Bulldogs and english terriers. They reason for the cross was because the terrier could lock it's jaw and the bulldog could chew with it's jaw shut. The idea being that if the pitbull got ahold of anything it would simply chew through it. It works and in dogfights the pitbull only needs to get ahold of a paw and will usually win the fight when the other dog submits due to the pain.

    Personal expierience is just second hand from people who have them. They are good with people but bad with other animals and children (the eye level of children causes them to think of kids as other animals). My aunts pitbull is gentle but bit her while playing and almost did permanent damage to her hand.

    Mad Dog
  • rcrxmike_2rcrxmike_2 Member Posts: 3,275
    edited November -1
    I think it's just a question of upbringing. I have yet to see a Pit Bull or rottie that is not a wus. Heck, my boy got bit by a jack russell........

    JOIN PETA! (PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS) I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to have a salad and spring water!
  • Texas HunterTexas Hunter Member Posts: 484 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    True they were bred to fight other dogs and they as well as many other dogs are dog aggressive but to say they are natural born killers is absolutely untrue.
    I have seen far more Pit Bulls/Staffordshire Terriers that were very mellow to humans than the other way around.
    Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Natural born killers my a--. Almost any dog can be trained to be vicious. What people usually mean when they say "Pit Bull" is the "American Staffordshire Terrier". A sweeter dog never walked.
    Originally bred in England as a cross between a bulldog and a terrier that resulted in the Staffordshire Terrier. It was originally called
    the "Bull-and-Terrier Dog", the "Half and Half", and at times "Pit Dog" or "Pit Bullterrier".
    The "Am. Staff." is larger than the English version.
    Dogs are not innately aggressive. They can become aggressive due to training or due to environmental situations, but they are not "naturally" aggressive. Dogs are not called "man's best friend" for no good reason. They want to please their masters and if their masters train them to be aggressive, they'll be aggressive.
    Some dogs have a naturally "protective" nature and will aggressivley protect their family.
    Sometimes it's hard for us to understand what a dog perceives as a threat and we might mistakenly interpret what the dog considers a threat to be "natural" aggression.

    Well that turned into a rant didn't it? [:D]

    Mudge the aggressive

    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!
  • SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    I believe any dog will be mean depending on how it was raised. Pit Bulls, I have yet to see one that wasn't mean to a point. (not to say they aren't out they)

    "A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
  • bartobarto Member Posts: 4,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Virtually ALL of them I have met have been the azzholes of dogdom, without exception. I would not allow my mother to bring one on my property.

    Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.-JFK
  • elect1mikeelect1mike Member Posts: 4,585 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I got one in my spare bedroom with 12 pups.She is my daughters. This is one sweet dog and good mother. The pups are part pit bull part lab and we thing the english bull dog may have a part in it too looking at the pups. LOL no I think they have breeding to be mean but it has to be brought out of them when people train them.

    col elect1mike Illinois
    volinters RRG
    I am a man but I can change if I have to,I guess.
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I grew up with one from the time I was in diapers, but that was back in the '50's-'60's. I don't know if this breed has become screwed up over the years or not, but it was one of the best dogs I've ever had. That dog never so much as growled at me, even when I'd act like the 2 year old I was and poke his eyes or yank his ears. He was easygoing, but woe be to anything he felt was a threat to a family member.

    Pit Bulls that are raised correctly from a pup make outstanding dogs, but like any other male he would want to establish dominance over other dogs. He always accomplished this, but he never killed one and roamed the neighborhood with his buddies without being seen as a threat to public safety.

    Too many people these days bring up their Pit Bulls to be the baddest dog around by abusing them. Any dog will become psychotic if raised incorrectly, it's just that Pit Bulls are the best physically equipped mobile biting machines in existence.
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    If one comes on my land I will shoot it on site. I don't care if it has a collar and twenty dog tags. I have young kids that play in the yard and will shoot first and ask absolutely NO questions later.

    A P. O. S. neighbor living down the street has one and it got out of its pen once and the guy comes to my door asking if I had seen it. I told him I had not, but if I did I would kill it. He looked a little shocked, but I haven't seen the dog or heard another word.



    "I am what I am!" - Popeye
  • MaCTMaCT Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had done hours & hours of research on these dogs before I bought my last one {ended up getting a boxer instead}. There are many sites on the web but I found this one to have some good information The local pound would not let us adopt any of the APBT's because they were "vicious" & "dangerous", these people were plain ignorant. The dogs that they would not let us adopt were 7 weeks old, some killer huh? It's interesting to look at the history of the APBT, they used to be loved and respected {little rascals dog ect} now they are feared. I believe it has a lot to do with how they are raised.

    ~ Give Blood - Play Hockey ~
  • FlatheadFlathead Member Posts: 318 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ive seen both sides of the coin as far as pit bulls go. For the most part they are generaly an agressive dog. Here in Pa. if someone brings a pit bull to the SPCA it is destroyed, this goes for puppys too, even pups that are only part pit bull are put to sleep.

    Kind of a shame because as others have stated some of these dogs are as gentle as a baby.
  • Contender ManContender Man Member Posts: 2,110 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    More a matter of training or conditioning to bring out the points that the breed was created for. But if worked at you could probably condition any breed to be agressive.

    While it may have changed in the past few years, at one time, and not all that long ago, the dog that had killed the most children was the St. Bernard ... can you imagine that ... if it hadn't been in a reputable dog publication I would not have believed it. Asked my vet next time I had the dog in and she told me that she had not read that article, but that the big dogs can view small children as "food" and that in her 15 years of practice 2 of the animals she put down for attacking children were St. B's, and of the other 6 or 7 they were each a different breeds ... including a minature poodle that went after a new born ... however, she said that fortunately none of those attacks were fatal. And lastly, none of the breeds she mentioned was a Pit Bull or even a bulldog, but that was a couple years back and maybe there weren't as many around.

    If you only have time to do two things so-so, or one thing well ... do the one thing!
  • CS8161CS8161 Member Posts: 13,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Its not the dog, its the sick animals that raise these dogs to be vicious. Its a power thing with young males, to have a vicious dog that likes to fight. I am really pissed off by people who stage these dog fights and would like to take them and stick them in the ring with a lion or tiger and watch them get mauled! Justice is served!

    Admit nothing, deny everything, demand proof!
  • earthmvrearthmvr Member Posts: 473 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Something occured to me while reading these replies...pit bulls are only as bad as the people raising them, just like guns are only as bad as the people using them. The idiots out there that are raising these dogs to be killers gives the breed a bad name. Just like the wackos that go in some place and shoot 20 people with an assault rifle gives those guns a bad rap.

    But regardless, the fact that they are capable of inflicting so much harm when they do attack is why they have a bad reputation. Most of them may not be any more aggessive than a poodle, but when they do attack someone is going to get seriously hurt. An illtempered poodle probably won't kill you where as a pit bull can and will.

    I think it's sad because there are probably a lot of good pit bulls out there that will suffer because of the stupidity a few bad owners. I can't help but think eventually someone will try to ban these dogs and they will all be destroyed. Just like they are trying to do with our guns.

    Proud member of the NRA and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

    I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was
  • rmeyerrmeyer Member Posts: 566 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm not crazy about the breed myself. My neighbor has 1 and it is the friendliest dog. It loves kids especially if they are throwing a ball to him. It is more likely to lick you to death then bite you. Dog even likes cats and other dogs. Guess it is just how they are raised.
  • 4GodandCountry4GodandCountry Member Posts: 3,968
    edited November -1
    It is how they are treated and taught. I have been around several and the only ones that showed any sign of aggressive behavior were ones that I would label as mistreated. One was owned by a guy who would hang a rag from a tree and the dog would jump and hang from the rag and the idiot would slap it around, he deliberately tried to make it mean. He showed up at a keg party with it one night and was letting it just run free and it bit some guy that tripped over it when it was laying down. Later that night it came over where me and a few of my friends were at and was growling at us and I told the guy to get his dog and he laughed, he didn't think it was too funny when I punched the dog on top of the head and knocked it out. We ended up getting into it and he was put in the bed of his truck with his dog. Sometimes I think dogs take on the personality of the people that care for them.

    "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet."
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,063 ******
    edited November -1
    My uncle had one when he was a small boy that followed him around and kept him out of trouble. Like grabbing him by the diaper and dragging him away from a copperhead in the yard.

    Grandmother said she had to tie the dog up first if she needed to spank my uncle. Dog would have eaten her alive.

    That said, I would not care to own a pit bull. It's the perception. If you have a pit bull and it bites someone, no matter what the provocation, you have a vicious dog. If you have a Lab and it bites someone, then someone must have pulled its ears. Such is the perception, and it is why I have a Lab.

    SIG pistol armorer/FFL Dealer/Full time Peace Officer, Moderator of General Discussion Board on Gunbroker. Visit the best gun auction site on the Net! Email
  • ATFATF Member Posts: 11,683 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree with Mudge 100%



    It's my cat's world. I'm just here to open cans.

    We got rid of the kids. The cat was allergic.

    ATF,Eagle Guns
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by earthmvr
    Something occured to me while reading these replies...pit bulls are only as bad as the people raising them, just like guns are only as bad as the people using them. The idiots out there that are raising these dogs to be killers gives the breed a bad name. Just like the wackos that go in some place and shoot 20 people with an assault rifle gives those guns a bad rap.

    But regardless, the fact that they are capable of inflicting so much harm when they do attack is why they have a bad reputation. Most of them may not be any more aggessive than a poodle, but when they do attack someone is going to get seriously hurt. An illtempered poodle probably won't kill you where as a pit bull can and will.

    I think it's sad because there are probably a lot of good pit bulls out there that will suffer because of the stupidity a few bad owners. I can't help but think eventually someone will try to ban these dogs and they will all be destroyed. Just like they are trying to do with our guns.

    Proud member of the NRA and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

    I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was

    You got it,Pit bulls are PROTECTIVE,They are supposed to be,but then so are german shepards,dobermans and a host of others.Remember when it was the dobermans that everyone wanted banned etc...I do....Being a bera hunter with dogs I feel I 've some experiance..I mean look ,if the dog will bite a bear in the $ss,its got MY respect.Any of these hounds could,or would bite.....Its HOW you raise them,and those naturally inclined to be troble,never make it to sale by Reputable dealers/Handlers...I've a male that is 9 years old...spent the night in the house last night...played with the kids etc.Would he bite you?Try and hurt one of my kids! But he is good,gentle,does what he is told.He is my best friend....would'nt keep him if he was a threat to anyone..........It ain't the dog,its the idiots raising them.IMHO
  • trusta45trusta45 Member Posts: 516 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    BS its all in how you raise,treat and teach your animal as to want it will be.Pitbulls have a strong drive to protect and to please their master.I have a American Pitbull Terrier that I can barely even get to bark at people let alone bite someone.He does not like other dogs at all but he loves people.They have a very strong drive for combat with other dogs and its when someone takes that source away and intentionally turns it on people that these bad incident occur.I have been around I could not tell you how many Pitbulls over the years and I have never been attacked or even snapped at by one.I have on on the other hand been bitten by a Chow,German Shepard and a Chiauahua and the meanest 2 dogs I have ever seen was a German Shepard and a French Poodle who was abused.Both of them were down right vicious dogs that would attack anything.Pitbulls were combat dogs at one time,now they are just excited,eager to please and slightly high strung fun dogs.They have alot of energy to expend and its up to each responsible owner to give their dog something right to expend it on.Pitbulls are great dogs very loving,protective of their pack and intelligent.Just like countless other breeds.
  • 0311marine0311marine Member Posts: 3,233
    edited November -1
    all dogs bite ive been biten by a cocker spaniel dog trouble is half pitbull half golden retreiver.i rescued my dog from a junk yard in denver CO he was tied up to a fence mal nuturoused and abused i took it from them by talking to the owner of the junk first he was very very aggressive ,he has calmed down a ton.ive given him love and compasion.and does the same back to me now.

    so im gonna so it is the upbringing if the dog is abused at an early age it will become a aggressive dog.just like if you get a wolf pup if you ever hit it the dog will remember and will bite you back later on. just my .02

  • gun_runnergun_runner Member Posts: 8,999
    edited November -1
    They are great even tempered dogs if you just allow them to be. Most people turn them into monsters. They are kind of like guns. They are not dangerous by themselves but can be with ignorant people.

  • OklahomaboundOklahomabound Member Posts: 829 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    We got our first pitbull, a small pup with good breeding and papers, when our kids were small. We could not have had a finer dog; protective of our kids, not aggressive, but formidable looking when she growled at strangers. But once we accepted folks as our friends, she accepted them as well. She was shot by someone breaking into our house, she was protecting us, probably our kids. The other comment is that any dog can be aggressive or a killer, depends on how the dog is raised up.
  • ryan_marineryan_marine Member Posts: 635
    edited November -1
    It does not depend on the breed of the dog. It is how they are brought up. "pit bulls" are known for there jaw power. I have seen both "types" of bull dogs. A friend of mine has 2 of them and they are as gental as a baby. He has 2 kids and the dogs have never been aggresive with anyone in his family. But if you are aggresive with any one in his house they let out a low growl. That is your warning to stop being stupid. They are very loyal. And on the other hand, I have shot 2 of them when they were attacking live stock when I was in Ohio. But they were not the only breed that were shot that afternoon.


    More Powder, More Lead, More Dead
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